A (ex) Street Dog named Scruff

A couple from the UK fell in love with my picture (well who wouldn't) but they were not arriving here until mid January that was over six weeks time and my human friends could not keep me that long but along came a Fairy Godfather named Jonathan who happened to have a black labrador called Buddy. They very kindly took me in and gave me temporary accommodation and we all had a great Christmas together with lots of walks, games, food and fun. There was a lady dog down the road that I visited quite often (a little gap in their fence was my escape). Unfortunately they found it but there were others. I think by the time I left they had every escape route covered. It's not that I wanted to leave life there was wonderful but the adventures outside their garden were beckoning after all I started off on the streets and old habits die hard. I met the couple from England on 16th January there was great excitement and I was on my best behaviour because I was told that these people were to be my new owners and at last I was to have a home of my own. I got spoilt - played with and petted showed them I could sit when asked (as long as I got a little reward) and all the other things expected of me. They left after an hour and promised to return the next Monday to take me home for good. I will let you know later how it all went - Scruff
Hi Scruff,
Our mum has decided to move to Northern Cyrus to live and we are coming too.My name is Scully and I am a labrador/spaniel. My best friend is Kira and she is a whippet. We cant wait to have long walks along the beach and walking up mountains will be new to us too.
We hope to make new friends out there so we will look out for you on our travels.
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