North Cyprus Blog: Keeping in Touch from North Cyprus
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10 February 2007

Keeping in Touch from North Cyprus

Today I woke to the birds singing and the sun shining. I got out of bed and went to make a cup of tea, opened the front door and went and sat on the terrace.
What a lovely feeling when you can do this during the month of February, especially when they have got snow in the Uk at present. I felt so priviliged to be living in North Cyprus.

My husband had just returned from the village store with a copy of the Cyprus Today newspaper which you can purchase every Saturday (printed in English). I find it quite an interesting newspaper and read it every single week.
If I find anything that is interesting in the paper I usually scan the article and email it to my son in England for him to read. He loves to hear all about North Cyprus. Things like this (keeping in touch with North Cyprus) are so easy once you know how to do it.

I can show you how to keep in touch - but I would first of all need a couple of responses/interest shown. Please feel free to ask any questions that you have.

I can also show you how to type - and then go on to emailing. If you have a computer and you don't know how to switch it on, or how to use it, I can help you. I have friends who have laptops, brought them to North Cyprus when they first came to live here and didn't know how to switch them on. These friends are now regularly using their laptops (computers) and sending pictures, letters etc to family and friends all over the world.

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