Esen-Tats Got Talent at Stevies, Kucuk Erenkoy on 03 April 2012
Date |
03 April 2012 |
Type |
Charity Events
Location |
Stevies, Kucuk Erenkoy |
Esentepe - Tatlisu defib appeal committee would like to invite everyone to a wind down night of fun on Tuesday 3rd April at STEVIE'S BAR Kucuk Erenkoy
For only 20tl enjoy a two course meal (veggies catered for) menu to follow
A table quiz - win a bottle of top quality wine (from Lidl )
And an Esen-Tat's got talent evening, if you think you should be on the stage here's your chance to be in the limelight, can you Croon, Gurn, tell jokes, do magic, do card tricks, play an instrument ??? then let's have you at Stevies, the audience will be the judges and the winner will take home the prize of Minimum 100tl
There will also be a raffle on the night to top up the fund to pay for replacement pads etc. for the training machine and to help with the cost of erecting cabinets for the 5 machines.
Stevie has generously said he will give 5tl from every meal to the appeal.
It is also hoped that the machines will be mounted during Week commencing Sun 1St April as well, and honestly its not an April fool folks
To book ring Stevies on 0533 849 4744
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