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Joined: 22/01/2009 Posts: 219
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 08:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 33 in Discussion |
| We at Turkbank have 3 Customer Reps avalible to assist you with all your banking needs. Our bank started in 1901 we have 5 branches in London several branches in Turkey and several branches in TRNC one of the latest ones to open is Alsancak Customer Reps Avalible 8.15am - 12.30pm Monday to Friday Gemma Carter Alsancak Branch 0392 821 9899 Justina Lindley Karakum Branch 0392 815 4713 Linda Roy Karaoglanoglu Branch 0392 822 4032 we also have two branches in girne main branch 0392 815 1360 sub branch 0392 815 2101 Please call in to a branch a for a chat about your banking needs we have İnternet Banking log on to Fax Authority to cover situations when you are not here Standing orders / Cash cards / Credit cards House and Car INSURANCE Mortgages Avalible working with our Branches in London contact any of our English Customer Reps via phone or e-mai |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 10:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 33 in Discussion |
| you forgot to mention your interest rate on savings is 4-5% lower than the likes of Creditwest, Universal etc...... Certainly worth bringing to people's attention....... Nick |

Joined: 12/01/2009 Posts: 8
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 11:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 33 in Discussion |
| dear nick, you seemed well informed regarding banks, whats your opinion on the future saftey of credit west |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 11:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 33 in Discussion |
| Hank - i was a Lawyer in the UK so consider myself financially savvy... I'm with Creditwest so if they go down, we'll be sharing the same park bench... Nick |

Joined: 22/01/2009 Posts: 219
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 11:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 33 in Discussion |
| ın this economıc clımate we at Turkbank give realistic intrest rates due to the intrest given by the central bank ın Turkey this was dropped on 22/01/09 to 12.6% for Lira some of the banks here have dropped there rates to reflect this others as yet have not...................... my questıon how can they offer the customer there % rate were are they gettıng the money from............................ yes our rates are lower then creditwest and universal but the higher the intrest rate does not make it a safe bank andafter the last crash ın 2001 and the prevıous ones we are still here and trading |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 12:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 33 in Discussion |
| Mess 5 - You are scare mongering old boy.... All deposits (up to 20,000 euro's per account) are guaranteed by the Turkish banking guarantee system, which all the banks in the TRNC and Turkey belong to.... As regards interest rates paid - banks lend at one rate and pay savers a lower rate, the diference is their profit..... Nick |

Joined: 03/12/2008 Posts: 1568
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 14:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 33 in Discussion |
| N.N. Spot on sir in your comments, Allthough speaking to an english voice when venting your frustrations at the banking system maybe worth a couple of % off the rate.... |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 14:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 33 in Discussion |
| Blackpool fan (mess 7) - All the people you deal with at Creditwest's "expat" branches speak perfect English, and they pay much more interest than Turkbank.... Nick |

Joined: 14/01/2009 Posts: 71
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 15:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 33 in Discussion |
| Nick is the 20,000 E guaranteed by the Turkish banking guarantee system per account or per bank. ie say you put 20,000 E in 3 accounts at the same bank are all covered |

Joined: 02/03/2007 Posts: 1272
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 16:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 33 in Discussion |
| Re message 4 I have yet to come across a lawyer who is financially savvy, how many of you invested with Equitable life??????????????? |

Joined: 20/08/2008 Posts: 720
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 16:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 33 in Discussion |
| So not just guaranteed by the TRNC then NN ??? If it is just the TRNC the you may as well kiss your money goodbye. They've already spent this years budget..... I understand it is €20,000 per account as you rightly say. |

Joined: 13/01/2009 Posts: 18
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 16:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 33 in Discussion |
| I've used Turk Bank Ltd in the UK for many years and now have an account with them at their new Alsancak branch. The staff there are great & very helpfull. I have always had faith & trust in them & know that they have been trading for many years and are SOLID in every aspect. The owners are old established rich, proffesional business men & are playing with "old" money, which should put your minds at rest. Interest rate a bit low but think what happened to the "new banks" some years ago??? Turk Bank have a long good-safe track record! |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 18:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 33 in Discussion |
| Mess 9 - the amount is per account. Mess 10 - tosh - you ever met a poor lawyer ? - Never rated Equitable life. Mess 12 - sounds like my Dad's got more money than your Dad saftness - my comment is that you can get significantly more interest at other banks - all deposits are guaranteed by the Turkish banking system, so the wealth of the family is neither here nor there... if you've got so much money that an additional 5% is not important - then why not leave your money under the bed and get zero interest ?? Woolworths were a long established family business by the way. Nick |

Joined: 13/01/2009 Posts: 18
Message Posted: 26/01/2009 20:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 33 in Discussion |
| Hi Negativenick, of course it's neither here or there, when the top people of a business are confident, experienced, calm, proffessional & plan for the future. The owners/directors/managers make a business. Many greedy people years ago invested in these newly set up banks to earn over & above "normal" interest rates & got stuck! When you're talking about investing thousands & not hundreds of thousands, then in my opinion it's not worth the risk. Who leaves their money under the bed, what a childish remark! Woolies did not improve or invest in the business, out of date shopping. I thought rich lawyers lived in the South of France or the Bahamas? |

Joined: 22/01/2009 Posts: 219
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 08:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 33 in Discussion |
| hello negativenick you sound like the type of person that knows everything and it has to be your way or YOUR way thank you to all the people who posted positive remarks and we all know everyone has a choice of which bank to put there money in ref mess 5 i am not an old boy ! ! ! i worked in a bank in Uk the last department i worked in was the Fraud Department of a credıt card company for several years so have some knowledge of Banking which i have brought with me to the TRNC. Everybank covers up to 20,000 Euros per account in the last banking crısıs of 2001 investers recived there money back ın ınstallments over several years. negatıvenıck please print the full terms of the ınsurance scheme for us all to read we need to know WHEN we wıll get our money back and HOW long ıt wıll take ı can not fınd out thıs ınformatıon can you ??????????????????????? |

Joined: 27/01/2009 Posts: 20
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 11:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 33 in Discussion |
| Message 13 Hi negativenick. First don't forget dad's (or older people) says always true More interest sound likes good. but everybody nows "More interest, more risk" And than you always say all bank gives more interest than Turk Banksı. I think u'r wrong. Because in TRNC many bank as u know only two or max three garanti bankası kibris turk kooperatif merkez bankasi ltd kibris iktisat bankasi ltd. türk bankasi ltd. hsbc ziraat bankası limasol turk kooperatif bankasi yeşilada bank şekerbank kibris ltd. yakindoğu bank ltd. kibris faisal islam bankasi ltd. türkiye iş bankası viya bank ltd. kibris continental bank ltd. kibris vakiflar bankasi asbank ltd akfinans bank halk bankası denizbank artam bank creditwest universal bank kuzey kibris turk cumhuriyeti merkez bankasi ing-bank teb did u see 25 bank in trnc |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 11:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 33 in Discussion |
| mess 16 - Nice, so you are obviously a "Banker" for one of the lower interest paying banks ? Joined today ? Don't make me laugh ! Nick |

Joined: 27/01/2009 Posts: 20
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 12:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 33 in Discussion |
| if you want to answer see may profile. (click my nick and see) |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 16:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 33 in Discussion |
| do they employ staff that can spell at turk bank? |

Joined: 14/01/2009 Posts: 35
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 17:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 33 in Discussion |
| read the first message under this section |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 17:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 33 in Discussion |
| let's hope they're a bit more careful investing the customer's money !!! Nick |

Joined: 14/01/2009 Posts: 35
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 17:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 33 in Discussion |
| the bank's name is enough-turk bank-actually I belive that you do work for credit no commento |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 17:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 33 in Discussion |
| i wish i did ! - I could do with a job and some more dosh in my pocket ! - Also to keep me away from 'er in doors ! Nick |

Joined: 14/05/2007 Posts: 1179
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 17:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 33 in Discussion |
| turkcitizen Nick doesnt work for Creditwest but Creditwestrep does. Have a look at his posts including the one which includes the relevent government position on banking guarantees. C/W rep talks a lot of sense and probably has more experience in banking than all the others put together. Go and talk to him , I have and he is a very nice guy. I use both C/W and Turkbank. I try to avoid going into turkbank as life is too short to waste being passed from one employee to another which does not happen in 3 other banks I know. |

Joined: 02/03/2007 Posts: 1272
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 18:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 33 in Discussion |
| negativenick Your message 13 said have you ever met a poor lawyer, this inferred that you as a former lawyer were not poor yet now in message 23 you say that you could do with a job and some more dosh in my pocket. A bit of a contradiction between the 2 messages don't you think. By the way Woolworths had not been a family run business for many many years. |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 27/01/2009 19:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 33 in Discussion |
| mess 25 - it's called a sense of humour - you'll know when you get one !! Nick |

Joined: 14/01/2009 Posts: 35
Message Posted: 28/01/2009 09:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 33 in Discussion |
| Hi negativenick and breezyboy, I wish if I worked in a bank too. I've been in this country for long years and lived bank crises before, your money may be guaranteed by the government up to euro.20,000.- crisis that happened before many people were paid on installments for many years, which I do not prefer my self and those payments included only the capital no interest, do you think the government now can pay back tcustomers money in case of a crise? |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 28/01/2009 09:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 33 in Discussion |
| Mess 27 - it's not the TRNC gov't that pays the compo, it's the Turkish banking system... |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 28/01/2009 10:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 33 in Discussion |
| hi turk no ,i don't think the trnc gov could. |

Joined: 04/11/2008 Posts: 214
Message Posted: 28/01/2009 10:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 33 in Discussion |
| turkcitizen arent you being over dramatic and scaring people with your post? Can you tell us which bank and what happened the last time a bank was closed in the TRNC? Dont foget when the first bank went under no one was prepared nor did they have the experience to deal with such a crisis. |

Joined: 14/01/2009 Posts: 35
Message Posted: 28/01/2009 11:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 33 in Discussion |
| mess 28 & 30 were you in cyprus at that time? have you heared about - tunca bank - kredit bankasi - everest bank - kibris garanti bankasi and some others all went bankrapcy one after another, and now the economical situation is even worse than that time, also trnc government is going to pay not turkey, they're unable to pay regular salaries of governmental employees, which is mostly paid by turkey, the turkish economy is in a hard situation aswell so who will support who??? Creditwestrep, I admire the way you explain subjects to us but can you be more realistic please, I'm not plaming creditwest as a bank, its a very good bank I'm sure and I have an account there already. I had different experiences in this country which i love and am trying only to be more protective, I lived in England for many years and my mother is english, I'm trying to protect english people by sharing them the experience of a turkish and english mix person. no bad intentions... |

Joined: 14/05/2007 Posts: 1179
Message Posted: 28/01/2009 14:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 33 in Discussion |
| Hi Turkcitizen. Your words and help are appreciated. Only individuals can decide what sort of risk they want to take and having done plenty of research I am prepared to take risks using various banks and multiple accounts. I would not advise anyone on this subject because I am not an expert. CWREP however is a highly qualified expert and I don't think you will get better advise than his. What you do with that advise is then entirely up to you. |

Joined: 14/01/2009 Posts: 35
Message Posted: 28/01/2009 15:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 33 in Discussion |
| ofcourse the last decision is always mine but its good to take opinion of others, that's why one bank's rep wouldn't be enough to learn how other banks works, what creditwest bank rep do is to give advices to attract more customers naturally, because this is his job.... |
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