North Cyprus Tourist Board - Rights and wrongs of eating dolphin meat
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Rights and wrongs of eating dolphin meat

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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 10:51

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Message 1 of 35 in Discussion

I was going to start a thread on this subject but wondered whether the moderators might close it for 'serving no porpoise'.


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 11:00

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Message 2 of 35 in Discussion

I had it in mexico it was delicious. also got a certificate to say I had eaten "Flipper"


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 11:01

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Will it help you to swim better? I could do with brushing up on my backstroke


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 11:43

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had whale meat from a Norwegian friend once. No I cannot swim better but have put on weight!


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 11:44

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As long as the tins are clearly labelled "Tuna friendly" then I'm ok with it !


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 14:11

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Tree huggers will tell you that we shouldn't eat them because they are more intelligent than we are.

Well, if they are so clever, how come all they can do is swim around all day with their mouths open, and I'm sitting here using this computer?


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 14:37

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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 20:17

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Now people want to eat the poor dolphins, have we not got enough to eat?Some of the fish spiecies are now on the verge of becoming extinct, this will eventualy happen to the dolphins.Sorry I don't think their would be any right in eating them..very sad!


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 20:50

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its the dolphins that are eating all the fish !

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 20:54

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well if dolphins are so clever, how come they don't eat us...?

brandy sour

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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 20:58

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I have eaten kangaroo i know it,s not fish but it was nice.


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 21:11

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If it breathes eat it!


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 21:13

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Post deleted as offensive


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 21:17

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Obviously didn't get the joke then.


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 21:26

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Moderated by AndyP

This posting had nothing to do with the subject and was put on here to move the tread in a different direction and was also a critisim of a moderators actions in closing another thread.


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Message Posted:
04/02/2009 21:32

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Can agree with MSG12. Kangaroo was very nice.


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 00:05

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Moderated again by AndyP

Same reason as above


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 00:06

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Message 18 of 35 in Discussion

close this topic then... for what do we have an forum?


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 06:57

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Message 19 of 35 in Discussion

I have not tried Dolpin meat, but had Kangeroo!

Thought it was ok, can jump better know!


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 06:57

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I have not tried Dolpin meat, but had Kangeroo!

Thought it was ok, can jump better know!


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 13:09

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1 1/4 lb. thickly sliced dolphin

8 cloves fresh garlic, minced

1/2 c. olive oil

1/2 tsp. paprika

1/2 c. rice vinegar

Salt if desired

1/2 tsp. pepper, black lg. ground

Dinner for 4. Cut off any dark meat on dolphin. Marinate 4 even slices of dolphin in large bowl. All ingredients mixed for at least 6 hours. Grill 5-7 minutes on each side depending on thickness. Approximately 10 minutes total for 1 inch fillets. Baste with marinade mix while grilling..

Kitty Kat Jac

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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 13:16

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Message 22 of 35 in Discussion

Cabbie is that true?? If so that is hilarious!


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 13:17

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I Like eating Pussy.....


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 13:22

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Dont you find the 'fur' gets stuck in your teeth though?


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 13:26

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just for jock


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 13:40

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Cabbie. That's gross!


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 13:49

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Most Westerners seem to have an aversion to eating anything that is cuddly, smiley, Disneyesque or a pet.

Why is that?

Around the world, dogs, cats, hamsters, etc are considered a delicacy.

What about frogs legs, locusts, squirrels, ants, snakes etc? Are these OK to eat?

Has watching 'Bambi' put you off eating venison?

If we are so sensitive, how come we love spring lamb or spit roasted suckling pig, or poussin (baby chickens)?

They're all young and cuddly!

OOh! Feeling hungry now!!



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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 14:21

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I can't believe this is still going, amazed Jock got away with that feline comment!


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 14:23

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It was only because jock is a cunning linguist!


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 14:30

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Thats a tongue twister...............


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 14:32

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It came from jocks book of 'Cunning Stunts'! ;-)


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 14:34

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I've never tried dolphin meat......does it taste a bit like swan?


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 15:31

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Message 33 of 35 in Discussion

I'm currently in Libya where we have roast camel on the camp menu. You certainly get a hump sallowing it. Next time i'm in Mexico must try flipper, Cabbie was flipper battered before you had him?


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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 15:38

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Message 34 of 35 in Discussion


Flipper was done as a seared steak similar to tuna.

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
05/02/2009 16:40

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Message 35 of 35 in Discussion

you should try battered seal whilst in the north pole....yummy!!

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