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Happy New Year 2008

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Joined: 11/05/2007
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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 02:03

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Best Wishes to members of this forum and lovers of North Cyprus, good luck!


Joined: 10/11/2007
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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 02:14

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Congratulations,First subject of 2008.

Happy new year


Joined: 19/04/2007
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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 04:23

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Happy New Year and hope to see a lot more of everyone in 2008


Joined: 26/11/2007
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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 08:34

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Happy New Year to everyone.

It's 08.20 on New Years Day, and I envy all you lucky people still in bed recovering from a great night out last night. I'm at my desk, just another day in the office here in Libya and I'm feeling depressed to be away from my family and friends. However, I am here for a reason, and am keeping a picture in my mind of the day I will be able to buy my own little place in NC and that's what is keeping me going at the moment. I can't wait!!!! Sorry if I'm sounding gloomy; I'm actually very happy because I know that 2008 is going to be the year that I realise a lot of my dreams, and I hope that you all have as much to look forward to this year as I do. Best wishes to everyone.


Joined: 07/07/2007
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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 13:58

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Happy New Year everyone.

I had some good news last night one of our friends had their 3rd child at 8pm, so a new arrival for the new year.

AbbyG stick with it if you can, my husband is working in Nigeria and the positive thing about it is that we are able to save money, in order to retire early and enjoy ourselves in sunny NC, hopefully beginning 2009.



Joined: 26/11/2007
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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 15:25

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Thank you for your encouraging words. I think most of us working away from our home country are doing so with the view of saving money for our futures, and when I'm feeling a bit down I do remind myself that it would take me about five years working in the UK to save the same amount of money I can save in one year here, so I count myself lucky to have the opportunity. And I do make sure I take 3 decent holiday each year to keep my sanity in check (it also helps that my company provides 3 air tickets each year!).

I think Nigeria is probably a harder place to work than Libya, but like you say, the great thing is that you have the opportunity to retire early and something very good will come from the hard times. Good luck to you both, isn't it exciting to think that we'll all (eventually) be living in NC! For sure we'll have to meet up over there sometime and celebrate over lunch. Now there's a thought to keep me going on a boring day!!!


Joined: 07/07/2007
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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 16:27

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I am a woman who can do lunch,........ dinner and anything else that involves dining/eating out and meeting/socialising with people.

Yes Nigeria is not a wonderful place to work, as he tells me stuff that that I find hard to comprehend in this day and age,but hub has met some lovely people there and says most of the Nigerians who work for him are hard working people and are keen to learn from his expertise. He is also lucky that his company pay for his air tickets home.



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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 16:52

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hi there guys

just logged on, i want to wish everybody on this forum a happy new year

to all the people who already live in cyprus and to all the people who still live in the u.k and have holiday homes in cyprus and a special mention to the people and their loved ones who work in a foreign country trying to earn enuf money for them to retire eventually in north cyprus dont worry guys i know how it feels done it for 6 years worked all over the world seen some weird and wonderfull places and people, to you guys make sure you keep your goal in sight and soon you will acheive everything you have been striving for

warm regards to all and i hope you receive everything you wish for in 2008

peace and love to all

ukturk (erkan)


Joined: 01/09/2007
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Message Posted:
01/01/2008 18:28

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hi there its me again

ive got this magic trick to test all of you guys especially if you was out on the drink last night take a look and see if you can work it out because its trully magic!!!!lol

all you do is just follow the instructions and see what happens and post me and tell me what you think




Joined: 16/07/2007
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Message Posted:
02/01/2008 06:25

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you have lost me !!!!!!! but then it does'nt much

hope you and your family had a great new year

kind regards pat


Joined: 26/11/2007
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Message Posted:
02/01/2008 08:30

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Sounds like we're cut from the same cloth ....

There are lots of Nigerians working in manual jobs in Tripoli and they are wonderful hardworking guys just trying to earn enough money to send home to their families. One guy who works at our local petrol station only goes home every FIVE YEARS and hasn't seen the child his wife gave birth to after his last visit home. I'm sure your husband has a hundred similar stories to tell about some of his Nigerian colleagues and the harsh realities of their daily lives. We (the European expats) lead a charmed life in comparison, even taking into consideration the hardships we have to endure being away from our loved ones. I've worked in a number of third world countries and am thankful for my life every day, when I see the alternatives I could have been born into. Anyway, on a lighter note, enjoy your day, and again, best wishes to you both for 2008!!

Erkan (ukturk):

Been reading your posts, sounds like you've had a great Xmas and New Year. Very best wishes to you and the other half for 2008. Tried the magic trick webpage but couldn't get into it as my computer in work is c**p. Have forwarded it on to one of my friends to try and she'll let me know how she does! Take care.


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