North Cyprus Tourist Board - Racism in trnc
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Racism in trnc

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Joined: 24/12/2006
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Message Posted:
04/01/2008 17:53

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I was in a bar in Lapta on Wednesday, a rep came in approached the owner explained she worked for a pest control company and for 200 ytl per year they would come to the bar twice a year check the the bar for pests and use bio products to eliminate any vermin incuding rats mice house flys and cockeroaches after some thought the bar owner agrees, rep goes out side makes call to office to set it up !!!

Wait for it !!!

Oh you can not have it for 200 ytl per year as you ARE BRITISH YOU MUST PAY £1200 PER YEAR.

What planet are these people on !!

Imagine the furore if the bar owner charged t/cs more for there food and drinks!!

Legal definition

According to UN International Conventions, "the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life." [1] This definition does not make any difference between prosecutions based on ethnicity and race, in part because the distinction between the ethnicity and race remains debatable among anthropologists [2] According to British law, racial group means "any group of people who are defined by reference to their race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin".[3]


Let the world see your pics of trnc here


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Message Posted:
04/01/2008 18:25

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Message 2 of 27 in Discussion

Did they sign the contract ?


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Message Posted:
04/01/2008 18:49

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Hi Littlenige

I wouldn't call it racism. Racism is a strong term, perhaps 'greed', more like 'opportunism'.

There is definately a perception that Engliah are rich and are easy pickings.

I went to a eating place in Lapta. I spoke Turkish to them. They looked confused as my Turkish is not great, but I passed because I actually look Turkish, as I have olive skin and dark hair. I paid a good price.

I told my friends about the quality of the food, and the good price I had paid, so we all went back to this place in the evening. I had the same meal but of course I spoke in English with my friends. I was astonished when presented with the bill that the same food had gone up by 50%.

This isuue must be really tough for Brits who live in NC, who only receive a TC wage, but are asked to pay British prices.

It's also an issue that's likley to impact tourism, so this is an issue for the TC's

How can that perception change? Can it be changed?

The majority ofTurks are likey to have rationalised this price differential. They see and experience themselves as poorer than Brits and are just making things more even.

It's a shame because as I have stated before the Turks and TC's are great people


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Message Posted:
05/01/2008 02:46

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What a pity that some are rather narrow minded and concentrate on a fast buck rather than seeing customers as long term purchasers who could really make a difference to their profit margins. Experienced this in November, could have had our business for the 10 days we were on the island instead we went once and never returned and will probably not return on any future holidays.


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Message Posted:
05/01/2008 08:01

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Good morning all , cant say that i have ever come across this kind of thing myself in the area that we are and tend to use regularly, eg famagusta,iskele and the bogaz area generally .

have a good day simbas


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Message Posted:
05/01/2008 10:25

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According to UN International Conventions, "the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin..


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Message Posted:
05/01/2008 11:43

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Message 7 of 27 in Discussion

Hi Gang

With any luck they will grow out of this. Back in the seventies when Keith and I cycled across Europe, we discovered that it was perfectly normal for restaurants and cafes in tourist areas to haved two differently priced menus - one for the locals and one for the tourists. It also common to be given a fixed priced menu and then find out afterwards that you had been charged extra for the table cloth, the bread, the glass and anything else that wasn't actually on the menu. It took the tourist boards to clamp down on this and outlaw the practice and maybe people should be complaining to the tourist board and to the government about this.

Even as recent as 2000 when we were living in France, our French friends told us that if we ever needed any service to go to them to find somebody, because we would be charged extra.

Once when we needed our cesspit empied, we were charged £320 - the charge should have been £30 as we discovered afterwards.

Change will come but it's up to people to complain about it.

Kind regards


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Message Posted:
05/01/2008 18:16

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This is not racism. It is an issue of taking advantage of foreigner....this also happens in the UK, Europe and the US.

No fun being the outsider, eh?


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Message Posted:
06/01/2008 19:43

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Hi Milou

I think what you saying is the right thing to do. When you are sure you are being over charged, reeducate them, by politely, yet firmly letting them know that you consider them too expensive.

If they hear it enough times they will eventually get the message. It is difficult to gauge the cost of things for a wide variety of items, and doing this means you would have to do more price comparisons than you would like or even have time for.

I see there is another thread on 'tipping' started by Tim10. Excessive tips by Brits may lead them to believe that they have been charging too little.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2008 19:47

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This happens all over the world,



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Message Posted:
07/01/2008 08:53

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What is all the whingeing about again, it is not a peculiar NC problem, it happens world wide, with the great and good LONDON being at the top of the pile, four quid for a pint of bitter four quid for two pieces of bread with some rabbit food and a slice of ham.


English ex pats strike again

Think about it and dont let this board degenerate into the same mess other boards find themselves in


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Message Posted:
07/01/2008 09:01

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marik no one is whingig about pries.

Read this

According to UN International Conventions, "the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin .

Then ell me why it is ok to changehe price of a product from 200ytl o £ 1200 based on th ethenticity of the customer.


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Message Posted:
07/01/2008 09:04

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One would do well to look at the sociological definition of racism.

Racism has been defined (more or less) as the belief that once creed, religion or race (etc...) is superior to another and that the superior creed (etc...) deserves perferred treatment compared to the inferior creed (etc...) and that the inferior creed (etc...) deserves to be treated with less right and consideration than the superior creed (etc...).

This is give or take the textbook definition of racism.

The premises is that there are inferior and superior groups that deserve to be treated in unlike manners. I do not think that is what is happening here and other places in an attempt to get the better of those who do not know what to pay or demand. It is an issue of human greed and no more.

I think that we should be very careful when we label a society as racist. Nazi Germany was racist. The US before the 1960s was racist. Saudi Arabia that only allows Muslums to be citizens are racists. Racism also exists among member of an officially unracist or democratic society. However, for me to label a society as racist, I would have to see proof of it being institutionalized. And this I do not see in the TRNC.

If I am wrong, someone please correct me.


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Message Posted:
07/01/2008 11:14

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Perfect response Tim10.

Racism is a term that should be used very sparingly and the key to it is this notion of superiority and inferiority.


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Message Posted:
07/01/2008 12:00

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Message 15 of 27 in Discussion

this is getting a bit heavy don't you think . i think its up to the individual if you are happy to pay the price you do ,if you are not then dispute it . i always think of these people , they have had very little luck or fortune over the past years and now that investors are coming into their country you can't blame them for trying to make some money ,life has been very hard for them and still is for the majority i will probably get shot down for my personal views , but i cant help the way i feel. rightly or wrongly

hope you all have a good day simbas


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Message Posted:
07/01/2008 16:26

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Yes Simbas, it is geting heavy and I don't see anything wrong in that.

Racism was bought up and we have had a debate about it. It's not got out of control. Littlenige has defined it and we have been debating it's true meaning in the context of Cyprus. It's a fiery and sensitive subject and I feel that you are very right to be concerned that this posting doesn't get blown out of all proportion.

I feel that Marik and others are right to point out that over charging happens all over the world, and you are right that the TC's have had a hard time of it, and it's about time they enjoyed a better life. I am very happy to leave a generous tip when eating out, and I am pleased that I can help TC's to enjoy a better life, however, I do have a niggling concern that I may create a problem for some Brits.

I know you feel strongly about this because you have stuck your neck out, however there is a concern about a very very small minority of Brits who are struggling to survive in NC. I met a Scot who works 12 hours a day to support his family in NC. He cannot afford to pay the extra surcharge which is sometimes levied on Brits. He may have a choice to go back to Britain but some Brits have sought Northern Cyprus as a way of relinquishing their financial pressure in the UK. They don't have two homes, one in Cyprus and one in the UK. They only have their Cyprus home.

On this forum there is probably nothing we can do about the situation, but it's okay to debate it. IIn my experience most of these debates run out of steam anyway when people get bored with them. We soon find something else to talk about.


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Message Posted:
07/01/2008 23:22

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I am going to bring a little light heartedness into this, just look at the pic of littlenige perched on his bar stool "rather a smart **** wouldn't you all agree


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 08:53

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ilc, in my head i know you are right , but i'm a bit of an empathethic soul much to my husbands dismay on many occasions ,not just in nc but in africa too , i guess at my age there's no chance of me changing now

have a good day pat


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 10:09

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There is a reason for that pic !!!

Enough people talk through theirs on other boards thought I might as well show mine....


If you have got it flaunt it... it has taken me 48 years to attain this statuesque figure it would be mean to share it.


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 10:25

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Littlenige............I hope you wiped the stool after your deaf and Dumb and giblets had been hanging all over it.

48 years to realise men look a little silly in a "G string" eh!!

Have good day,



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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 11:02

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Message 21 of 27 in Discussion

Hi Pat

It's good to be empathic. The world needs more people like you


ps How is your sleep these days Pat


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 11:06

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What's a Virgin Converter? It's not what I think it is, Is it?



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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 11:19

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Message 23 of 27 in Discussion

hi ilc i still keep taking the almonds , trouble is that i have never needed a lot of sleep so when i get up i'm ready for action albeit at stupid times

have a great day pat


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 12:22

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Thats great Pat. It means that you have longer days to enjoy than most of us


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 13:15

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Message 25 of 27 in Discussion

there's method in my madness eh !!


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 16:54

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Message 26 of 27 in Discussion

Howdy Mc,

Correct it is what you are thinking!

My motto is....."If you can get it better elsewhere...........I will refund you the difference" !!


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 17:22

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Message 27 of 27 in Discussion

lol tiggy

Best to keep your bis covered raher than let em all hang out hey ?

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