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Information on Political Parties in TRNC

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Joined: 15/10/2007
Posts: 425

Message Posted:
08/01/2008 11:18

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Hi Gang

Can someone please educate me, as I would like to find out the following:

- How many political parties are there in TRNC?

- What are the names of the different parties?

- Presently, which party is in office

- Term of election into office?

- What do the different parties stand for?

I ask these questions because I find that when I try to read about TRNC current affairs, I get confused about whether some of the statements made are by elected officers or one of the opposition.



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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 13:26

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hi milou

firstly there is a elected president who is head of state and then there is a prime minister who is head of the government which consits of a multi party system, the government executes executive power and legislative power is vested in the government and assembly of the republic and the judiciary is independant from both of them

the term for a elected president is five years, the current president is mehmet talat who won the elections in 2005 his party is the rtp party, the assembly has fifty members elected from five districts - lefkosa - famagusta - girine - iskele - guzelyurt

when these elections took place the rtp (republican turkish party) which prefers the reunification of cyprus retained its postion as the largest parliamentary party but it failed to win a overall majority

history of policitcs

in 1993 north cyprus held multi party paliment elections, removing the national unity party in favour of a coalition of the democratic party and the republican turkish party, but in 96 a new coalition was formed between the national unity party and the democratic party they stayed in power for eight years

in 2003 the ctp (communal democracy party) and the democratic party formed a new government placing talat as the new prime minister

in 2005 rauf denktaş retired from presidency and talat won the presidential elections to become the second president of north cyprus, he resigned as prime minister and the ctp deputy leader ferdi soyer became prime minister

there are five major parties

Democratic Party (Demokrat Partisi)

Communal Democracy Party (Toplumcu Demokrasi Partisi)

National Unity Party (Ulusal Birlik Partisi)

Republican Turkish Party (Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi)

Reform Party (Özgür Parti)

and four minor parties

New Party (Yeni Parti)

New Cyprus Party (Yeni Kıbrıs Partisi)

National Birth Party (Ulusal Diriliş Partisi)

Nationalist Peace Party (Milliyetçi Barış Partisi)

i hope this all helps and i did not confuse you with all the political talk




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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 14:21

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Again, you're a star - I am going to have to sit with a piece of paper and pen and try to do tree type gragh to try to understand and grasp what you've said but for me this is impotant as thereafter I will better understand what I am reading.

As Tatalisu is the most beautiful part of the island (not biased!) I think you should come and live there permanently, we can then elect you as a member of the sixth new district - Tatlisu of course, then we can elect you as Prime Minister then when you get very old, we can elect you as President, then you can travel the world on our taxes and if anybody disagrees, then we can chop their heads off!!!!!!



Joined: 01/01/2008
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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 15:00

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You may also find the following link useful:


Joined: 01/01/2008
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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 15:02

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The above link is even better -- on the left side of the page are a lot of links with additional information.


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 15:15

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Thjs guys

I will look at these links.



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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 17:25

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hi milou

thanks for your kind words, that would be a dream come true to represent you and your district, then later to become president of kktc, not trying to be big headed i think i wud be a great leader!!!! lol

first i would kick out all the liars-cheats- and most of all the bulls.iters all over cyprus including the ones on the forums!!!! LOL LOL




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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 18:40

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G O F O R I T.............Keith and I really, seriously, think you've missed yur vocation and should try to represen your country - your country needs you!!!!!

Much regards


Joined: 17/05/2007
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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 18:46

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great manifesto

id vote for you

all the best



Joined: 12/04/2007
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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 18:59

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Go for it Erkan - I can vote here now - start small though and sort out the ones on the forums!!!!



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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 19:17

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Erkan, perhaps someone who is wealthy on this site, could support you financially in your campaign


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Message Posted:
08/01/2008 21:34

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hi guys

mark are you offering mate you could launder your consultancy money into the party, also guys im going to need some members to my party and what we going to call it any ideas

i have a dream and dont ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country!!!

i just made that up what do you think!!!!! lol


president elect mr ukturk


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Message Posted:
09/01/2008 10:38

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Name for your party

"Attila the Great"



Joined: 08/05/2007
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Message Posted:
09/01/2008 10:53

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Message 14 of 14 in Discussion

sorry Erkan, i can't get the funds together

Like your slogans though. Did you make them up yourself. Bet you put lots of thought in to those

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