North Cyprus Tourist Board - Price hike on vehicle transfers
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Price hike on vehicle transfers

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Dixie Normus

Joined: 22/02/2008
Posts: 820

Message Posted:
04/03/2009 20:56

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Experienced another turning of the screw while changing ownership of a motorcycle at the vehicle licenceing office Nicosia. A recent law change means tax and vat are being added to 100ytl transfer fee, the vat and tax relate to the value of the tranfered vehicle, ended up paying a further 75ytl for bike with a value of £4500. This tax relates to all vehicle transfers, and has only recently been introduced.

We'll be getting taxed for breathing next, things must be getting pretty desperate for this Goverment.



Joined: 08/06/2009
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 08:58

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You must also make sure that all tests are up to date and that any fines and back taxes are paid on the vehicle you are buying before you go to transfer title. Quite rightly (for a change) the TRNC authorities will not allow you to transfer title of a vehicle without the paper work being brought up to date by the current registered keeper. If you are the registered owner of the vehicle, do not try to get around these rules. It would appear that the computer system prevents transfer of vehicles that have taxes owing or do not have current MOTs. However, if you have a 'friend' that claims a way around the procedure and you are the current regisered keeper my advice is not to do it because you will still be liable for fines, speeding tickets and taxes incurred by the new owner!

I believe the current transfer fee is around TL250, a degree of patience when dealing with the local jobsworths, plus the usual wear and tear on your nervous system.


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 13:59

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Message 3 of 5 in Discussion

why should there be a charge anyway ?


Joined: 16/06/2009
Posts: 4437

Message Posted:
18/12/2009 15:38

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Message 4 of 5 in Discussion

Count yourselves lucky that you are not in UK,where they do charge for breathing(or even farting for that matter)


Joined: 26/08/2008
Posts: 2352

Message Posted:
18/12/2009 16:02

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Message 5 of 5 in Discussion

"Count yourselves lucky that you are not in UK,where they do charge for breathing(or even farting for that matter)"

Oh for heavens sake....

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