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» Read Sweetwater Bay North Cyprus property review


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Message Posted:
14/03/2009 15:09

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Message 1 of 101 in Discussion

Hello kind people, above-ground in SWB, my name is Sergey, I from Russia, decided to bring in a variety in Your quiet harbour by the presence, does not promise the bear of vodka of gipsies of KGB, does not put sandals on made of bark, and on streets in Moscow bears do not walk. I am the Russian engineer, purchased a villa in SWB, does not want in summer to rest in Antal'e, because many drunk and rough Russians, Germans and England a bit, hope SWB it is an oasis of respectable citizens, hope there will not be the drunk pirates, vikings and blood-thirsty konkistadorov of hangings American Indians on a yard.

With the best wishes.


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Message Posted:
14/03/2009 15:21

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Message 2 of 101 in Discussion

Hi Sergey,

There's been a bit of history on the BB of people pretending to be someone of a different nationality, but if you're the real thing, welcome!


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Message Posted:
14/03/2009 15:44

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Welcome sergey,

You can have a great time talking to the man with many names above. When he goes in to privat pike mode he can tell you about the times he trailed the russian navy in his "HMS Petticoat" love boat for sailor boys.


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Message Posted:
14/03/2009 22:03

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Thank you for invitation, we are S37, arrive from Moscow of May, 27 without bear-vodka-gipsies, but at first will live on a villa for a friend in Girne, because it is necessary at first to accept a house for builders, and then will move on a villa, second problem for my children 8 and 10 years, to send in summer school for the study of English on all summer, I by chance found on this forum through Google. I think that worked out all problems, Russians not give up before problems. What my problems before a world crisis?

With the best wishes, Sergey

P.s. I ask to excuse my robot-translator


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Message Posted:
14/03/2009 22:08

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Message 5 of 101 in Discussion

RE msg 1 & 4: "Sergey" : >>> P.s. I ask to excuse my robot-translator <<<

===> Another idiot.


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Message Posted:
14/03/2009 23:51

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Message 6 of 101 in Discussion

Privet Serge, izvinit.. no ya dumaiu chto ti net Ruskie mushina. Limasole, leche na ruski ludi..

Da.. ya govoru ruski kak zabaka ..


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Message Posted:
14/03/2009 23:54

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Message 7 of 101 in Discussion

Sorry but I have to say this thread is creasing me.


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 00:09

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do i claim my Fathers Land,home,first Wife,and Daughter,Back from YOU,or perhaps your Farther,

My Father came from Lithuania,...and lost everything dear.....

No i think not,and it was Nothing to do with you.....

and now me living here.oh dear...all the loss.and arguments of claims on lands.

the Brits a dabating how THEY,feel things should be,or go.!!

we i just say..war,is war,what was lost was lost...thats what war is about...

and it would be nice to meet my sister one day,and her childrens children..

i just pray she had a good life,OUR Farther was the Best..maria,xx Welcome


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 00:10

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Koneshna, AJ ;)


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 00:16

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Message 10 of 101 in Discussion

mmmmmm,,,and what would you say,?? as above seems very little,Tis not like YOU,!!

just intersted.thanks.



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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 00:27

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Message 11 of 101 in Discussion

здравствулте! камрад.

добро пожаловать к северному Кипру. ваше имя знакомо. вы знаете моего брата? его имя знакомо также. он журналист. он знает много о Кипре. он имеет много имен.

До свидания



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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 00:34

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Message 12 of 101 in Discussion

i take it you both would farther no reply in your English........reason please.!!!



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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 00:37

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Message 13 of 101 in Discussion

Lem, re msg 11

a Russian in Soviet times used the word "Tvorisch" (Товарищ ) for Comrade ;)


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 00:59

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well do i stake a compensation claim......AS IF..!!

As a child i remember my Farther reciving Post,from HIS Relatives..he would send money,and medicans,needed.TO Russia..and helped all he could, he was a Refugee,...He recilved Holey Bread,and would line us up,pray,and give us in his way our comunion....I lost my FARTHER when 10years,killed in a car crash,in front of his New Wife and children....

Next to my Farther,my Husband is the second most fantastic man i have ever MET,...

your posts in English would be much appretiated...Regards................spider,xx


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 01:33

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Message 15 of 101 in Discussion

What a load of old Glasnost DA DA DA DA DA ..........


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 09:15

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Message 16 of 101 in Discussion


nice try..."kak sobaka" lol, appreciate your honesty


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 09:25

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Message 17 of 101 in Discussion

Hi Magbs, re msg 16

"kak sobaka" - like a Dog.. [ I speak Russian like]

Sadly, It's how my dear Friend Alexey says I speak it.. With a Georgian accent, to boot !

Spider, I'm writing "Russian" in latin script - DELIBERATELY - not to "offend" / annoy- but as I have my doubts thread starter would "understand".. which if they are Russian..they would ;)


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 10:03

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Message 18 of 101 in Discussion


"Красывая, попробуй мандарину, продаю дэшэвлэ чем маслина! Мэнэ надо дом постоить, мрамар плитка - много стоит, пожалейте бэдного грузына!...Вай, вай, вай вай пожалейте бэ-э


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 10:07

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Message 19 of 101 in Discussion


sorry our robot translator "mmmmmm" has just returned from a space mission and has not re-adjusted to earth speech yet.

We are working on him as we speak.



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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 12:06

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Message 20 of 101 in Discussion

Aah well, due to the lack of response to those who posted in cyrillic script, it's another wind up.


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 14:03

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Message 21 of 101 in Discussion

Dear Arthur,

translating the Cyrillic is EASY.. via many free online web sites.. translating "Russian" written in latin script makes it more "challenging" for a "winder upper" ;) ..

We should wait .."Sergey" may not "live" in front of his PC ;)


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 14:31

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Message 22 of 101 in Discussion

Ну ога....даже еслип он переводчик юзал...такого бы точно не вышло ;D

Явно чувак прикалываеццо над нами

Головешку с плечь, да сальце в печь :О


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 14:34

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Message 23 of 101 in Discussion

re msg 22,

it was addressing msg 18 ;)

I confess, I needed "help" from a native Russian speaker .. I'm not hot on "idioms, in Russian, yet ;))


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 16:57

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Message 24 of 101 in Discussion


msg, 21

Wow! You're a genious (not kidding), never thought of this.

BTW, it should be "с плеч", i.e. no soft sign ~~~


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 17:06

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Message 25 of 101 in Discussion

me thinks DC is correct.


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 17:15

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Message 26 of 101 in Discussion


How about a change of tack and doing an impression of Kabul "The Turk" Hasan, out of Rat Pack in the 1980s Battle comic? It would be a natural follow-up to your highly authentic "Kapparis Kid" GC persona.


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 22:32

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Message 27 of 101 in Discussion

mmmmm... msg 22 was laughing badly! Nice russian! Actually perfect!

"... Головешку с плечь, да сальце в печь ..." - надо запомнить хохляцкую поговорку! ))))


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Message Posted:
15/03/2009 22:40

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Message 28 of 101 in Discussion

CHRIST what have i done!


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Message Posted:
16/03/2009 03:14

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Message 29 of 101 in Discussion

Re msg 28, Andysue "CHRIST what have i done!" .. signed in with the wrong id ?! ;)

re msg 27 craig2536

As I alluded in msg 23 - I had "help"..

Now *you* say "it's perfect Russian" and in msg 24 Magbs is "correcting" it ;) ..

It was written with the "help" of my Dear Wife's Linux script kid 18 yr son - who informs me the lack of "softness" is QUITE deliberate ! .... the little sod speaks PERFECT English, too !


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:32

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Message 30 of 101 in Discussion

Thank you, very much many talks, and pound little, I do not have time on small talks, the more so yet to fool a head someone concerning my reality. I am a man in the bloom of forces, possess a sensible mind and quick wits (my personal opinion), value amities with responsible people. I have a favourite wife with which I live 20 years, from them 15 years in official marriage, and love the wife even stronger, than 20 years back (strangely enough). For me two daughters 8 and 10 years which I love.

Спасибо, очень много разговоров, да толку мало, у меня нет времени на пустые разговор


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:33

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Message 31 of 101 in Discussion

Спасибо, очень много разговоров, да толку мало, у меня нет времени на пустые разговоры, тем более ещё кому-то морочить голову по поводу моей реальности. Я мужчина в расцве&


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:34

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Message 32 of 101 in Discussion

I to the traditional orientation. Tolerantly I behave to other religions, we will say so, within the limits of studies of orthodox church about tolerance to other religions. Began to work all living with a wife an own mind, I a not official, not gangster, not man, sitting on a gas or oil pipe, I these persons hate, because Russia grew into the gangster-bureaucratic infinite state. BUT DEVIL POBERI ME, I GAVE birth In THIS COUNTRY and loves it.


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:38

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Message 33 of 101 in Discussion

As the Russian singer sings about Russia: "Scum and trustful, and it we like, scum and beautiful woman...". I do not deal in politics and I can not influence on opinion 90% population of my country, because attribute itself to protest 10%. Nevertheless, live in the country and to hurry nowhere going like mad. For concerned can say that my ancestors were deported from the earths in GULAG, as well as many other able to work and consider, earn on bread vital own labour.


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:41

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Message 34 of 101 in Discussion

In a word I am an ordinary responsible fellow, for me enough friends are on North Cyprus, friends recommended acquisition of villa me in SWB. I hope our stay in SWB will bring inconveniences nobody.


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:42

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Message 35 of 101 in Discussion

Как поёт русский певец о России: "Сволочь и доверчива, а она нам нравиться, сволочь и красавица...".


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:42

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Message 36 of 101 in Discussion

Я не занимаюсь политикой и я не могу повлиять на мнение 90% населения моей страны, так как себя отношу к протестным 10%. Тем не менее, живу в своей стране и бежать сломя голову ни


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:43

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Message 37 of 101 in Discussion

Перевод не пропускают, а жаль


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 12:59

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Message 38 of 101 in Discussion

re msg 31

OK, so I now believe "our" Sergey is for real.. just "guilty" of using some translator s/ware..

I'm just not sure a someone with "sensible" mind would "purchase" a property on disputed land in a falling market .. but hey !


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 13:17

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Message 39 of 101 in Discussion

Via Google Earth I have a photo of Sergey, with friends, arriving in SWB!



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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 14:13

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Message 40 of 101 in Discussion

Great.. along with this article

My step-son can "enjoy" his time when it comes to serving his they are now "professional" - who knows he may come back as an "operative" for the FSB ( Modern "KGB" ) ;)

Hopefully, those days are long gone.. I'd love to know how Mr M and Mr P are going to fund this expenditure... Russia is not immune from the downturn less income from oil / gas.

Don't worry Sergey, "eto Angliski chorny humor"... ;)


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 15:16

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Message 41 of 101 in Discussion

What is terrible?

Buy pampers.

The senator of the USA Levin: Bush's administration "should stop to stick with Russian in an eye a stick".


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 15:24

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Message 42 of 101 in Discussion

Сенатор призвал администрацию Буша не "тыкать русским в глаз палкой"


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 15:31

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Message 43 of 101 in Discussion

I'm rather pleased that Sergey is a real person, and not another bloody wind up on SWB threads. I'd be even more pleased if "mmmmmm" would translate and welcome him. Which property is he buying?



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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 15:31

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Message 44 of 101 in Discussion

Methinks Sergey thinks Andre is having a "pop" at him...

Сергейй, Андрэ не является саркастическим к ВАМ .., он дразнит МЕНЯ! Моя Жена - русский, и мы жили в Кипре.. Я думаю, что не правильно купить на земле, все еще принадлеж&#


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 15:35

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I just explained to Sergey, who seems to misunderstand the banter between Andre and I - that we didn't mean to be sarcastic to him.

I used a translator for speed, and my step-son has just laughed at the translation.. I hope Sergey gets the "Drift" / meaning - or he may feel we are all having a "pop" at his country..

Dutchie.. this guy HAS to be the real McCoy.


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 15:39

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Message 46 of 101 in Discussion

Btw if you want to TRY to follow Sergey:


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 15:48

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Message 47 of 101 in Discussion

mr. ROBnJO П

Прежде чем лечить меня, посмотрите на военный бюджет США, в 10 раз больше России, и Вы ещё что-то мне хотите сказать?

Before to treat me, will look at the military budget of the USA, there is more Russia in 10 times, and you yet something want me to say?


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 15:52

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Message 48 of 101 in Discussion

re 44 oops I meant RobnJo.. NOT Andre :(


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 16:06

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Message 49 of 101 in Discussion

I am not Lord Bog, but suppose the following in the near future, yankees (pindosy) necessarily anything will be provoked on Near east, it the wild unbridled nation is a parasite on the tel of planet Earth, 300 million persons devour the half of world production, all capitals were created on blood and war, after a conflict on Near east, unfortunately Israel will be effaced from the face of earth, it is sorry me, for me many friends are in Israel, friends talk: tired of us to live in such world in war with arabs. Turkey will accept neutrality and will go out from NATO, because will not be at war with co-religionists, through Turkey of army of arabs will continue the conquest of Europe, interrupted in Alps the field marshal Suvorovym. DID FORGET? Whew that... And that greeks? Greeks never were soldiers, and Russia often was at war with Turkey, but exempt people did not pay gratitude, after a rare exception.


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 18:27

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Message 50 of 101 in Discussion


I apologise if you misunderstood my English humour.

You will get a warm welcome in Cyprus from English people.

If I had to choose between Russian or American neighbours, I would definitely choose Russian! I have met many Russians in Turkey and enjoyed their company.


p.s. M&M's, any need for a translation?


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 21:17

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Message 51 of 101 in Discussion

I offer apologies, I did not want a policy, but turned out so, hate a policy and politicians, all misfortunes from politicians. I want to enjoy a sea, sun, to see happiness of my monogynopaedium. I love the work, and depart from March, 20 to two weeks to Germany, to look after an alternative energy source - heat-pump. Interestingly me. Possibly on North Cyprus my friends to build a site, alike on SWB, application of alternative energy. For me a problem is English, I a bit understand Turkish. I want, that my daughters learned English. If you are the real man, to meeting on SWB. My house of C37 - welcome.

With kind regards, Sergey

P.s. True I do not know how we will be able to speak, but to have a drink for a 100-150 gramme I think it is always possible for an acquaintance and without knowledge of language.


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Message Posted:
17/03/2009 21:20

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Message 52 of 101 in Discussion

Даже не предполагал что будут такие эмоции, извиняюсь. Всё будет хорошо. Солнце, море, небо, тёплый песок.


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 16:44

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Message 53 of 101 in Discussion

Is the Russian-Turkish union a bad dream of the West?

I said before, here to you answer about the future to military-political friendship of Russia and Turkey.

And do you assert that I not rights, buying a villa in North Cyprus?


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 16:44

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Message 54 of 101 in Discussion

…Two countries, on opposition of which all Europe feathered one's nests, became allies. Unfortunately, Turkey in that moment was already weak – not without the Russian military «assistance». England forced turks to give up this agreement, and then «dozhali» turks and on war with Russians, which, due to intervention from the enraged west became the first world war, known in our history under the name of Crimean war.

What made off for Russia and Turkey it the stuck centuries-old opposition is known. By disintegration of both countries exhausted opposition and «help» from outside. And Europe for this time had time to carry out industrial revolution...

Seems, the second great chance appeared at Russia and Turkey.


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 17:14

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Message 55 of 101 in Discussion

Scythian: "P.s. True I do not know how we will be able to speak, but to have a drink for a 100-150 gramme I think it is always possible for an acquaintance and without knowledge of language."

No translation needed, mate! That is language we ALL understand!


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 17:22

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Message 56 of 101 in Discussion

Macha: Thank you that will not give up good French or Italian wine, by the way on an island with it problem.


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 17:26

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Message 57 of 101 in Discussion

Macha: While we are sober, prompt me, please, how to find a forum about good summer school, does not understand not bel'mesa, tired a robot-translator, and got tired.


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 17:44

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Message 58 of 101 in Discussion


Try Googling Near East University, Girne American University, Cyprus University, Eastern Mediterranean University, Euro College...

I do university lecturing but only in the UK not Cyprus, sorry.


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 22:45

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Message 59 of 101 in Discussion

msg 53,

Your link...interesting here and there, but as a whole it is another pseudo-expert article full of anti western sentiments (unfortunately, it have become extremely dominant in Russian media) which continued to use a litany of recycled analysis destined to one aim - to show the Russia has been used and cheated for centuries (and no-more-from-now-on, of course).

All the troubles brought from outside. Conspiracy and enemies...


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 23:31

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Message 60 of 101 in Discussion

x6m scythian, what a double act , moderators negative nick got banned for less of the same ?????????


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 23:33

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Message 61 of 101 in Discussion

spot on rowlo "what f---in looser!


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Message Posted:
18/03/2009 23:59

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Message 62 of 101 in Discussion

Dear Rowlo, re msg 61

one of these days, you MIGHT post something more than two lines long that actually backs up your conclusions..

Perhaps, you and Andysue ARE the double act...?

It is QUITE clear you haven't a clue what this thread was about ...

It's LOSER ... btw, a/s ... a bit like last weekend at home ;)


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Message Posted:
19/03/2009 00:05

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Message 63 of 101 in Discussion

but we will still lift the prem trophy in may plus the FA cup and most likley the champions league! 6xm i bet your a city fan arnt you?


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Message Posted:
19/03/2009 01:10

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Message 64 of 101 in Discussion

mmmmmm, msg 62

I am afraid nobody has a slightest clue what was that all about. And no, this is not a language barrier. IMO the thread should have been closed after welcome greetings without jumping around from the last generalissimus of Russian Empire to DDT.

Ah, if you have any idea what f*** crap "стала ПЕРВОЙ мировой войной, известной в нашей истории под именем КРЫМСКОЙ войны" means please let me know, but...I'd rather prefer to see it closed.

Spider, you are great! Enjoyed


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Message Posted:
19/03/2009 08:53

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Message 65 of 101 in Discussion

Hi Magbs,

re msg 64

When I said "understood".. I meant more recognising the "Russianess" of Sergey as his came out defending his nation when he THOUGHT someone was having a pop at him...

Of COURSE I don't recognise all the Russian, but I DO have two generations of natural speakers.. so I'll revert ;)

andre 514

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Message Posted:
19/03/2009 09:38

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Message 66 of 101 in Discussion


I also hope my sense of humour was not misunderstood!

you think russia and turkey are natural allies:

especially so as american power is gradually slipping downwards

and west europeans' hobby seems to be an orgy of self-congratulation

there are tensions, between russia and turkey over gas pipelines and energy but still possible to do business

russian people are leading visitors in much of the east med area

like egypt and turkey and cyprus...all exactly due south of the russian heartland

russian friends in limassol were told they may not cross the green line

but when I asked at our side of the ledra palace checkpoint, they just laughed


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Message Posted:
19/03/2009 11:13

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Message 67 of 101 in Discussion

Dear Andre_514

re 66

Russia and Turkey ARE doing biz.. many high end building projects in Russia are / were being done by TR companies ..

What are these "tensions" you mention - other than competitiveness for transit pipelines and differences in Foreign Policy in Russia's southern Republics?

What ARE you talking about re Russians crossing the Green line?..

They CAN cross S-N provided they have RoC residency or arrived via a "legal port of entry".. they CANNOT cross N-S if they arrived via Tymbou / Ercan ..

The RoC Policemen often check my Wife's passport.. to make sure she "arrived" in Cyprus "legally".

Many Russians working for RoC "offshore" companies - no such thing now - we asked by their bosses NOT to cross - for fear of causing offence.. which was "silly" - but now these "restrictions" have been "relaxed"..

andre 514

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Message Posted:
19/03/2009 13:38

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Message 68 of 101 in Discussion

thanks for info mark,

there were arguments about turkey renewing its gas contracts

probably this was sorted out in the end

as regards pipelines, the nabuco pipeline project caspian/turkey/europe

is currently stalled for a variety of reasons

the west has long sought an alternative set of gas routes south of russia

you remind us russians should not fly via ercan if they want to visit the south:

I'd imagine it's far cheaper for them to get an excursion ticket russia-larnaca


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Message Posted:
19/03/2009 17:16

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Message 69 of 101 in Discussion

Hi Andre_514, re msg 68

Thx for your thx

Russians were able to get Tourist visas for nought to visit the RoC .. don't know if that offer has ceased - I doubt it ! ;)

I'm not aware of the costs of travel via Ercan / Tymbou - but I expect their are good deals to be done both "sides"..

There are far more options for Russians from the regions to get charter flights to mainland Turkey than to Cyprus... but they currently can't fly to the "rump" RoC from TR..

Interestingly, if TR DID sign the Ankara accord, then TR airlines could fly into LCA ;)


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Message Posted:
20/03/2009 09:28

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Message 70 of 101 in Discussion

Hi Izzet - any chance of that EDIT facilty - I've done a "their" for there, again, and it stands as testimony to my carelessness ;)


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Message Posted:
27/04/2009 20:30

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Message 71 of 101 in Discussion

Dear friends, I absolutely do not care what they do Russian, in the South Cyprus. Let these Russian shot himself in the head, their houses of 600-900 thousand euro. I am Russian engineer, the son of the joiner. I do not do business here. I will rest here. And where I rest, there is quiet and calm as in the cemetery. Pirates, Vikings and alcoholics throw into the sea. If you have something to say, tell me personally, I would be on the island from 28.05 to 12.06.


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Message Posted:
06/05/2009 13:16

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Message 72 of 101 in Discussion

Dear Lemtich

К сожалению маловероятно, что меня знает Ваш брат.

У меня много знакомых на Северном Кипре, в Турции, в Азербайджане, у меня вообще много хороших друзей. Потому что я инж


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Message Posted:
06/05/2009 13:19

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Message 73 of 101 in Discussion

Dear Lemtich,

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that I knew your brother.

I have many friends in the North Cyprus, Turkey, in Azerbaijan, I do a lot of good friends. Because I am an electrical engineer. I have a small company, we are doing projects and electrical work. I will try to explore the parallel market of Northern Cyprus, in the alternative - solar energy. Very true. My friends from the United States talking about high achievements in solar energy. In Russia, too, there is no fool. I will combine the product of Americans and Russians. It turns out best.

Sincerely, Sergey Scythian


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Message Posted:
23/06/2009 19:09

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Message 74 of 101 in Discussion

So, Edith reported that on 15 July villa will be built. Really? Wonderful! At last!



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Message Posted:
24/06/2009 11:29

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Message 75 of 101 in Discussion



msg 71 >> I do not do business here. I will rest here. And where I rest, there is quiet and calm as in the cemetery<<

msg 73 >> I am an electrical engineer. I have a small company, we are doing projects and electrical work. I will try to explore the parallel market of Northern Cyprus, in the alternative - solar energy<<

the idea of rest didn't last long... are you sure you you aren't one of THOSE Russians .. msg 71 - >>Let these Russian shot himself in the head<<


Hope you had a restful break in Cyprus !


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Message Posted:
26/06/2009 20:54

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Message 76 of 101 in Discussion


оказывается кто-то записывает мои высказывания.

Это не работа, это хобби - солнечная энергия. Основной бизнес - В России.

Aha, it appears someone write my speech.

This does not work, this is a hobby - solar power.

Core business - in Russia.


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Message Posted:
26/06/2009 20:57

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Message 77 of 101 in Discussion

Oh, I got a star.

Who am I?

Non-commissioned officer?


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Message Posted:
27/06/2009 11:42

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Message 78 of 101 in Discussion

Certainly *not* someone understanding British ironic humour ;) .. perhaps I am too cruel to you... sorry :(


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Message Posted:
27/06/2009 12:20

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Message 79 of 101 in Discussion

Sorry if I am wrong.

But slang is unclear.

Bad robot translates.

80% of the translation is unclear.

It is a pity.

Try to learn Chinese language.

If you do not want to teach the Russian language.


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Message Posted:
27/06/2009 13:55

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Message 80 of 101 in Discussion

Not wrong.. the translator robs you of my attempt at humor "chorny humor"

Correct translation : If you do not want to LEARN Russian

I AM learning Russian - if I don't, I cannot understand what my Wife is telling her son / Mother / Grandmother about me.. ;)

Ponymaiish ?


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Message Posted:
27/06/2009 14:51

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Message 81 of 101 in Discussion

Йес ай ду


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Message Posted:
28/06/2009 11:30

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Message 82 of 101 in Discussion

))))))))))))) Ya ochin rad


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Message Posted:
31/01/2010 14:30

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Message 83 of 101 in Discussion

Hi everyone,

Much water has flowed under the bridge.

My predictions are coming true.

Russia, Turkey and China - are brothers.

NATO go home.

European Union - double standards.

Judge at the Orams - crazy.

I congratulate you all.

I repeat. Russian soldiers and a Turkish soldier - brothers.

America and NATO - a provocateur.

I am a Russian soldier. I will defend my house.

Freedom or death.

Memory of Attila in our hearts


Joined: 03/05/2009
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Message Posted:
31/01/2010 17:51

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Message 84 of 101 in Discussion

scy , how much for a couple of ak47s and some anti-tank missiles just incase the greeks come a calling a SWB


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Message Posted:
31/01/2010 19:56

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Message 85 of 101 in Discussion

Hi Andy-f

"ak47s and some anti-tank missiles" - is stone age.

In our time, the SS-20 Satan.

Russian not surrendering


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
31/01/2010 20:23

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Message 86 of 101 in Discussion

Garry Monger's missus pretended to be Russian one night - drank a whole bottle of Vodka in one sitting....


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Message Posted:
31/01/2010 20:56

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Message 87 of 101 in Discussion

scy same here !

wiganer not surrendering



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Message Posted:
31/01/2010 21:25

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Message 88 of 101 in Discussion

watch out where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellow snow, as a favorit amrican sung.



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Message Posted:
31/01/2010 22:07

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Message 89 of 101 in Discussion

Russian people do not drink vodka, it's deception and propaganda. Vodka drink bums and degenerates.

Russian hard work. Russian protect your home and your land.

Where do Russian people, there is Russian land.


Joined: 08/05/2007
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Message Posted:
31/01/2010 22:19

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Message 90 of 101 in Discussion

Good for the Russians! Shame the UK sell us down the river - in the name of the EU - shite!

So whereabouts are you Scy on SWB? Have you joined the Sweetwater Bay owners facebook site? There's a myriad of information on there that may be of interest to you.


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Message Posted:
01/02/2010 00:40

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Message 91 of 101 in Discussion

Hi missymongrel

Thanks for your advice

The forum SWB many words-words-words. Headache.

I want to live peacefully.

I want to teach their children.

I want to take care of the garden.



Swimming in the sea.


Love my family.

This paradise.

I want too much?

Religion - is a fraud. I want heaven on earth. I do not believe in heaven.

Hello Judge Orams.


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Message Posted:
01/02/2010 20:45

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Message 92 of 101 in Discussion

Dear Scythian

Do you need my wife to explain your obvious misunderstanding re things Cyprus.. and 'true ownership - as recognised by your very own nation - in Russian ?! ;)

While you are about it you can explain to us why the 'rump' RoC military line-up is mostly Russian..?! ;)

Now where did those S-300 missiles the Russians supplied Cyprus end up ? ;)

Nothing wrong with a little Vodka toast ..


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Message Posted:
01/02/2010 23:20

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Message 93 of 101 in Discussion

scy which unit do you own at sweetwatebay? just curious as we have russians above us at 133, anyway come to " bar fairhurst" for a beer



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Message Posted:
03/02/2010 08:57

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Message 94 of 101 in Discussion

Hi Mmmmmm

"Now where did those S-300 missiles the Russians supplied Cyprus end up ? ;)"

S-300 - a weapon of defense, rather than an attack on the enemy

This policy. Politics shit.

I bought a ticket, freely arrived at the Northern Cyprus. Avail bought a house. What have I done wrong? Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation does not recommend buying.


Reply: Because the Greek Cyprus offshore. A lot of stolen Russian people's money, without taxes. Greek Cyprus - this is the mafia.

I'm a Russian (Soviet) engineer. I seriously and worked hard for 15 years. I have accumulated 150,000 pounds and bought a house. It is impossible to earn a 10-15 years in Russia 800.000-1 million euros to buy a villa in Southern Cyprus. You can cheat or steal. Hence in South Cyprus live Russian thieves, bandits and bribe-takers (corrupt). There is logic??


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Message Posted:
03/02/2010 09:05

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Message 95 of 101 in Discussion

Recently been the case. Big scandal. From the Pension Fund of Russia illegally transferred $ 2 billion rubles (about 40 million pounds sterling).

Two days later the money was found in southern Cyprus.

You think I'm an idiot.


Idiots on the southern Cyprus.

After 5, 10, 15 or 50 years - Northern Cyprus recognized. Russia included.

Greeks and Turks can not live together. Any drunken brawl - ethnic conflict.

You know how many British soldiers were killed in 50-60 years in Cyprus?

Ready to debate

I`m sorry. I`m speek English not very good. I`m understand few English. In English other bilding word.


Russian: I in forest.

English: I am in the woods.


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Message Posted:
03/02/2010 16:34

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Message 96 of 101 in Discussion

re 94

>>S-300 - a weapon of defense, rather than an attack on the enemy <<

EXACTLY.. now why would TR get so upset as to threaten to occupy MORE of Cyprus if a DEFENSIVE shield set up ? ;)

>>Avail bought a house. What have I done wrong?<<

May be you needed to check if house / land was 'vendors' to 'sell' ?

>> Because the Greek Cyprus offshore. A lot of stolen Russian people's money, without taxes. Greek Cyprus - this is the mafia. <<

Back in late 80's early 90's - fr SURE - a lot of ex-Soviet money came to Cyprus.. not many questions asked.. but by the time this Irishman arrived - if you wanted to bank more than 2000 CY Pounds you had to show it was from OUTSIDE Cyprus ( until 1/5/2004)

A lot of ex-soviet folk in RoC live in houses / apartments that cost 5-10Cy thousand Pounds in 1990 - not so special houses.. only a few live in houses 800-1 million plus euros .. You can easily buy a nice 4 bed house with a shared poor in Erimi for 250 K Euros.. ;)

My wife a


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Message Posted:
03/02/2010 16:45

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Message 97 of 101 in Discussion

My wife is a 'thief' ? ! ;)

>>Recently been the case. Big scandal. From the Pension Fund of Russia illegally transferred $ 2 billion rubles (about 40 million pounds sterling).

Two days later the money was found in southern Cyprus. <<

Found.. good ...and so it will it be handed back. I think?

>>Idiots on the southern Cyprus.<< Idiots everywhere... location not specific..

'TRNC' can not be recognised ( officially) until China / Russia and all Security Council repel resolutions.. this will only happen if agreed settlement.. that will NOT include a 'TRNC' or even a 'RoC'

I know how many British soldiers died in CY and Ireland -thanks - the UK deliberately sought ethnic tensions to keep the Soviets from gaining a military base in Cyprus ... they didn't want to give Cyprus independence.

pattern: you are the Russian engineer in the 'dark forest' -no light of wisdom ?

Me: IT engineer Irishmen married to a Russian in the bright light the sun ;)


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Message Posted:
03/02/2010 20:00

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Message 98 of 101 in Discussion

I do not want to feed the troll.

To each his own



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Message Posted:
03/02/2010 22:08

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Message 99 of 101 in Discussion

Mssgs 96&97:

Dear mmmmmm,

Nice to see you back.

But talking of leopards and spots, I thought you'd got the message long ago that Scythian thinks that he is the Ali G of 44 Forum (only insdead of Borat, he is Sergei with S-300).

It is not very original, as we do have already on this forum a live-in member with a bazooka.

Mssg 98:

Сергей, перестаньте юродствовать. Займитесь чем-нибудь полезным!

Yours always,



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Message Posted:
04/02/2010 01:37

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Message 100 of 101 in Discussion

Hi Clarissa

Spasibo, Clarissa !

>>Сергей, перестаньте юродствовать. Займитесь чем-нибудь полезным! <<

Approx translation:

Roughly translates as: "Sergei, stop behaving like an idiot...take something useful..."

Сергей !..Возможно, некоторые уроки .. В основном черно-Английский юмор стиль


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Message Posted:
04/02/2010 17:41

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Message 101 of 101 in Discussion


this is very-very russians black joke.

Whole world is mad (judgment Orams). Me too.

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