North Cyprus Tourist Board - contacting all buyers on the cove in lapta
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contacting all buyers on the cove in lapta

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Joined: 12/03/2009
Posts: 4

Message Posted:
23/03/2009 16:25

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hi there, is there anybody out there that have bought on The Cove in lapta, only myself and two friends have all bought apartments there and need some advice and would like to ask some questions, we are having quite a few problems with the builder and sorting out our snagging and maintenance contracts, and need to get together with other owners to set something up for the maintenance. we also would like to know haw long the pool has not been working and if all the power is supplied to the apartments and if any other buyers have had problems, as we were all moved from turtle bay, due to the build not going ahead and had no other chose than to move to the cove, i have been to the site and it looks as though nobody goes there and looks run down, and wondered why, also as anybody tried to rent there apartments out at all, so could any other buyers contact me please. My email is I would love to hear from you so please reply,kindest regards Kim.


Joined: 03/12/2008
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Message Posted:
23/03/2009 17:10

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Message 1

I was moved there last summer as i had bought at olive grove through santa-fe which is near to you as my apartment was not ready. I was on the ısland for 3 weeks wıth my 2 young chıldren, ı lasted a week the power kept goıng off as dıd the water and the pool was black. I was then moved to the pınes a lovely sıte. We have completed the snaggıng now at olıve grove Jellal ıs ın charge of maıntenance and he gets stuff done ın the end but you have to keep your fınger on the pulse knock on there doors and badger them but you get there ın the end. GOOD LUCK...................

Kitty Kat Jac

Joined: 18/03/2008
Posts: 230

Message Posted:
23/03/2009 17:29

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Message 3 of 4 in Discussion

Do you mean Cyprus Cove near sunset??


Joined: 12/03/2009
Posts: 4

Message Posted:
24/03/2009 00:37

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Message 4 of 4 in Discussion

hi, thank you for the replys, yes i think that might be the same place as it is not far from sunset, but it is called The Cove, there are only 16 apartments there and its sea front, why have you bought there or know anybody that has? i look forward to hearing from you, kind regards kim.

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