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Using IPHONE in North Cyprus

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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 10:54

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Can anyone tell me if i buy an Iphone from O2 in the UK

can i get it to work in North Cyprus?

How much will it cost to unblock it?

Will i be able to use the internet on the iphone?

Thanks in advanced



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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 11:01

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Message 2 of 29 in Discussion

It certainly does Reproman. I've never had any problems


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 11:06

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OK Bill re msg 2 - now please tell the man how much it costs and how to get it done..

Sorry to interrupt your mass property purchases - what with everything being guaranteed and that ! ..


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 11:17

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now now mmmm..lets not bring that into this thread!

i dont want it to become a political 100+ thread!

Bill/No1 yes please, if you can tell me/us how much it costs and how i go about using the internet in North Cyprus on it.

Also...just out of interest....will it be cheaper to buy one in cyprus or here from O2?

I can get the iphone for £345 direct from O2 on pay as you go.




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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 12:02

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Reproman. I got mine whan they first came out last year from o2. I was an existing customer of them and was offered the phone at a discounted price of £169. That was with an 18 month contract of £35 per month. 1000 minutes free to any network and 500 texts.

Mark, thats unlike you to jump in on a thread off topic! ))


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 12:15

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Re msg, 4, repoman, I brought a friend an iphone from carphone warehouse in the UK, £400, (Non contract phone) then brought it to NC for her, she just put her NC sim card in it and away she went, the iphone is a lot lot cheaper in the UK than to buy in the NC, did this several months ago, a lot of the phone shops will only do contracts only.



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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 12:22

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I was offered an upgrade last year to the 3g model. I could have had that for £50. In hindsight I should have paid the upgrade and sold off the old one. There is not a lot of difference though between the two. The 3g model is more advanced if you want to use it as a type of 'tom tom', apart from that I don't think there's much difference.

There's a free skype upgrade available now. You'll be able to skype anyone anywhere in the world for free. What's the likelihood of the next genereation iphone being a 4g where it will include a possible attachment for a camera so you will be able to see the person you're skyping with?


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 12:27

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The one downside with the iphone at the moment is that it does not have the facility to forward a text that you have received. For example if someone send's you a text message and you want to forward it on - you can't. I do believe though that apple is currently working on this.

Lastly we were in the states last year and my friend was going to buy an iphone from the apple store. It was cheaper than in the UK and was without contract. However she was told that the phone would not work in the UK without registering with o2 as it would have been blocked. I'm not sure if this would have been true - hence she did'nt take the chance in buying it.


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 13:45

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Hi Doyen,

Just bought my wife a new 3g iphone, and the person in the shop told me this software upgrade for the text msg side of it, will be with us next month for download.

I think there is other thing's included in the download to sort out other little prob's but he confused me with it all.




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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 13:59

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Message 10 of 29 in Discussion

Thanks David. I'll keep checking the website for the update.



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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 13:55

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Message 11 of 29 in Discussion

Thanks for all the sick replies...but

I was under the impression O2 blocked the Iphone from being used by any other phone not sure how message 2 just put in her sim and away she went?...surly you had to unblock it first? much does it cost to use the interent on the iphone in cyprus?

Sorry for all the questions. its just i am coming over to Cyprus in 1 week and am tempted to buy an iphone rather than a small net book as a means of staying 'online'. sick



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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 14:02

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Message 12 of 29 in Discussion

Hi Bill, re msg 5

"Mark, thats unlike you to jump in on a thread off topic! ))"

Reproman re msg 4

"now now mmmm..lets not bring that into this thread! "

I guarantee to try to be "good" ;)


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 14:03

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Well done Mark. ;)


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 15:12

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Message 14 of 29 in Discussion

My understanding is there is potentially a downside to getting your iPhone unlocked and that is you can no longer upgrade the software. That said, if you Google 'unlock iPhone', there's a vast amount of information on the topic. It seems some ways of going about it are smarter than others.


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 16:01

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croft. It was for that reason why my friend did'nt buy the phone. When you are paying a lot of money you want to know that the thing is going to work without resorting to downloading from various sites.


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Message Posted:
02/04/2009 16:02

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Please state model of your iphone.

The iphone can be used in North Cyprus only you cannot actually update the software as Turkcell(local operator) supports only the 2.0 version software that is if you want to use mobile internet which is expensive on Turkcell and not advised. Its better to use wifi as this is generally available hotspots and free with your internet contract. Using 2.0 software may cause some problems if you want to load anything current. Other than that all major software works on the 2.0 version.



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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 08:46

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Guys just to let you know if you are thinking of buying an iphone do not buy one from here it is far too expensive and they do not know what they are doing. İ have detailed below answers to some of the questions below if anyone has anymore questions please ask.

1. Any iphone purchased in the uk from 02 or carphone warehouse will not work anywhere in the world unless it is unlocked. This has to be done buy a third party as 02 and cpwarehouse will not do it.

2. Do not trust anyone of the phone shops here to unlock iphones as İ know a few people who have had there phones damaged. They will also change the software to an earlier version in order to unlock it.

3.yrtrnc just to answer your question re iphone 3g. The latest version can be used on 3g Turkcell. I asked this question to turkcell and they said it was not supported at the moment. İ am using 3g version 2.2 at the moment.

4.No1 Doyen the iphone does have the facility to forward text messages.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 08:52

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you have to download a third party software from installer or cydia. İf your phone is jailbroken it will have this software on it.

5. Rogerdodger there is no way in this world that the carphone warehouse sell unlocked iphones. Your friend must of had it unlocked in the uk. İ recently purchased three for the carphone warehouse in the uk and they are all locked.

6 As with any phones the software is upgradeable however you have the choice to upgrade if you want to there is no need to upgrade unless you want to get the latest version software. To be honest it does not make too much difference.

Hope this info helps.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 09:33

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Message 19 of 29 in Discussion

thanks Ataturk,

i had a feeling it wouldnt be so simple.

So once i get my iphone from O2 and then get it unlocked here in the UK ( how much does it cost to unlock it btw?) i can then use it in Kibris?

What about using the interent on the phone? is it very expensive in Kibris? As O2 in the uk give unlimited web usage, what sort of tarriff/prices am i looking at in Kibris?




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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 09:39

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Message 20 of 29 in Discussion

Reproman2.Message 11. Thanks for all the sick replies...but

I don't get it? Have I missed the Joke?


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 09:43

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I have an iphone on T-mobile.Obviously it is de-restricted-the software cost me 29 Euro and it was relatively easy to do.You can then use any SIM in it.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 09:57

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No1 -

sorry, i was out and had to get my younger brother to post a reply for me....hence the Reproman2 username.

For some reason he likes using the word 'sick'.

I believe 'sick' is north London (Greenlanes) slang for 'good'.

ie if you have a very nice car its 'sick'......dont ask me!

Hopefully, if i get an Iphone i can post my own replies whilst out and about!

Repro (the older and slightly wiser version!)


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 10:19

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Message 23 of 29 in Discussion

Reproman. Thats good (sick!) )


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 10:21

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Message 24 of 29 in Discussion

ataturk. Message 17. How can I forward text's please.



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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 10:23

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Message 25 of 29 in Discussion

ataturk. Sorry forgot to ask is this legal?


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 11:56

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Message 26 of 29 in Discussion

Hi Reproman,

I think to have it unlocked in the UK it is about £20-30.

A lot of the talk with the problems using iphone on other networks is rubbish, it is just to get you to sign up with o2 because thats who apple made it for, and the other reason apple will offer it to all networks when the market slows down and o2 have made there fair share, so it is another way to get you to wait so apple can make more from you.

I am going to get my wife's unlocked and I am sure it will be ok.

The only other thing you must make sure you do is when you access the internet don't do this on turkcell or any other network because it will cost you a lot of cash, all you do is when you are in a wifi hotspot use it then it is free.

Please look at the following link it is all about the new software for the iphone just click on watch video.




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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 12:14

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Cost vary in the Uk to unlock an iPhone personally an iPhone should unlocked and jailbroken. The jailbroken bit is so that you can download free 3rd party software ie text message software that allows you to forward messages.

Once unlocked you can only use your iPhone to make calls and use 3g Internet on turkcell , which at the moment is very expensive. Last months bill included 110ytl of 3g Internet more expensive than using their modem 3g with a laptop. Telsim can only supply you with a 3g data sim but you are unable to make calls using this.

Jailbreaking your iPhone voids the guarantee but you can just restore it back to it's locked state using itunes. However it's worth using the 3rd party apps cos most of them are free and you can download free themes and video themes that the app store doesn't do.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 12:21

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Message 28 of 29 in Discussion

..or you could just pay more and buy your iphone in France, where it HAS to be offered unlocked and hasn't got the "issues" re Apple updates


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Message Posted:
03/04/2009 14:41

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Message 29 of 29 in Discussion

it is not necessary to update your iPhone only once there is a major update that you will benefit from. Unfortunately apple are too stubborn to realize that if they let people buy the phone unlocked they would sell more phones and software until then 3rd party software is the only way.

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