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parental supervision

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fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008
Posts: 3401

Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:12

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do you feel that with some of the subject matter on cyprus 44, that there should be an age limit on the members?

should 10 year olds be able to be members?

due to some of the content, what do you think??

would you want your 10 year old taking part here?


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:14

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Most definately not,

find it strange that this question was asked, why is there a 10 year old member that you know of??

fire starter

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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:27

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yes, they behave like it as well!

it worrying, i'm not sure i would want my kids(grown up now) hanging around here.


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:29

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Think that some members have told wee white lies about their date of birth!


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:30

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If you know 100% than a 10 year old is on this forum don't you think you should let a moderator know rather than start a thread about it?

fire starter

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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:37

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they allowed this person to join and have the members details so its up to them to deal with it.

hey,we can all lie about our age but 10 that is a little low!

i just wanted to point out to other members how sad some people are here and what fakes they are!


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:42

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It's all well to make the accusation but if you don't tell the other members who is the underaged one, or you not in someway responsible for that child beeing exposed to something they should not? don't just take the moral high ground do something to protect the child and the members.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:48

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come on, its not a child its a scammer!

as soon as i posted this they have gone off line.

sad, sad person, who i guess needs to grow up a lot to come and play with the grown ups.

where are you billy, come on fess up!!


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 22:52

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fire starter you have lost me on this one are you on the same stuff as haticafe today (lol)


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 23:02

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Message 10 of 24 in Discussion

The content on this forum is VISIBLE and READABLE by ANYONE - regardless of age, regardless of whether they have 'joined' or not.

Parents / Guardians should excercise control over what their children are allowed to access on the Internet.


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Message Posted:
11/04/2009 23:42

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Message 11 of 24 in Discussion

Unlike some other forums this one is open to view by anyone so the question posed by FS may be quite appropriate!!

Do the members want there posts viewd by all and sundry? Or is there a way that the forum can become a members only view and post like others.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 01:12

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Re message 11, another * new* member who has a problem with the older age group, what a coincidence.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 01:24

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Message 13 of 24 in Discussion

Totally agree with the subject of this thread.

More supervision of parents is required!

Look at the state of their kids!



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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 01:30

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Message 14 of 24 in Discussion

Hattikins, He is now 65 today.......yesterday he was 39.....time goes so quick for the undead! Anyone wanna guess his next age when he comes back again? Im going for age 9, as he really needs parental guidance!


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 14:18

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Message 15 of 24 in Discussion

Whatever, he has been around a long under a variety of names.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 14:30

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Yep and outdone himself this time me thinks he has more than one and all joined on the same day, comes on never at the same time of course a few posts then changes persona, He may be wearing dresses and trousers now.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 17:40

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'jason' is merely one of Pikey's 'Geoff' characters.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 17:56

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It's getting more difficult by the day to decide who deserves the "Silliest Posting Award 2009". Go for it, Fire_starter!

PS. This board must be open for postings by 10 year old parents. Keeps 'em out of their beds, where accidents seem to happen.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 18:39

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"Jason and the Arguments"........ all off on their quest for the "Golden Fleas" who says they were mythical Greek charachters? His quest was to bring back the "fleas" to Hellenica.

Out soon on HD television.....get your.4.2m screen and see it in all it's glory.

A * MMMMMM* - production!//>





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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 18:44

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Message 20 of 24 in Discussion

lol lol lol Tiggy


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 18:47

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Message 21 of 24 in Discussion

Sorry folks.....this is an "A" rated production and will need parental guidance if watched on the PC.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 18:52

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Best laugh all weekend Tiggy............brilliant


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Message Posted:
12/04/2009 19:15

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Message 23 of 24 in Discussion

From the infantile and obsessive behaviour displayed by some of the * unsupervised children*, as in multiple personalities and repetative language perhaps they may be better sticking to CBeebies, don't want to over tax their imagination.


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Message Posted:
13/04/2009 14:32

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Message 24 of 24 in Discussion

Thanks aim is to please!

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