KAR and the Dog show ..last SundayNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 15:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 89 in Discussion |
| Quarmby I did go to the dog show and I had a good time thanks..I did wander by the KAR stall and I have to say Margaret Ray looked very well groomed...more than I can say for the dogs she was trying to rehome...I find it quite amusing that someone who claims to be a saviour of dogs in the TRNC is so well turned out, only the best for Margaret it would seem, not a hair out of place..make up perfectly administered....you wouldn't think she had ever been near a dog...to concerned with her own appearance I would suggest.... What a farce! |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 15:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 89 in Discussion |
| Incidentally I have answered you through another thread as it wouldn't have been right to answer on Daisy's one. I'm surer you will understand. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 15:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 89 in Discussion |
| BTW the women working along side MR looked like genuine dog lovers...not trussed up like a over fussy peacock!! |

Joined: 26/09/2008 Posts: 561
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 89 in Discussion |
| Dee, Have not got a clue what you are talking about. I know Margaret and have seen her on many occassions. I was also there yesterday at the show. I really do not understand your comments. I know from past postings you have no time for KAR, but I think your posting here is uncalled for. I hope KAR raised a good deal of money yesterday. Thanks to the staff for organising a great day. My dog loved it. |

Joined: 03/04/2009 Posts: 153
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 89 in Discussion |
| DC4 I am not a member of KAR and quite often I do not like certain aspects of their operations but they do a very necessary and thankless task. They have few people to help them and a lot of people who don't but who seem to find pleasure in being insulting, demeaning and critical. It was largely due to the tireless efforts of Margaret Ray that KAR came into being in 1997, after being shunted from one site to another it was again mainly due to Margaret Ray that they are in their present location. It was mainly due to Margaret Ray that the dog shows started, I was at the first one in 1996, and they have grown in strength each year. What is someone who cares for dogs supposed to look like, have you a mental picture of an obvious stereotype ? Your posts on this subject must have a hidden agenda, surely nobody would stoop so low and be so catty and vitriolic as you have been for no obvious reason. Codger |

Joined: 18/08/2008 Posts: 496
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 89 in Discussion |
| Not sure who you saw at the dog show, but Margaret when i talked to her in the middle of the dog ring was wearing jeans a KAR t shirt and trainers and at the time was scooping dog poo from the ground, hardly well groom or a hair out of place as you say, tidy yes. but to me she looked just like all the other KAR staff. As for perfect make up, I don't thnk I have ever seened Margaret with more then the bare basics. Are you sure you have got the right person? Angela |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 89 in Discussion |
| Amber if you do not understand my comments then quite clearly they are lost on you...indeed thanks to the staff as I have already said looked like genuine animal lovers as I am sure they are... Are you telling me that MR is the founder of KAR and that it was non existent before her? |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 89 in Discussion |
| Codger, why would I want to help a 'charity' that turns dogs away unless money is offered and please don't tell me I am wrong...that neuters/castrates and then puts the poor unfortunate animal back on the street to fend for itself, most of the time starving..please can you tell me of another charity that adopts these policies....? |

Joined: 18/08/2008 Posts: 496
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 89 in Discussion |
| Yes, Dee Margaret Ray and a few others were the fonders KAR, around 1997. There were a few attemps to start something simular before but they never really got off the ground. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 89 in Discussion |
| Kiwikid the only picture I have seen of MR is the one in the paper a couple of weeks ago with a letter that hadnt been delivered and stamp 'not recognised' the TRNC that is...now that was the same woman on the KAR stall and if I have got it wrong I will happily say so and apologise...maybe someone can post a picture of her. |

Joined: 18/08/2008 Posts: 496
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 89 in Discussion |
| That was not Margaret in the paper, I read that articile. Not even close to what she looks like. I will try and find a photo of her. Maybe before you put someone down the way you have, you should at least make sure you have the right person. |

Joined: 13/02/2008 Posts: 637
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 89 in Discussion |
| deecyprus4 - the KAR stall that you refer to must have been the Sposorship/Info stall (which had the details of dogs/cats needing homing or sponsorship. Margaret was NOT on any stall - she was one of the stewards in Ring 1 throughout. The ladies on the KAR stall that you refer to are volunteers from alll different walks of life - what difference does it make what clothes they wear as to what good they can do. I think your comments are very insulting to the ladies who gave up their time to run the stall. Do you even know anything about those ladies - i doubt it You obviously know nothing about the one you have bitched off because you did not even know who she was !!! She certainly was not Margaret. What is your problem ? What purpose have your bitchy comments served ? Still glad you enjoyed yourself at the KAR dog show - along with many other people who had an enjoyable time. |

Joined: 26/09/2008 Posts: 561
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 89 in Discussion |
| Dee, Your comments were obviously lost on me as you say, then again it may help if you knew the person you were actually talking about before you criticise and slate them. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 89 in Discussion |
| I can only go on the picture in the paper which was about MR so naturally one would think that was here..I think in my defence an understandable mistake...so who was the women in the picture? |

Joined: 13/06/2008 Posts: 2521
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 89 in Discussion |
| By 'eck, You've got a quick trigger finger, kiwikid! |

Joined: 26/09/2008 Posts: 561
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 89 in Discussion |
| Does it matter Dee? |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 89 in Discussion |
| Amber I have dealt with that and even asked who the woman in that picture is! |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 89 in Discussion |
| I accept that the woman in the picture is not MR..that however does not change my views of the place or how it is run.. |

Joined: 26/09/2008 Posts: 561
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 89 in Discussion |
| Does this post serve any purpose? Just slagging of somebody and did not have the correct person anyway. Nice one Dee |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 89 in Discussion |
| Also as I understand it..it was founded by Ismail Emin Servan..and he was granted the site above Arapkoy because the original site at Karaoglanoglu was earmarked for a housing development....I have been speaking with his nephew today. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 17:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 89 in Discussion |
| How kind of you to be so generous Amber... |

Joined: 18/09/2008 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 89 in Discussion |
| Dee that does not constitute an apology it sounds to me like youve been gobbing off about somebody you dont even know, and an organisation that you know nowt about apologise, and learn to keep yer trap shut if youve got nothing good to say we are sick of you badmouthing people just because theyre not fat frumps with s**t running down the backs of there legs from taking too much zenical |

Joined: 03/04/2009 Posts: 153
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 89 in Discussion |
| So you got the wrong lady I wonder how she feels reading your insulting remarks? This now shows the forum exactly what sort of person you are, maybe someone can now publish your photo so we will all be sure of who you are. Now awaiting the apology you said you would give to Margaret Ray. Codger |

Joined: 14/03/2009 Posts: 590
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 89 in Discussion |
| there was a piece in cyprus today the week after that photo was pictured and it apologised for stating it was Margaret Ray and added the woman's name of which i can't remember, i think her first name was Wendy. i would also like to take this opportunity to say that without KAR a lot more dogs would suffer and they do their best with the space and money they have. it is far better to neuter and replace back where found to give the dog a chance than to kill and that dog having had no chance. i'm sure if they had the resources there would be no abandoned dogs but they rely soley on the generosity of people, and have to prioritise to make the most use of this. also no vet here will put down a healthy dog, so it is far better to ensure that the dogs on the street can't multiply. if we love animals we have to support KAR as much as we possibly can even if some do disagree with some of the policies. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 89 in Discussion |
| there was a piece in cyprus today the week after that photo was pictured and it apologised for stating it was Margaret Ray and added the woman's name of which i can't remember, i think her first name was Wendy. Well there you go.. I do love animals but i will not support KAR until they abandon their practise of refusing to take in homeless dogs and put others back on the street to be abused and starved. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 89 in Discussion |
| Dee that does not constitute an apology it sounds to me like youve been gobbing off about somebody you dont even know, and an organisation that you know nowt about apologise, and learn to keep yer trap shut if youve got nothing good to say we are sick of you badmouthing people just because theyre not fat frumps with s**t running down the backs of there legs from taking too much zenical How very amusing, thanks for the laugh..a few lessons in spelling would not go amiss though. |

Joined: 18/08/2008 Posts: 496
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 89 in Discussion |
| Well Dee if you can give them £100.000 to buy more land to house them, then I sure they wouldn't have to place them back on the street. But I can't see that happening anytime soon. So what would your solution BE???? Have you been up to the shelter lately the are ove 200 dogs there. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 89 in Discussion |
| Edit to add ..your grammar leaves a great deal to be desired as well...still there you go lol |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 89 in Discussion |
| Did MR buy that land then? |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 89 in Discussion |
| My solution would be for the government to open a pound and to have dog wardens patrolling the streets...and as I have said many times..euthanasia..but I keep being told it is against policy here..and I have asked many times..whose policy? |

Joined: 18/09/2008 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 89 in Discussion |
| It doesnt leave as much to be desired as your attitude and personality you sarky b***h are you going to apologise or are you as full of s**t as you sound |

Joined: 03/04/2009 Posts: 153
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 89 in Discussion |
| Message 22 It was not. I was at the founding meeting and the person you are referring to was a member only ( he sadly died a few years later ) who did a lot of work as did the other members. However to establish KAR as a club ( which it had to be in those days ) it was necessary for the paperwork to have Turkish Cypriot names on the authorising paperwork. It follows therefore that Ismail and other TCs as members were needed to append their names to the form. The actual founding of KAR was due mainly to Margaret. Again you have your information and facts wrong, this has now shown me and of course other forum members that any further postings on any subject by yourself must be treated with caution and suspicion. Codger |

Joined: 18/09/2008 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 89 in Discussion |
| and what have you done about realising this dream of yours and getting the goverment to open something then F**k all thats what just gobbing off and critising the efforts of others APOLOGISE and then get off yer fat A**E and do summat |

Joined: 14/03/2009 Posts: 590
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 89 in Discussion |
| the government won't do that though, will they? so we are back to KAR doing the best that they can with what they have |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 89 in Discussion |
| I guess we will have to agree to disagree Codger |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 89 in Discussion |
| Msg 33 get an education..it will serve you well as you travel through life |

Joined: 18/08/2008 Posts: 496
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 89 in Discussion |
| The Govt gave them the one off plot of land, they will not be given more, so I ask you the question again. With out more land what would your solution to all the strays be? |

Joined: 11/07/2008 Posts: 607
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 89 in Discussion |
| If Dee could spend more time helping others - and animals instead of slagging off people who do not deserve it then maybe she could turn into a nicer person. Doubt it though. Nasty spitefull child who thinks she is still in the school playground. Just get off your high horse and do something for other people instead of sitting in front of a computer. |

Joined: 18/09/2008 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 89 in Discussion |
| she talks a load of s**t what should come out of her A**E comes out of her GOB and she aint APOLOGISED yet which makes her a liar as well |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 89 in Discussion |
| Dozza you know nothing of what I do for the animals here so please don't assume you do! |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 89 in Discussion |
| msg 41 i will make allowances for that fact that you are a cretin and that is the last thing I will say to you...carry on typing away but please invest in a dictionary in the near future lol. |

Joined: 03/04/2009 Posts: 153
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 89 in Discussion |
| DC4 Is there no end to this persons misinformation ? You support euthanasia so do KAR. Have you asked KAR why they do not go down this route? If you had you would have been told that the vets will NOT use euthanasia on healthy adult dogs so what are KAR to do? They cannot possible keep every dog found or handed in so the only solution is to neuter and release them, of course if you know of a Vet who will perform euthanasia please speak out and let KAR know. Please tell us all how YOU are going to persuade the Government to set up animal rescue centres and care for the unwanted and strays, I for one wish you well. I think you have now dug a deep enough hole for yourself and I would suggest you apologise and stop your hateful spat of misinformation. Codger |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 89 in Discussion |
| I accept that the woman in the picture is not MR..that however does not change my views of the place or how it is run.. The paper got it wrong, I accept I took that at face value..I guess I should know better, newspapers invariably get most things wrong.. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 18:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 89 in Discussion |
| I have not and never will dig a hole as you put it but seeing as you have asked nicely for me to apologise then I am happy to do so...I was wrong about the woman in the paper, an innocent mistake put about by that paper.. I will not however support KAR or their practises..Does the RSPCA or Battersea dog home treat animals in this way...I think not. |

Joined: 11/07/2008 Posts: 607
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 89 in Discussion |
| Battersea and the RSPCA are in the United Kingdom and not Cyprus. This country just in case you haven't noticed is embargoed and just doesn't have the funds to look after stray animals. You should also note that they do NOT advocate putting down healthy animals. Have you got any better ideas on how the Turkish Cypriots should run their country? If not, don't go around telling them how to. Go back to UK, decent people do not want your kind here. You are obviously extremely ill bred. |

Joined: 15/02/2009 Posts: 1190
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 89 in Discussion |
| I do not agree with the policy of spaying and neutering these animals and putting them back on the streets, they should take some of there funds they raise,and find away of putting dogs and cats they cant rehome to sleep,dont need a vet to put a animal asleep. |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 89 in Discussion |
| i think where dee was coming from is the woman was well dressed clean and tidy. unlike dog loving firestarter who is usually covered in dog hair and slobber,lol. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 89 in Discussion |
| Firestarter lol a bit like most dog lovers and those of us who just get on with it.. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 89 in Discussion |
| Dozza, ill bred eh lol ...if you say so, another amusing post! |

Joined: 14/06/2008 Posts: 813
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 89 in Discussion |
| The island had a much larger problem with stray animals BEFORE KAR started neutering and spaying cats and dogs, although it is a very controversial subject with the public ( mainly foreign settlers) and may not be the "ideal" solution, however there are no other options viable. Within the country that we choose to take as our home, the vets do not like to put to sleep any healthy animals - this i believe is mainly due to religiuous beliefs ( I may be wrong ) - so it is crazy that foreign settlers choose to make such awful comments about an organisation that is trying to do the best it can for a huge number of stray animals under what must be extremely hard circumstamces. KAR are doing a good job - there are far less strays wandering the streets now than say 5 years ago , and those stray dogs with tags are often fed by local people as they are seen as "community" dogs, whereas before a stray without a tag would just be shunned by the many and chased away, unfed. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 89 in Discussion |
| KAR are doing a good job - there are far less strays wandering the streets now than say 5 years ago , and those stray dogs with tags are often fed by local people as they are seen as "community" dogs, whereas before a stray without a tag would just be shunned by the many and chased away, unfed. And refused a place at KAR...KAR make a lot of money and they should never turn away a dog...on that note I am off for the evening. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 89 in Discussion |
| Here we go again, sorry dee I am just looking at my calendar and have noticed it is that time of the month again. Everyone just give dee a few days and she will be as right as rain again. |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 443
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 55 of 89 in Discussion |
| I can't believe this thread, I am disgusted that someone can be so rude and thoughtless. Really is there any need for this? I'm sure alot of people are upset by this, can it all not be deleted please? |

Joined: 14/06/2008 Posts: 813
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 56 of 89 in Discussion |
| It is apparant that deecyprus4 has a problem absorbing what she reads - as per lots of posts above - KAR is FULL - there is no room for these dogs or cats - which is why rightly or wrongly they are on the street, if KAR did not spay them just think how many more there would be. They ARE doing the best job that they can do - under somewhat tricky circumstances. |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 57 of 89 in Discussion |
| the thing is whilst kar keep on dealing with the stray problem, the trnc gov will do nothing to deal with the situation. it is a trnc problem they should be dealing with it. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 58 of 89 in Discussion |
| Yep you are right fire starter, lets stop KAR doing what they are doing and let the government take over. What planet are you on? |

Joined: 15/02/2009 Posts: 1190
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 19:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 59 of 89 in Discussion |
| well instead of giving these poor animals anesthetic, for spaying and neutering, to put them back on the street, why not give them a bit more and put them out of there misery. |

Joined: 15/09/2008 Posts: 975
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 20:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 60 of 89 in Discussion |
| According to Dee, she thinks that the TRNC government is far better than KAR to deal with the stray animal problems, so what have they done Dee? |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 20:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 61 of 89 in Discussion |
| aj what i am saying is that they sit on their backsides and do sod all. their own people created the mess, so why are they not dealing with it? the reason is they can sit back and let the stupid soft expats mop up their mess. it is they who need to get a grip. i live on plant 'real world', tell it how it is. anyway, i hope everyone had a good day at the dog show! |

Joined: 15/09/2008 Posts: 975
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 20:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 62 of 89 in Discussion |
| catalkoykid I am sorry to say you are now talking just like Dee. The vets will not put down healthy animals, so asking a vet to over dose the animal it is the same as putting it down, THEY WON'T DO IT, what is wrong with some of you people, hasn't the penny dropped yet? Give me strength!! |

Joined: 03/04/2009 Posts: 153
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 20:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 63 of 89 in Discussion |
| No it should not be deleted This thread serves to show what a certain member of this forum is really like. Before this I had just thought that DC4 had a bee in the bonnet when certain other members grated on DC4's own outlook on life. As a consequence DC4 popped every so often on subjects I was not fully read up on and did not have the facts on so could not comment. This has now altered my perspective of the person and shown me that DC4 is in fact a spiteful misinformed and apparently a hate filled person, who will blame anybody and anything for their behaviour. I also note that this person is all to ready to suggest that others deal with a problem without any sensible or viable input from themselves. The more people who read this thread the better. Codger |

Joined: 15/02/2009 Posts: 1190
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 20:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 64 of 89 in Discussion |
| Codgger you are very ill informed mate |

Joined: 03/04/2009 Posts: 153
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 20:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 65 of 89 in Discussion |
| Catalkoykid Thank you for your comment, however I must base my judgement on what I have read so far and in the absence of any further information. I must point out that my message 63 was a personal opinion drawn solely on the writings of this thread. If it can be shown that my opinion is wrong I will gladly withdraw it but until such time it stands. Regards Codger |

Joined: 21/09/2008 Posts: 297
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 20:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 66 of 89 in Discussion |
| Can i just say we had cause to call KAR about 5 weeks ago concerning a stray that has taken up residency in our lane,a fine and handsome ginger German Shepherd if anyone is interested, Margeret Ray came along in the Kar van took "Foxy" off to Firdez to be castrated checked over and tagged and lovingly returned him that evening ,literally carried this large semi-conscious dog to his kennel/garden apartment our community have constructed for him and didn't leave until she saw "Foxy" was comfortable and we were happy knowing how to care for him post-op.Perfect make-up and grooming? i think not!!! Genuine caring animal loving lady? Most definitely!!! Thank you KAR and Margaret. PS we thoroughly enjoyed the show yesterday |

Joined: 29/07/2008 Posts: 2135
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 21:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 67 of 89 in Discussion |
| Codger..Lancashirelad.,I agree with you both 200%,and have you noticed how she starts pulling people to pieces for their bad spelling and grammar,then when she is being bettered, she does a runner.Then when she makes the self same errors it is a "typing error" as for her actually saying the word "apologise"I do not think it is in her vocabulary. watch the venomous reply to this msg... |

Joined: 29/07/2008 Posts: 2135
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 21:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 68 of 89 in Discussion |
| Surely it must be far better to have these dog/cats "doctored" rather than let them run amok and increase the unwanted population of strays.It is even suggested, in this country,that if you are not breeding your dog,have him "neutred",as it calms the dog down and makes it less aggresive. |

Joined: 01/07/2008 Posts: 641
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 21:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 69 of 89 in Discussion |
| I think it is disgraceful that this thread has not been moderated or closed. The conduct of Dee surely must break the forum's rules after all she has made an unwarranted personal attack on a founder member of KAR as well as other members of this board. As we all are aware KAR do the best that they can with the limited resources which they have. |

Joined: 17/02/2008 Posts: 2793
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 21:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 70 of 89 in Discussion |
| Message 63, My thoughts exactly. |

Joined: 27/05/2007 Posts: 2279
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 21:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 71 of 89 in Discussion |
| hattikins - I do hope you'll be at the Guidos Ladies Lunch planned for June. Judging by the way things are going here, it should be lively, to say the least! What I do hope is that it doesn't get to the "well, I'm not going if she's going" stage. It would be such a shame if what started as a very good idea should come to that. I am not taking sides here, but it certainly seems to have opened a can of worms!! Hope the packing is still going 'according to plan' - I am very much looking forward to meeting you. Kind regards. J |

Joined: 17/02/2008 Posts: 2793
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 22:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 72 of 89 in Discussion |
| The packing is well on track thanks Jean, it is a bit like living in a tent at the moment, very basic, but at least the end is in sight. Will certainly be there at Guidos in June, and I'm sure we will all be very well behaved, looking forward to it. Hatti |

Joined: 29/07/2008 Posts: 2135
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 22:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 73 of 89 in Discussion |
| The Wicks..Love to be a fly on that wall!!! |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 27/04/2009 22:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 74 of 89 in Discussion |
| fire starter 'aj what i am saying is that they sit on their backsides and do sod all. their own people created the mess, so why are they not dealing with it? the reason is they can sit back and let the stupid soft expats mop up their mess. it is they who need to get a grip. i live on plant 'real world', tell it how it is. ' Just tell me what happens in the UK. |

Joined: 27/05/2007 Posts: 2279
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 00:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 75 of 89 in Discussion |
| Coachie - are you there towards the end of June? I do apologise but I forget when you are making your "maiden voyage" into TRNC. I am sure you would be more than welcome, rather than being a "fly on the wall". Although I do think I know what you mean J |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 04:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 76 of 89 in Discussion |
| deecyprus4 msg 8 "..please can you tell me of another charity that adopts these policies....?" for info Neuter and return is a common practice used in many places around the world. Just google neuter and return and you will find countless orgnaisations and charities that use this system. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 07:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 77 of 89 in Discussion |
| Codger..Lancashirelad.,I agree with you both 200%,and have you noticed how she starts pulling people to pieces for their bad spelling and grammar,then when she is being bettered, she does a runner.Then when she makes the self same errors it is a "typing error" as for her actually saying the word "apologise"I do not think it is in her vocabulary. Coachie yet again you are wrong...I have never done a 'runner' in my life..you silly little man...I had said I was off, infact I am rarely on here past 8pm. Your typing errors remark is again rather silly, the difference between you and I is an education. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 07:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 78 of 89 in Discussion |
| I am happy to apologise for the mistake I made regarding the picture in the paper that stated it was MR..clearly it wasn't. I make no apology for anything I have said about KAR.. Erolz it is common practise to put cats back onto the street after neutering ...dgos I think are another matter! |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 07:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 79 of 89 in Discussion |
| Erolz I have googled as you suggested and it would seem Romania adopt the practise..can't find anyone else at the moment. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 08:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 80 of 89 in Discussion |
| Deecyprus4 msg 78&79 "Erolz I have googled as you suggested and it would seem Romania adopt the practise..can't find anyone else at the moment. " "...dgos I think are another matter!" With respect I do not think you have looked very hard. Google "Neuter and return dogs" and you will find the top three links are http://www.dogstrust.org.uk/wayswehelp/international/tnrdogs/ This is a UK charity that in co operation with battersy dogs home in UK has run NTR schemes overseas and considers them sucsessful The second link is to a scheme in Turkey (use cache version from google as site is down atm) The third link is from a cat based site but lists schemes aimed at both cats AND dogs accross the USA. and so it goes on. NTR schemes have their controversies and detractors, but the idea that it is something unique or near unique to KAR is just not true. NTR is a policy advocated by the World Health Organisation and the World Society for the Protection of Animals. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 08:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 81 of 89 in Discussion |
| Erolz I haven't time to research the whole thing on google...can you just let me know which american states adopt this practise..thanks. |

Joined: 15/09/2008 Posts: 975
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 09:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 82 of 89 in Discussion |
| Dee 'I am happy to apologise for the mistake I made'. easy to say Dee. I suggest you go and see Margaret Ray in person and have the decency to apologise in person, that is if you can recognise her. it's no good just gesturing a feeble tongue in cheek apology on this board , that means nothing. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 09:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 83 of 89 in Discussion |
| deecyprus4 msg 81 Really dee you are the one that made the original inference that the TNR policy of KAR was somehow unusal and unique to KAR. It is not. it is easy to show it is not. Charities like the Battersy Dogs Home and dogtrust (UK charity) support and promote such schemes. So does the World Society for the Protection of Animals. There are in fact so many TNR schemes around the world that it is hard to know where to start giving references to specific ones. If you choose to believe that such a scheme is atyipcal and KAR are doing something atypical, despite the clear evidence to the contrary, then that is your choice. My view is that the kind of TNR scheme run by KAR is not unusal at all and considered by many in this field as the best longterm solution to the problem of feral animals, both cats and dogs. |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 09:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 84 of 89 in Discussion |
| Quarmby I did not attack MR so why would I apologise to her...now the woman I thought was her is a different matter altogether..and I have already explained that that was down to a misprint in the paper..you support KAR and that is your choice...I do not and that is mine! |

Joined: 15/09/2008 Posts: 975
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 09:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 85 of 89 in Discussion |
| Dee for a charity you do not support, why on earth did you go to its event on sunday? Still waiting for your pearls of wisdom on my question to you in Msg 60. |

Joined: 15/02/2009 Posts: 1190
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 09:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 86 of 89 in Discussion |
| who donated the land to kar, After it became obvious that a larger piece of land in a non-residential area was needed the Forestry Department donated a tract of land in the Besparmak Mountain where a kennel block |

Joined: 04/12/2008 Posts: 19
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 09:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 87 of 89 in Discussion |
| Quarmby that's a very good question. I am very interested to see the answer. Also interesting is that apart from AJ there's not a moderator in sight when surely the number of personal attacks on various people in this thread should merit some action??? |

Joined: 28/04/2009 Posts: 816
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 10:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 88 of 89 in Discussion |
| I have just joined the board and am now seriously wondering whether I should have after reading this post. Does no one moderate this board? |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 28/04/2009 10:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 89 of 89 in Discussion |
| This thread is now closed.
Reason: Thread went off topic. |
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