North Cyprus Tourist Board - theft of pool pumps
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theft of pool pumps

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Joined: 28/12/2007
Posts: 444

Message Posted:
13/02/2008 22:22

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Hi all,

quite recently a friend of mine had his pool pump stolen.

I decided to bring this to everyones attention as there are a number of points that are worth bearing in mind.

1. note serial number capacity and make,

2. make regular checks,

3. secure pump room.


These might seem obvious but as it happened, my friend could only tick No2.and 4.

The Company that fitted the stolen pump had no records !!.

The Police and insurance companies require this information other wise detection !! can be delayed !! and replacement refused.

During this period of inclement weather when pump rooms are quite often flooded, the not so honest individual (thief) rather than spend a couple of hundred Quid will quite simply go out and take one.

Happy ending but not without headaches a new pump has been fitted and all is well. It only took 5 weeks to sort out.

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