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Kosovo V TRNC

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Joined: 03/02/2008
Posts: 346

Message Posted:
17/02/2008 13:26

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Hi everyone, Kosovo's independance today shows there is always a way forward. Kosovo's population has been ethnically diverse over the years, with the province's complex ethnic map including Ladins, Turks, Roma, Bosniaks, Gorans, Jews, Janjevs, Serbs, and Albanians. Now as a country they have managed to pull through it and sort themselves out. This surely must help TRNC in their bid for international recognition.


Joined: 29/07/2007
Posts: 1895

Message Posted:
17/02/2008 13:36

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Message 2 of 3 in Discussion

This is great,the forum has been a little flat of late but these issues seem to have got the old brain matter going again.Totally agree with your sentiments simma.


Joined: 25/02/2007
Posts: 2641

Message Posted:
17/02/2008 14:31

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

It is not just the action that counts, Kosovo's recognition has once again opened up lots of debate and lots of media attention and is providing the TRNC with some much needed positive attention.

Putin warned Europe that if independence was given to Kosovo then it should also be given to the TRNC. To do otherwise would show the world the hypocrisy of the EU. The constant bad mouthing, objecting and regurgitating the past rather than looking forward from the present GC government is wearing thin and is beginning to fall on deaf ears within the EU. Suddenly they are aware that whatever they propose, will be shot down by the GC's. I hope that Papadolittle is returned to power as he is doing a grand job of alienating the GC's and it can only be a matter of time before he becomes "background music" and the Eu and big boys get on with the job of healing Cyprus be it through unification or division. I am optimistic that there will be free trade with TRNC and an end to its isolation very soon.

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