North Cyprus Tourist Board - eating places with to many cats
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eating places with to many cats

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Joined: 12/05/2009
Posts: 2736

Message Posted:
17/05/2009 16:43

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Now I dont want to sound negative, but some of the eating places seem to either have loads of cats or dogs that get around your legs, I love animals, but dont like them around me whilst I am eating expecially some one elses. I now avoid some places along Lapta strip because of the cats that last year seemed to be encouraged into the Engish run cafes. Cats hairs on the chairs also a big no no, I dont want to sit in a cats bed!

Any one else find this of putting?


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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 16:51

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the more begging cats, the merrier i say...



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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 16:54

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Shows the food is eatable!


Joined: 27/05/2007
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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 16:54

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If you think cats are a problem now, you should have gone to NC years ago before European vets carried out a voluntary speying and neutering programme.

Personally, they don't bother me at all, but I can see it's not to everyone's liking.



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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 17:00

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I hate pets around when I'm eating.


Joined: 03/08/2007
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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 17:19

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Message 6 of 12 in Discussion

When I worked at Ambelia Village in the early 1980's the place was overrun with stray cats. Someone put poison down, the cats ate the poison, went onto the neighbouring garden to throw up and the neighbour's chickens then took turns eating the poison.

The owner of the chickens was not best pleased when he found his flock all dead.


Joined: 16/07/2007
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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 17:28

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Message 7 of 12 in Discussion

Do you know , i had'nt thought about it until you've mentioned it now . But yes there are quite visably less cats around .

Hope you are keeping well , Pat


Joined: 23/10/2007
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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 17:35

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Message 8 of 12 in Discussion

Well there's "Paws for thought" Dusterbruce.


Joined: 12/05/2009
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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 18:07

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Message 9 of 12 in Discussion

wondered if these cafes had inherited the cats or do they encourage them in from around. Dont want folks to poison them thats b----y cruel, but think sometimes that if they encouraged the cats to be fed away from the tables some of us might just be tempted to go back.

On another subject, the Punjab food is ex, and not over priced, and clean plus no cats and dogs, my husband said thats because we had eaten them,!! just joking


Joined: 02/07/2008
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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 18:57

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Msg 6 Dusterbruce

What did you do at Ambelia? That was my first visit to NC about 82-83.

John was the owner then, as you probably know he is dead now.


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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 19:54

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I worked in the bar/restaurant at Ambelia Sept '81 to Oct '82. It closed for the winter '82/'83 then was leased by Funda from the Harbour Club, but by then I was back in UK. I dont think it ever did the business they expected it to and they did not stay for long. After that I think it was run for a while by Ariel Everard, Glyn's son. Glyn owned the property from when it was built in '73 just before the Peace Operation. In turn Glyn died in the late '80's and is buried in the old British Cemetery on the 80's by-pass.

Do you mean John Done? As far as I know he never had connections with Ambelia. I knew John from the Grapevine, we were drinking buddies there later on in the '80's, then he went on to open his own bar in Zeytinlik.


Joined: 02/07/2008
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Message Posted:
17/05/2009 23:02

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Was Glyn the alcoholic!! We went up a couple of years ago to have a look round it had all been refurbished very nice too. Im not sure if she was Dutch or German who was running it but were very nice gave us a tour and took us into the one we had stayed in.

Could write a book on the shenangins that went on while we was there but nether the less we enjoyed it and became hooked from then on for NC.

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