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whats wrong with eating dogs?

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Joined: 30/05/2009
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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 18:50

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Message 1 of 46 in Discussion

on another thread there is disgust at the chineese eating dogs, what makes dogs different from chickens, pigs and cows? dogs are just another animal no different so whats the problem?


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:06

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Message 2 of 46 in Discussion

tell you what , if you were eating what you presumed was meat and a a micro chip fell out of your mouth , what would you say to that ?


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:11

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Message 3 of 46 in Discussion

Yes, I quite agree, stavroscyprus, what is so different from eating chickens, piga and cows? I find it distasteful to eat any of it and that is why I am a vegetarian. The world would be a lot healthier place if more people were vegetarians. Not only is it better for people, there would be less food shortages in the world, less methane adding to global warming and fewerof these food epidemics - you don't get any of them from carrots and potatoes!


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:13

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What about sprouts - my husband seems to produce a lot of methane when he eats them


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:13

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Message 5 of 46 in Discussion

Nothing wrong with eating dogs, hey hamsters , rats gerbils hey even the occasion snake kangeroo or flipper is ok but would you eat another human ??


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:23

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you lot get real we have another one. look at his next post. please dont get sucked in xxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:24

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Lilli - he/she is on three or four at the moment.




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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:26

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about 3 or 4 do not have enough sad time to post as often as some, i have a life.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:29

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Jean I know sad get


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:33

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would solve the stray dog problem.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:36

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Message 11 of 46 in Discussion

get him off now I see trouble ahead


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:43

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Message 12 of 46 in Discussion

This whole thread is meant to incense animal lovers aand start arguments. Admin please close this thread.



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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:43

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Lilli....your senses are probably correct....but he does have a point.

Many people keep rabbits as domesticated pets but it is widely eaten.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:48

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stavroscyprus .

Are you sure you have a life ? sounds like a pretty awful exsistence to me , ah well small things please small minds i supose , have a good evening everyone !!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:00

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Stavros are you trying to wind people up because you didn't win Britains got talent ?



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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:03

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Cooper....I don't reckon so....Stavros Flatley was a genuinely funny bloke.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:06

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just look at his other posts am I paronid or what cooper love you xxxxxxxxxxx I am going to get savages eating in my restaurant Yeah right


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:25

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lilli dont be wound up, this is one sad person x


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:26

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He's obviously British!

Aint you Stavros!?



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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:27

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I agree everon he's completely barking.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:29

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Just dont bite cooper!


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:31

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Message 22 of 46 in Discussion

Stavros, get off this thread and stop winding people up. You've made your point but it is distasteful nonetheless. Otherwise... go and live in China!


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:33

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Message 23 of 46 in Discussion

quite right xx


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:34

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go & live on the Isle of Dogs !!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:34

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Dont worry it wont be long before someone collar's him.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:34

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Message 26 of 46 in Discussion

Hi Lilli, I think you were the one I met on Thursday in your restaurant...I was the one that didn't want to drink Champagne!! Just wanted to say I loved your restaurant, the food was great. I'll be back later in the year.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:35

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Every one to their own taste , dogs,cats rats you name it you were hungry you would eat!

Veggies the same if push came to shove, I dont really worry what folks like to eat so long as they dont eat me or foist their opinions/sermons onto me!! lol x


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:39

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Personally i love a grilled Meliteo Kinidio Kebab.

(Sorry Lilli i couldn't help it) X


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:41

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Casa of couse i remember. they drank me out of champange. However it was a great day with you all. Look forward to your return please bring me champange xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:57

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Message 30 of 46 in Discussion

Haha, ok, will do.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:06

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Message 31 of 46 in Discussion

Message 2


my kids love micro chips

mcains micro chips!

when i lived in china you never really heard of people eating dogs until you got out to the provinces,i was told they tend to only eat dog in the winter as the meat kept them warm,and not any old dog.a certain breed.

maybe we should just respect other cultures!


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:15

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Message 32 of 46 in Discussion

I have seen a few dogs at the eltropicano in nelson i would not touch never mind " eat "


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:16

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Message 33 of 46 in Discussion

It's difficult to respect others cultures when it comes to animals. Whilst it might be the norm in China to eat dogs, it's repulsive in the western world. They also eat locusts and grubs etc which makes my stomach turn at the thought of it. It's one of those topics that can never be agreed on unfortunately, much like politics and religion


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:20

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watch it Littlenige, I'm from Nelson and the "Trop" was my old stomping ground !!! maybe you are the guy who asked me to dance and I said "no thanks I have a Dad at home" ha! ha! xxxxx did you go down the Imp ?


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:20

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Casa you are so right. lived in Bahrein for a while but could not eat a cockroach. Take care see you soon xxxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:24

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Message 36 of 46 in Discussion

Abi you little buggar. I loved your company and give my love to Lyn. He is in love with you you know xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:35

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Haha, why am I a little buggar?? Lynne also says hi to you. I didn't realise you were in Bahrain until she told me but strangely enough, you did look familiar to me.

Now as to Mr. L being in love with me...he's only met me 3 times and let's get real here, with respect to him, I see him more as a father figure than anything. He's about 30 years too old for me and a little too portly for my taste! That said, he seems to be a very nice gentleman, if not a little over enthusiastic! He behaved the same way with Lynne!!


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:40

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I agree he just needs some one to love him. Im familar to loas of people. perhaps becauce I loo like Catherine ZetA jones. probably more like Tom jones. Can we find someone for him xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:56

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Catherine Zeta, haha. I don't know anyone else that would be suitable. He needs to find someone nearer his own age I think.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 21:59

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yes you are so right and i wish i could find it for him. I would put myself up but then No. I love him to bits AND HE enjoys the chase xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 22:05

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Message 41 of 46 in Discussion

Haha, doesn't he just? Well I am signing off now, can't sit at this computer all evening, got things to do. Lovely chatting with you and no doubt we will chat again soon. Take care x


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 22:24

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Message 42 of 46 in Discussion

night night love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Are you ahead of us in time


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 22:28

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Message 43 of 46 in Discussion

I think this thread is enough to make you SICK and that desribes the person who started it


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 22:30

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Message 44 of 46 in Discussion

bill please close it xxxx


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 22:39

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Lilli - no we are the same time as you.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 23:25

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Message 46 of 46 in Discussion

This thread is now closed. Reason: Thread was serving no purpose.

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