North Cyprus Tourist Board - Linda McCartney vegetarian food
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Linda McCartney vegetarian food

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Joined: 31/05/2009
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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 18:51

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Message 1 of 13 in Discussion

Hello all,

Just wondering if anybody knows where we might buy Linda McCartney or similar veggy food in the north.

Also, Is there anywhere we could order reasonable wooden garden furniture over the phone or internet from here in UK.Just to save using our whole holiday searching.


Pete + Marion


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 19:56

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Message 2 of 13 in Discussion

Hi i dont think you will get Lindas meals here but we can do any vegitarian meal to eat in or take out. You will find many places for furniture and do a better deal when you are here xxxxxxx


Joined: 18/04/2009
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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:28

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Message 3 of 13 in Discussion

very poor here in the shops for vege food, vege's must have good core protein, not available i'm afraid x


Joined: 21/07/2008
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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:37

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Message 4 of 13 in Discussion

Everon call me we cater fot all dietary requirements even to glutten free pasta and bread. 05338336911. we will be happy to suppply your needs xxxxxxxx


Joined: 18/04/2009
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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 20:39

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Message 5 of 13 in Discussion

thanx Lilli, you are a star, just stating fact, that the shops don't stock Linda McCartney, Quorn etc x


Joined: 26/11/2007
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Message Posted:
01/06/2009 09:28

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Message 6 of 13 in Discussion

they used to sell linda mcCartney sausages/lasagne etc, here but they suddenly stopped. You can buy veggie burgers in lemar and supreme, and bell foods sell quorn ( very expensive)


Joined: 04/02/2009
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Message Posted:
01/06/2009 18:40

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Message 7 of 13 in Discussion

Can back up that Bell foods is very expensive - don't try to work out the price per veggie sausage you'll end up in shock!

Middle Easter

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Message Posted:
02/06/2009 01:05

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Message 8 of 13 in Discussion

What do you call a dog with Wings.....?


Joined: 04/02/2009
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Message Posted:
02/06/2009 15:21

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Message 9 of 13 in Discussion

Linda MacCartney - that joke's almost as old a me


Joined: 19/09/2008
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Message Posted:
02/06/2009 15:35

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Message 10 of 13 in Discussion

There's nothing up with a vegetarian diet a lamb chop can't put right!


Joined: 01/08/2008
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Message Posted:
02/06/2009 16:10

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Message 11 of 13 in Discussion

Yes they did use to sell Lind McCartney sausages etc wonder why they stopped theyre so yummyyyyy!!


Joined: 01/12/2008
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Message Posted:
02/06/2009 16:50

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Message 12 of 13 in Discussion

Yummy a message 11!! why not try some cardboard with onion gravey ??

Last time i was over in feb still were selling them in Hos Bes lapta.(wife a veggie)



Joined: 11/11/2008
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Message Posted:
05/06/2009 14:22

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Message 13 of 13 in Discussion

Bells Foodstore.

Heading into town from Lapta, this store is on the right hand side opposite the left turn for the Mercure Hotel. Lots of veggie options in there, Quorn etc.

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