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The mother of all spiders

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Joined: 27/07/2008
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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 09:53

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ewwwwww we found a spider under our cooker hood this morning and it was huge...and I mean huge, I would say 4 inches in diameter, with a body the size of a ten bob cabbage...bands on its legs and spots down its back..what was it..apart from scary


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 09:59

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Cyprus Tarantula we had 3 indoors 2 years ago. Sucked them up with the Dyson. Where one lived for nearly 3 weeks as it killed the other 2. friends used to come in just to see Boris (nickname) I wouldn't empty the dyson until I knew for sure it was dead. Yuck I hate them.


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 10:01

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Thanks nurse...i did think it was...kev wrestled it to the ground....his version of events of course lol, i said hoover it up as I have a dyson but he just chucked it out...its sure to return.


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 10:05

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Just watch Deecyprus as there is usually 2 of them!!!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 10:05

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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 10:07

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yep catalkoy that it, nasty looking thing...euwwwwwwwwy..


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 10:09

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nurse 2 of the little fekkers omg I am on spider search lol...


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 12:39

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we also had one last night running around the patio. My hubby shoved it with a shovel into the swimming pool. I swear it was training for the olympics. After 4 lengths of back stroke it decided to play dead. We fished it out of the pool and up it jumped, and ran away. We wont be out after dark tonight just incase it brings it mates back.


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 12:56

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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 12:59

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Are they poisonous?


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 13:00

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Oh my god!!! Im not even gonna bothr looking at the link because ill die on the spot! İ hate the things, cant even look at cartoon pictures so god forbid i ever see one in my house! Really dont know what i would do! İ cant even hoover them up because i cant get that close to them and even if it was a long hoover hose, the thought of them passing through the tube that close to my hand gives me the heebies!!!

Do we have rentakil here!!??


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 13:10

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Awww! Go On!! Look at the link!

My wife just did,.... and reeled back from the laptop!!



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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 13:14

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How awful was that I would have been doing the 5 min mile to get away from it, luckly I have one of those hand held dyson so I would have got the little BB*** with that, if I was brave enough to get near it.

Bloody hell I hope he doesnt have any siblings, take care

sheila xxx


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 13:16

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When the day comes that i feel i can no longer go on in life and want to find a quick way out... only then will i look at that link!!!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 13:22

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i just did and it is awful and I hope to god I never get one in my house as I don't have a dyson to hoover it up with!!!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 13:26

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Dont worry Scooby, i dont plan on it!!!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 13:43

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Always look on the bright side of life!

At least we don't have Great White Sharks, Crocodiles, Alligators, Hippo's, Malaria, Rattlesnakes, Piranha's,

E-Bola, McDonalds, the M25!

Or all those other killers!



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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 15:21

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My mother always used to say if you find one spider its mate is lurking there somewhere.

Has anyone ever found the white fluffy cocoons in the tops of your curtains that look like cotton wool balls, well thats where the eggs have been laid!!!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 16:04

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ROBnJO message 17- sorry to dissappoint you, they've built a Mc Donalds in Lefkosa only in the North it's known as Big Mac.

I also had one of those spiders on my patio, but it was dead, hate to see the size of the one that killed lol!!!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 16:39

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Message 20 of 36 in Discussion

Oh my god, that's nasty......................not looking again!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 16:54

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dee - 4 inches isn't huge...

Ask Garry Monger's missus.....


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 16:55

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whilst we were waiting for our place to be habitable, yeah, we've all been there, we booked into Hilarion Village Hotel, way up high. First night my went into the bathroom and ran out screaming. What's up says I. There's a spider in the bathroom, says she. Soft sod says I, entering bathroom, exit much faster. Boiled kettle, jerked open door and chased spider round bathroom. Eventually spider put it's legs over it's head and expired. I told our hostess. She asked for description of spider. I told her it was bloody big, like a tarantula. She nodded, it most likely was a tarantula. Aren't they dangerous? I asked. Not at all, says she, after I'd breathed a sigh of relief, she added, only if they bite you.


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 17:31

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Rob - i would swap all the spiders in cyprus for all the things you mentioned above! Well, wouldn't want maleria. And dont know what e-bola is haha! But would have the hippos, crocs and sharks etc ...


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 17:50

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What about goose eggs and conkers?

I think someone on another thread said these were good for keeping the horrible hairy things away!



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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 18:58

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Are you sure Kev just chucked it out?? Don't want them coming over the wall to our place. Have just shown Sara the picture and she has gone round house shutting the windows. If I find one in our house, I won't hoover it up with the dyson, I will smash it over the head with it!!

Neg Nick..... You crack me up!!!! (Oh no... I have given him another chance of a pun).


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 21:17

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Blinkin ek you lot - they're pretty harmless and more scared of us than we are of them....... unlike the great white sharks which just happen to breed in the Med. Stay out of the water folks!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 21:44

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Seems they are becoming a problem, third post about spiders, I shall have to bring even more conkers out with me in two weeks time. I know they work, not tried the duck eggs though.


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 22:00

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Jetski, WE all know they're pretty harmless and more scared of us than we are of them, but do they. You talk like someone who's never met one.


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 22:10

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sent hubby into the downstairs cloakroom tonight to evict a tarantula, huge it was.


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 22:15

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Hi Minertor - I've actually got one living behind my fridge and talk to her most days! (The big ones are the girls). She keeps a lot of other bugs at bay, and another helpful hint - don't hoover away the spiders that live in the top corners of your rooms..... they are brilliant at catching mossies and the like. (trick learnt from the locals)


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 22:28

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Which areas are they mostly found? We have a place in Catalkoy village


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 22:45

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Here's photo's of one I caught, and released safely...


Not sure what it was.

It's out the house now



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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 23:10

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The large black Cypriot snakes usually manage to keep the large spider population down at this time of year especially as the Tarantula is one of it`s favourite snacks so more than often one isn`t far away from the other...


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Message Posted:
13/06/2009 23:26

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Message 34 of 36 in Discussion

Thanks' a lot RedSnapper,

What do I tell the wife,

It's OK, I got the spider,

But the BIG BLACK SNAKE is still at large :-(



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Message Posted:
14/06/2009 00:30

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Message 35 of 36 in Discussion

One spider, as above, fell off bottom of dustbin last week. Large flip flop - splat - no problem.


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Message Posted:
14/06/2009 10:27

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Message 36 of 36 in Discussion

Jetski - post 26 - The sharks were in the sea first, they can stay!! The spiders were most definitely not in my house first - they gotta go!!!

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