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Organic gardening problems - can anyone help please?

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Joined: 15/05/2009
Posts: 11

Message Posted:
15/06/2009 11:16

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Hi, I wondered if anyone who had a real passion for organic gardening - not just for fruit & veg, could give me some advice about my herb garden.

I am growing a variety of different herbs, and am having success with most of the plants. However I am having a real problem with my St Johns Wort. The stems are fast growing, and seem to shoot up in no time. I stake them as they are growing, so they don't blow about etc, but the stems seem to become very soft, even moudly in places. The mouldy patches are white-ish, and won't just pick off the stem. I've tried not over-watering them, and don't know what I'm doing wrong! This softness of stem and this mould is killing the plants off, even before they've had a chance to flower. Does anyone know what the solution might be please? I want to be able to try and sort out this problem organically if possible though. I have not used any chemicals at all on any other part of my garden, not even weed killer or slug pellets.

Many thanks -


Joined: 03/04/2009
Posts: 153

Message Posted:
15/06/2009 16:55

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Message 2 of 5 in Discussion

Hello Lizzy

Have found this, St Johns Wort needs well drained soil so you MAY be over watering

Its important to avoid overwatering your herb garden. There are signs to look for in the herbs themselves, that show when the herb is receiving too much moisture.

First, be sure to plant herbs in groups, based on their watering needs. This allows you to water generously in areas that require it, without overwatering herbs that like to remain dry.

There are clear signs that your herbs are receiving too much water. Here are a few of the signs:

* Leaves are becoming yellow.

* Leaves becoming dark or black in color.

* A fuzzy mildew substance is seen on the herb.

* Herb is not growing.

* Herb appears to not perk up when watered.

If you believe that your herbs may be receiving too much moisture, check that the drainage is adequate. Standing water will rot the roots of even a moisture loving herb.

Hope this helps



Joined: 27/12/2010
Posts: 14

Message Posted:
27/12/2010 07:19

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Message 3 of 5 in Discussion

You need to do working hard on your soil is toss vegetable and lawn cuttings on your garden and keep it wet. The moisture will attract the worms and they will munch those cuttings and turn them into rich soil. So keep your garden moist!


Joined: 08/09/2009
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Message Posted:
27/12/2010 08:50

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Message 4 of 5 in Discussion

Hi lizziekins are you in the UK or Cyprus


Joined: 12/09/2009
Posts: 198

Message Posted:
30/12/2010 08:57

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Message 5 of 5 in Discussion

St. John's Wort is an easy to grow herb, with over three hundred of varieties. It is used primarily for medicinal purposes. St. John's Wort is believed to have been named after St. John the Baptist. It originated in Europe and Asia where it grew wild in woods, fields and along roadsides. Quickly spreading, St. John's Wort is found all over the U.S. To many farmers, it is a weed they try to keep out of their fields.

St. John's is a perennial herb that grows into a small shrub if allowed. With attractive leaves, it has clusters of bright yellow flowers that bloom from July through August.

Did you Know? St. John's Wort was used to ward off evil spirits and witches.

How to Grow St. John's Wort:

Almost any area of your garden or flower bed will be acceptable to St. John's Wort. They grow well in full to partial sun, tolerating shade. They prefer moist, and light soils. Sandy and coarse soils are fine.

Being a perennial, St. John's Wort is hardy. But to assure a good start, it

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