North Cyprus Tourist Board - new food and entertainment at the stummble inn
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new food and entertainment at the stummble inn

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Joined: 15/07/2008
Posts: 32

Message Posted:
17/06/2009 15:37

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The stummble BBQ at 4 pm every tuesday if you can book with mick 0533 8461837 we have chicken curry, chille and shepards pie at the moment adding more daily. the sandancers every friday night at 9 ish. Sunday we got Bobby sands singing and karioke NEW TIME 1800


Joined: 04/06/2009
Posts: 175

Message Posted:
17/06/2009 16:18

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mick as a friend of yours get rid of bobby slit your throat sands his songs and kareoke are so dreary. has the last 2 sundays not told you this. get the bloke who does kareoke for tolgas to do yours. as you will know from past posts i am not a lover of kareoke but this bloke was fantastic as he had the good sense to see people were enjoying his background music so much he just let that play until later. the music was lively and happy


Joined: 12/05/2009
Posts: 2736

Message Posted:
17/06/2009 17:22

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Message 3 of 7 in Discussion

Oh no not mooooore kareoke, please no more! lol


Joined: 04/03/2009
Posts: 304

Message Posted:
17/06/2009 18:00

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Message 4 of 7 in Discussion

Why do you call this a BBQ? You say you are serving curry, chilli and shepards pie!!!


Joined: 14/06/2009
Posts: 112

Message Posted:
17/06/2009 18:02

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Message 5 of 7 in Discussion

Hmmm curry bbq does sound odd...


Joined: 24/12/2006
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Message Posted:
17/06/2009 19:55

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Message 6 of 7 in Discussion

come on people this is mick posting you expect sense ??????????????????

A great guy doing his best.

For me I preferred the old pub style as it was but horses for courses good luck to him.


Joined: 15/02/2007
Posts: 1487

Message Posted:
18/06/2009 01:26

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Message 7 of 7 in Discussion

I thought Bobby Sands was that IRA Hunger Striker who went all the way.

Don't tell me he escaped to North Cyprus!

I thought he was dead, or is that just the karaoke?


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