North Cyprus Tourist Board - If you like to look at pussys in trnc
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If you like to look at pussys in trnc

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Joined: 24/12/2006
Posts: 3594

Message Posted:
10/03/2008 20:31

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If you like to look at pussys in trnc then look here Please be aware his is of a sensative nature you are likely to drool say ahhh and oo i wish I could have it.......

You have been warned !!


Joined: 15/12/2007
Posts: 87

Message Posted:
10/03/2008 20:34

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Message 2 of 8 in Discussion

You are a brave man to put that on the forum Littlenige.



Joined: 07/07/2007
Posts: 231

Message Posted:
10/03/2008 20:38

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Message 3 of 8 in Discussion


Ahhh ooo

I wish I could have one, always wanted a ginger one or failing that, a stripey one.

I think anyone with an ounce of common sense would realise its pictures of kitties, or then again I could be wrong!



Joined: 16/07/2007
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Message Posted:
10/03/2008 20:38

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Message 4 of 8 in Discussion

hi littlenige , what a little cutie , ive got 2 orientals myself and i luv them to bits

have a good evening, simbas


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
10/03/2008 20:55

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Message 5 of 8 in Discussion

It was exactly wht I expected from naughty Nige!!!



Joined: 24/12/2006
Posts: 3594

Message Posted:
10/03/2008 20:56

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Message 6 of 8 in Discussion

never tried an oriental pussy myself !! always fancied a siamese one but cold never afford the fees !!


Joined: 31/07/2007
Posts: 1091

Message Posted:
10/03/2008 21:44

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Message 7 of 8 in Discussion


that's a very hairy pussy



Joined: 15/03/2007
Posts: 1254

Message Posted:
10/03/2008 22:03

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Message 8 of 8 in Discussion

LOL!!!!!!!!! What are you lot like!!!!!!! LOL!!!

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