North Cyprus Tourist Board - looking for roommate to share the rent
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looking for roommate to share the rent

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» North Cyprus Property Rental Guide


Joined: 16/07/2009
Posts: 8

Message Posted:
20/07/2009 14:09

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Message 1 of 3 in Discussion

hi i m looking for a lady to share the rent..its 3+1 fully furnished and with big swimming pool...and the rent is 350gbp including swimming pool maintance..


Joined: 10/11/2008
Posts: 6023

Message Posted:
20/07/2009 14:27

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Message 2 of 3 in Discussion

would you consider a "bloke" ? - i know Garry Monger is on the verge of cracking and may need somewhere to live.....


Joined: 16/07/2009
Posts: 8

Message Posted:
20/07/2009 21:22

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

sorry ı m lookıng for a lady...

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