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local resturant dumps rubbish

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Joined: 17/11/2008
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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 19:09

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the valley resturant near aligadi dumps its rubbish across the road on a bit of waste ground it also dumps oil and oil cans there its visable from the main road and its probably attractin all sorts is there someone to complain to these people have no self respect and even less for thier country and enviroment


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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 20:02

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I pulled my poolman up the other week for throwing the silver foil for the water test tablets in my garden and he looked at me like i was about to give birth in front of him.

Then 10 mins later he went and flicked his burning fag butt in the garden. So i called his boss and told him about this, Now when he come to clean the pool he dosent say hello or goodbye and try's his best not to make any eye contact with me. lol.

Needless to say now, he dosent smoke and takes his little silver foil home with him!!!!!



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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 20:12

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It's the old complaint, 'Cypriot Litter Blindness' and it's getting worse I think. Go down to the sea front by the Dome Hotel and Ataturk's statue and just sniff the 'ozone'. There's a lot more than just rubbish being dumped in the sea around there.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 20:18

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If you're under contract for pool cleaning can you not insist that you wish for a different person to enter your property to carry out the work you've paid for. It must be an uncomfortable situation all round.



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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 20:52

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Richard you are so right but i dont want it to have a detrimental affect on me because my cleaning contract is with the same company that built my pool. (still under the solid trnc warranty).

If thats his attitude then so be it. I can live with it as long as he keeps coming twice a week to clean.

His boss did seem a little concerend, but then he would. (you know what i mean). ;-)

Only 8 months left on contrct and then i'll clean it myself, throw my little silver paper in next doors garden and flick my own fag butts where the hell "I" like.



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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 20:54

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Simple, boycott the valley restaurant.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 21:11

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I have never known it any other Country, but when I sit on my balcony I watch people standing on their balconies or outside their front door having a cig and then just throwing them away not caring about the place. one after the other, as if to say as long as its clean inside who cares whats outside of the properties, I watch students in my complex doing the same thing, and when I tell them they just shrug their shoulders, if we joined in what would this place be like, more of a mess. I doubt if it could be



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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 21:36

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A better one, my neighbours (owners) above me in the penthouse find it particularly difficult to walk down the stairs to deposit their waste in the green bin provided by the council so they just lob it over their balcony waiting for muggins, me, to clear it up. They just don't care, no matter how many expletives I vent my feelings towards them! The two sons, in their late twenties are both............ Yes, you've guessed it..........Advocates!!!!!!!!!!



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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 21:40

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Ahh, so now we know why you are so................. nice ???????????


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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 21:58

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I might be a cripple with limited mobility but I do adhere to a modicum of cleanliness, even in my own back yard!



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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 22:02

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Your neighbours sound like the neighbours from hell, cant you make a TV programme about them )

I do think like you that they wait for mugs like us to pick up their rubbish, I found 4 cigarette buts on the stairs today in one stairwell, cant they wait until they get inside to put them out, slobs that's all they are

Every day I think am I right to want to stay here, there are more donts and do's so far only time will tell



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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 22:08

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Ten years, and I have seen and watched many changes, for the worse. Nothing you and I can do about it except become a cynical, sarcastic old codger like me!



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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 22:28

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I have been here 5 years and keep waiting for things to change, but I'm deluding myself, you will never change them, their kids will be the same, and so on

God we are a couple of moaners tonight )



Joined: 29/07/2008
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Message Posted:
26/07/2009 23:26

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Careful now or you will have the smoking brigade yelling at you. They are there own worst enemy.It may only be the odd few but they all get tarnished with the same brush..


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Hi Brins, sorry to hear that you're an old cripple with limited mobility. You're postings paint an entirely different picture, to me anyway.

ps Is that why you don't like football?


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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 00:05

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Msg 15

Hence spending so much time at home occupying myself on the computer. Your deduction abilities have no bounds!



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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 00:53

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Old codgers with mobility problems shouldn't mention bounds.


Joined: 21/07/2008
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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 01:01

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tonight went to starlings a man and his two kids came out and all opened an ice cone. they droped the wrappers on the ground the bin was only inches from them. was so incensed and asked why shrug of the shoulders. We went south side tonight and the rubbish on the way was unbelievable xx


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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 01:33

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Lilli, next time you or guido go south give us a shout pls.

I fancy a ride out like me gran used to say.

Tootie x


Joined: 18/05/2008
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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 10:40

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And the government wonders why tourist numbers are down !!! Simple, people don't want to walk around a waste dump !! I have seen things spiral downwards steadily over the past 3 years. I used to think that the South was much worse for fly tipping but not anymore. Individuals (and I'm sorry to say the vast majority are locals) just don't seen to have any respect for their surroundings. Go down to the beach car park at Alagadi village. Literally hundreds and hundreds of plastic bottles and bags just cast aside and waste bins overflowing. This is meant to be one of the jewels in the N Cyprus crown, it is an absolute disgrace.

Nothing will change until the government get a grip and start to heavily fine the litterbugs.



Joined: 26/07/2008
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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 14:07

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My house is just next to the shop in Baspinar. The bin men come Wednesdays & Sundays and each time I put my bin out I take a carrier bag and fill it with icecream, lolly wrappers, yoghurt tubs, cigarette packets, drink cans & bottles. I have watched from the balcony as people come out of the shop, unwrapping whatever they've bought and chucked their rubbish outside my gates! I even watched one mother sit on the verge and feed her two small children yoghurts & dump the pots as she left! I have though of affixing a bin to the wall but I'm sure no one would use it.

I love this place so I put up with the litterbugs - but maybe I need to learn the turkish for "excuse me but I think you dropped this" and run after them with their junk!



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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 14:23

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I and several others help out on the Alagadi beaches doing litter cleaning each week for the Turtle project. It really makes me angry when the lazy muppets use the turtle nest covers as litter bins !!

They just do not get it do they ???

When the last tourist has gone for good,who'll pay the bills,wages etc ??? Turkey I presume,they pay for everything else here !!!!


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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 14:46

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I have chased after them and had a moan, they understand believe me when you hold the bag of evidence, how dare they just throw their rubbish away, I am like you when I put rubbish in the green bin, it takes me for ages picking up what others have dropped around the bins, as if they are NOT BIG ENOUGH TO SEE

take care



Joined: 01/07/2008
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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 14:54

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When we got our pool machinery installed the young guy who installed it decided to through the boxes down the ravine accross the road from us. When i said to him about it he all of a sudden did not speak much English. He understood when I told him to go down and pick it up or he would follow it down. His boss came and asked what the problem was and when I told him he sent the boy down to pick it up.

Its just a lack of education.

As a solution perhaps those who are doing their military service may want to spend some of their time picking litter up along the roads. That way when they are not doing their national service they will think twice about how and where they disgard their rubbish


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Message Posted:
27/07/2009 14:56

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Whilst I can appreciate how angry you must feel, I really am not surprised by their actions. I really wish that I could put it down to ignorance but anybody that uses the beach would know what the nest covers are for. Unfortunately it is down to sheer laziness and lack of respect for their surroundings. A couple of months ago it was widely reported in the papers that the government would be enlisting the help of all and sundry to clean up the beaches for the tourist season - once again an example of the empty promises that are so common in N Cyprus.

Enough moaning from me, I am gonna go and chill for an hour next to my clean and tidy pool




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Message Posted:
05/08/2009 14:20

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Message 26 of 26 in Discussion

how about the astro

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