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Live music in restaurants

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Joined: 20/07/2009
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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 11:52

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Do forum members enjoy "live'' music in restaurants or do they look upon it as an invasion of their privacy?

Would it put you off booking a table if music was advertised for that evening?


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 12:15

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It wouldn't put me off if the restaurant was a good restaurant serving good food and having good service.

Personally I'd rather the two were kept apart.


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 12:18

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I like live music, but when in a restaraunt it should be "background music" - perhaps a bit louder when most folk are on their coffee etc. Last night in the Coutyard Brian Delaney was great, but..........way too loud to hold a conversation with your company. So, yes, it would put me off, I would go back to the Courtyard for a meal, but not on a Monday, sorry Brian!!!


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 12:25

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How can it be an invasion of your privacy, if you want to be entertained and have a dance and enjoy yourselves go to a venue with live music, if you wish for a quiet romantic meal go to a restaurant with no live music it is called freedom of choice.


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 12:37

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I understand what you are saying but why should i have to be forced out of my favourite restaurant by music which makes it impossible to hold a conversation with someone 2 feet away. That is invasion of my privacy I think.


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 12:41

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Vincent, Go on a night when they don't have live music, restaurants have to put on live entertainment this tiime of year to attract the few tourists thst are here so they can pay their bills.


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 12:48

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If you don't want to hear the music then don't go on those nights its not as if it is on every night and they do have to cater for all tastes.

Personally, we never go on live music night. Generally the music is far too loud to hear yourself think let alone have a conversation with your fellow diners. My husband has a hearing problem so ends up totally out of conversation for the whole evening which is unfair on him.

For some reason the restaurants seem to think the louder the better but if it was more in the background until a little later in the evening then we would definitely go to live music nights.


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 14:49

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If the music is too loud why not mention it to the staff. If no one says anything how do they know that it is a problem. I know one restuarant that had an email 3 days after the evening, saying the music was too loud. What was the point of that??? Talk to people, not write about it on the forum, well not unless your problem was not sorted out. If the staff do not do anything about the volume, speak to the entertainer. After all, they need your support so will 99% of the time try and keep you happy. Better to play to a full venue than a half empty one.

So rather than have a ruined night and then come on here moaning. Sort it out at the time!!!

You see the same thing time and time a again. Not just music too loud but how many times have i read "You do not get much mango chutney" about indian restaurants. Just ask and you will get.

Be brave and get away from the keyboard and monitor. Talk to people!!!!


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 16:00

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People sometimes go to just have a drink, and listen to live music and have a dance


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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 17:18

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mess 1 - been put of since i went to the curry house and that fat bird sang.....

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
28/07/2009 17:25

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Message 11 of 30 in Discussion post, but i doubt if anyone will heed this....people really do love to complain...'oh woe is me...the music is too loud'!....



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Message Posted:
29/07/2009 06:58

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Well, we have live music some nights and not others:

Thursday night is Karaoke night and Saturday night is Cyprus Night around the pool. Use of our pool is free at all times.

Here are some photos:


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Message Posted:
29/07/2009 07:00

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It would appear the vast majority of folks on here do not appreciate live music when eating.

I think that restaurants are cutting their own throats by advertising 'live music" as most people give it a wide berth. Yesterday morning I asked the better half if she fancied a curry in the evening and we decided on the Sheraz restaurant. When she looked in the newspaper for the tel. number to book she noticed Andy P was performing and we went somewhere else for some peace and quiet. No offence Andy but not everyone likes your form of entertainement and ultimultely the takings for the restaurant suffered.Perhaps resaurants should advertise 'No music' evenings.


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Message Posted:
29/07/2009 07:48

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I agree with AndyP 100%

I love live music and I would certainly book a table, I love listening to Brian at the Courtyard, so any other Restaurants that have music while you eat is fine by me, you could always book another night without music, the choice is yours.



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Message Posted:
29/07/2009 10:16

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Vincent1 Re MSG 13

No Offence taken.

How can the restaurant takings suffer when people that do want entertainment turn up. Usually the people that do like the entertainment (regardless of who is providing it) stay all evening and drink more, rather than come for a meal, eat it and then go home. So entertainment does have a good side, it brings in more revenue, which is the point in the first place.

However restaurants do advertise "No Music" nights. It is the nights that do not mention that they have anything on!!


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Message Posted:
29/07/2009 10:25

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i love listening to live music whether i'm eating or not. It can also be handy if your running out of conversation at the table! speaks volumes


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Message Posted:
29/07/2009 12:26

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I think I need to make a comment on this, due the fact that I can see this from both sides, firstly I sing, and run the thursday night party night at Riverside, I also own one of the most succesful Indian Restaurantrs in the UK, I didn,t buy in to this , I created it 14 years ago I know that several people on this side and the darkside visit it, I don,t think the two go together at all, OK it may attract holiday makers,but we would shy away from a restaurant when music is on, How can you concentrate on your eating, and maybe chatting if your with friends, We did in 1995 put a guitarist on in our reastaurant, and customers told me they did not want it. May be one night a week as a special night, also it amazes me the amount of money these restaurants here can pay for entertainment, ( no wonder they struggle) I think keep the two seperate


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Message Posted:
29/07/2009 14:35

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Message 18 of 30 in Discussion

Yet another thread started about music in Restauraunts. How many threads has their been with people slagging the live entertainers over here. I'ts getting really boring...yawn. Have you nothing better to do than moan just for the sake of it. Quite simple if you are looking for privacy...stay at home. You have 6 nights to go to Sheraz where they just play cd's and one night a week when their is live entertainment. I do believe this thread was started just to pick holes!


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Message Posted:
29/07/2009 17:23

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Perhaps it is a problem with the venue.

Bars can play music and people can dance. Restaurants try and compete with bars and therefore try and provide live music.

Personally, if I want live music, I would rather eat first, then go somewhere else, where people are not moaning about live music.

When you go out to eat, you primarily go for the food, the company etc. Live music will not spoil the food, but it may harm the time you spend with company!

I also understand about trying to make money.

If there is a fence nearby, I would sit on it!


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 19:32

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Unfortunately restaurants here do not always inform you that there is music on when you ring to reserve a table. We have pulled up a few times in the car park and driven off when we heard the music.

I still feel that a restaurant is not the right place for 'live' music and there are plenty of bars and clubs for this.


Nobody here is 'slagging' live entertainment.

I believe we should be allowed some level of privacy when we go out to dine. Your suggestion that we should stay indoors is somewhat ridiculous.

I sincerely apologize for boring you...yawn. Nobody forced you to read the thread??


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 10:48

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Had an excellent very peaceful meal at Rafters in the week. It was great to sit and chat in their tranquil beautiful garden. Good food & service.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 13:20

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Message 22 of 30 in Discussion

Good job you did not go to Rafters on Saturday night as they have Live Entertainment with Katie B!!


Joined: 07/12/2008
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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 15:00

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Message 23 of 30 in Discussion

Having read the above threads, i agree with the points about wanting to enjoy a meal and be able to chat with friends, and not be drowned out by loud music. I personally no longer go to places which have live music or karoake, but everyone has the choice. I regard loud live music as irritating, and counterproductive to trade.

On occasions when i have been to restaraunts which had loud live music, and asked for the music to be turned down i have usually got a negative response... so that one gets crossed off the list.

However i do regard those places located in residential areas which play loud live music as an 'invasion of privacy' for want of a better expression, and a lack of consideration for thier neighbours. Perhaps 'adagirl', 'scoobydoo' and 'vincent' have got it right.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 16:34

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Message 24 of 30 in Discussion

Don't worry Andyp I know what days to avoid restaurants with 'entertainement' booked. Call it what you will.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 18:03

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I guess this is where we are lucky this time of year at the old mill. As the restaurant is on the terrace in the middle of a village, we are unable to provide live music outside. However we do have live music and karaoke in the bar downstairs, on some nights, so therefore you have a choice, remain in the restaurant enjoying watching village life, or come into the airconditioned bar and listen to the music!!! The chouce is yours!!!!

Thanks Sarah


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 18:33

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Message 26 of 30 in Discussion

Good plug Sarah....That was there for the taking!!


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 18:47

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Message 27 of 30 in Discussion

why thank you, ha ha xx hope your well andy x


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 19:37

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Message 28 of 30 in Discussion

L I V E Music Tonight - Saturday at Park Lane

Cyprus Night

25 Mezes and Mixed Grill for just 30 Lira

Follow the signs from the Golden Lady in Alsancak


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 11:55

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Message 29 of 30 in Discussion

Park lane,

Decent of you to warn us all....Many thanks!


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 08:53

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Message 30 of 30 in Discussion

am always worried when i see the sign saying live music, and give those places a wide birth

surely the idea of a resaurant is that the food. service and surroundings are good i cannot think of anything worse then some old hasbeen who thicks they can sing blasting out loud some off key din while sm trying to eat

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