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putting paper down the toilet

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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 00:37

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Message 1 of 24 in Discussion

anyone got any experience of saniflo units or something else so i can put paper down the toilet?


Joined: 13/12/2007
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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 00:58

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Message 2 of 24 in Discussion

Saniflo are a pain in backside. They are forever getting gundged up with the stuff they're supposed to liquidising! (Experience of when I was a student and lived in a house where the toilet was a fair distance from the drain)

We used to put our toilet paper down the toilet with no problems when we were in the TRNC. Never a problem.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 09:22

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Message 3 of 24 in Discussion

have seperate bin for tissue, or use minimal paper utulise a bidet or toilet with inbuilt bottom washer, dont recycle used toilet tissue


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 10:23

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Message 4 of 24 in Discussion

HI, I had a saniflow system in England when I had a bed and breakfast. Despite all my signs people still put sanitary stuff and wet wipes etc. down the loo and blocked it. When my local plumber retired, he said the best bit of retirement was that he wouldn't have to keep coming to unblock my loo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 11:20

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Message 5 of 24 in Discussion

Poor old Saniflo !

We had one for five years and it worked PERFECTLY - at a private dwelling - until a friend of my ex-wife's ignored the little notice above the loo, and on the door, "not to feed me sanitary towels as I'd get indigestion"

It wan't the most pleasurable DIY job I ever had but it didn't need a plumber - they are simple to long as your ex doesn't flush it to "test" before you connected it back to the mains.... !!!

VERY powerful water jets ... ;o

To answer the Q - we used one to run a 2 inch pipe up 4m and then the fall was 35m and we NEVER, EVER had "an issue with tissue"

Just make sure you insulate the pump - the noise can be irritating if you are sleeping and someone goes to the loo in the night !


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 11:23

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Message 6 of 24 in Discussion

Saniflo systems and similar are only as good as the people who use them. We had them on a floating hotel I worked on and we had to put up a sign that said:

"Do not put anything in this toilet that you haven't already eaten first."

The humour was not enough to stop folks blocking them, usually with Tampax etc.:-(


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 12:08

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Message 7 of 24 in Discussion

We have lived here for 6.5 years and always put our loo paper down the loo, we stop our guest putting 'so-called disposable nappies and sanitary wear down it though.

We are always careful and only put a little down, if you need to put more down, flush it during use and again at the end.

Enough of this unsavoury subject!!


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 12:40

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Message 8 of 24 in Discussion

In order to minimise paper usage - use both sides!


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 13:51

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Message 9 of 24 in Discussion

Msg 3, 5, 6 Etc all correct

- As I understand it part of the problem with toilet tissue in older waste systems is that effectivley it can start to "coat" the insides of the "tanks" and that can eventualy restict how quickly all the flushed water etc can dispate into the ground so your tanks will overflow

- I have sold many saniflow and other macerators over the years and they are excelent at the basic tasks (if noisy) but they are not designed to cope with anything solid apart from human waste.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 13:57

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Message 10 of 24 in Discussion

Hi Tom,

The "tanks" do need emptying from time to time and the solids removing. Modern toilet paper is by nature bio-degradable and shouldn't causes problems by itself.

As I understand it, the problem is the inspection chambers are poor in design and construction and this is where Cyprus Solutions come in by reforming these chambers to pass flushed matter smoothly and quickly to the "tanks".


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 14:12

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Message 11 of 24 in Discussion

Vaughan, message 10.

Do you have an e-mail address for Cyprus solutions? I e-mailed them on the address as given in the cyprus yellow pages but it bounced back as undeliverable.

Also, when you say they 're-form' the inspection chambers do they replace with the proper plastic ones i.e Hunter or polypipe? Reason I ask is our developer came back and 'smoothed' the chambers and it made sod all difference. I think the only proper way to solve the problem permanently is to rip up the concrete chambers and replace with the proper stuff.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 14:17

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Hi millzer, is the current address. If you contact John he will carry out a free survey and advise/quote.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 16:37

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Message 13 of 24 in Discussion

Thanks Vaughan. Am back over in September so will contact and hopefully meet up with John then.



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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 18:20

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Message 14 of 24 in Discussion

Plectrum, maybe you ought to go play your music elsewhere, coz u sure aren't striking the right "chord" with me


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 19:29

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Message 15 of 24 in Discussion

Does putting money down the toilet cause these problems? Seems to me an awful lot of people have done that in NC.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 19:34

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Message 16 of 24 in Discussion

Message 8

now that was funny )


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 19:58

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Message 17 of 24 in Discussion

Delicate subject but you can get away with small amount of paper if, as said

before, you flush. Whatever you do don't put wet-wipes down as they are a

problem, and have even caused blockages in U.K (advice on packet to bin)

Don't know if everyone knows this but water flush at back of toilets can help

to reduce paper, and is lovely and refreshing, and hygienic!


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 20:05

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Message 18 of 24 in Discussion


you have mail


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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 22:21

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Message 19 of 24 in Discussion

As a former Charter Captain we suffered the same problem aboard.

We purchased a special toilet paper that dissolved on contact with water, (might be a problem if you had the runs)

This was bought from most boat chandler shops in uk. Seems there is a business opportunity for someone to make or import some as it solved all our problems.



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Message Posted:
30/07/2009 23:04

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Message 20 of 24 in Discussion

i cant believe youd wipe your arse and then put the paper in a bin beside the toilet for someone to empty! i never thought flies were lucky!!lol. sorry tact is not my strong point!


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Message Posted:
31/07/2009 00:03

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Message 21 of 24 in Discussion

biglugs, message 19. You have a reply.


Joined: 27/07/2009
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Message Posted:
31/07/2009 09:18

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Message 22 of 24 in Discussion

We have recently had a new loo brush replacement system installed in all our toilets, fantastic not only does it clean the loo in seconds, but it also breaks down toilet paper,reducing the risk of blockage , it uses less than

1 ltr of water to do both jobs, using a loo brush usualy requires a second flush which takes up to 6 ltrs of water, they are doing a special introduction offer at the moment £50 per system fitted great value for money

their emal address is


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Message Posted:
31/07/2009 11:06

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Message 23 of 24 in Discussion

Use bigger pipes when building, not rocket science,then again that may be tooooo difficult for the builders to work out.


Joined: 12/04/2007
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Message Posted:
31/07/2009 11:32

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Message 24 of 24 in Discussion

It's NOT bigger pipes required in most cases as these are the right size, it's the prehistoric concrete inspection chambers that they put in with it. The 'you know what' goes along the pipes just fine until it gets to a concrete chamber and then comes to an abrupt stop.... until the next parcel comes along the pipe, hits it from behind and 'shoves' it along a bit, and so on and so on, like a domino effect.... a sort of s*** shuffle

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