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Air conditioning for rentals

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» North Cyprus Property Rental Guide

the butler

Joined: 22/06/2007
Posts: 1958

Message Posted:
31/07/2009 12:09

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Hi all,

Does anyone remember a thread on here a few weeks ago about meters for air/conditioning units?

We have just had renters in our property, who spent most of the time watching TV with the air/con on 24/7

I dread to think how much the electric will cost. Meters or cards would be a good idea for rentals, any

one got any other ideas?

The butlers wife


Joined: 27/04/2008
Posts: 4578

Message Posted:
31/07/2009 12:14

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Message 2 of 2 in Discussion

We are fitting these csrd meters today in Esentepe. Contact me on for more details.

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