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Lobsters in restaurants

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Joined: 12/05/2009
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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 16:54

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Message 1 of 87 in Discussion

The price of a lobster in North Cyprus seems to be rather off the scale, are they very scarce in the seas around or were we being priced for a rip off, quoted 100 turkish lira for one in local restaurant. (Lapta erea) So not a posh place, just ordinary setting.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:00

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Message 2 of 87 in Discussion

I cant understand it the sea must be crawling with them !!


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:04

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Message 3 of 87 in Discussion

As per usual .... A rip off. Went to Carpenters the other day and they charged six (6) tl for a beer. Please name the resturant so we can vote with our feet. perhaps if enough people stop going then they will go bust and close down because they will not learn.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:07

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Message 4 of 87 in Discussion

Oh good one cooper, na just that have tried all the eating places from Lapta to Gern over the past 4 years and are astounded at how some charge over the top, it does seem to me rather that the English are daft enough to pay these over the top prices just to say they are friends with who ever owns the place!


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:12

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Message 5 of 87 in Discussion

Hi dizzycows..Have you found a place that sells cheap lobster if so please let us all know..then they will be so busy,next it will be a shortage of lobster..I would just love to order a plater of fresh mixes seafood.Thanks for your help and info as i see you visit 3-4 times a year.therefore must have found some real nice inexpensive lobster places.



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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:13

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Message 6 of 87 in Discussion

Check the menu & prices before going into a restaurant/bar. No prices displayed, don't go in. Message will soon spread.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:22

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Message 7 of 87 in Discussion

Carndi, hi, shant name the restaurant, but certainly wont be going back!! nor will our familys, as not only were we slightly taken aback by price when asked re lobster, when we were ready to order, an unsmiling young Londener took our order most distractidly, then proceeded served the steak without steak knives! didnt bother to ask if steak was done as liked, ( by the way the steaks are bl----y awful compared with GB). Then we had to run around looking for mustard which was asked for with the order.

Perhaps we should start a star award for the restaurants


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:24

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Message 8 of 87 in Discussion

"Carndi, hi, shant name the restaurant.."

Why not? Be useful to know now that you have told us about the issue.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:26

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Message 9 of 87 in Discussion

And where is the nice place for nice cheap lobster,as i asked..Thanks..???



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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:27

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Message 10 of 87 in Discussion

Hi Spider, no I did not bother to ask again, as just thought that it would have been a nice treat, will stick to good old Lidles in GB, as the lobsters are only £4.99 each, all ready cooked, but you do need one each person as they are rather small, all the best in your hunting for lobsters in N.C, x


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:33

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Message 11 of 87 in Discussion

Hi Spider, sorry if I have misled you on finding Lobster at a reasonable price, no I havent, but if ever I do will certainly let you know, x


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:39

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Message 12 of 87 in Discussion

Hi Hector, sorry I wont disclose the eating place as it is somewhere where most of this forum thinks its the beas knees, perhaps it was just a one off bad night, but it left us feeling rather miffed to say the least. Plus what pleases us might not please you, and visa versa, it just seemed rather a lot of money. Perhaps they thought we looked the part, I dont know,


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:40

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Message 13 of 87 in Discussion

When Mr Spider takes me away money has never been a issue and we always eat at the very best places.and pay the very big prices..We have often stayed in all inclusive and still went out every night to hunt out the very best..

Oh well i guess North Cyprus just has a few places that offer this..and fresh seafood is very hard to find.. )))



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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:41

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Message 14 of 87 in Discussion

dizzycows, msg 4, you hit the nail on the head there. First ule of p.r. get to know your customer's names, use 'em a lot and they'll stand for owt cos they think you're mates.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 17:49

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Message 15 of 87 in Discussion

Hi minertor, yes I agree with what you say, another reason why I do not always let folks know who or where I am, as I then can have a nice quite meal/drink without all that 'fawning' over, and just watch the ones that fall for all the crap


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 18:03

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Message 16 of 87 in Discussion

I agree that 100ytl is an awful lot to pay for a lobster meal. I'd have fainted. Having said that I'm very wary about eating seafood in a restaurant & even more so in NC because of the potential illness factor.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 18:13

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Message 17 of 87 in Discussion

There are lobster in the Med but they are nothing like the cold water lobsters found in the waters of the UK and Canada. Guido's I take it is the restaurant that you are referring to? they get them flown in from the UK at a cost and this is why the price is high, they are excellent and Guido cooks them to perfection.

15 years ago on my 40th birthday my hubby paid £60 in Turkey for lobster for me, when it came I could not eat it as Med lobster is nothing at all like the ones you get in the UK be it frozen or fresh.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 18:52

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Message 18 of 87 in Discussion

I am in catering,have been for 25 years, for me to buy them in the uk (which I have just done) they cost (fresh 1 and a half lb-2lb in weight) £18.50,gives you an idea of what they only get what you pay for.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 19:05

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Message 19 of 87 in Discussion

I don't think you'd get a lobster in North Cyprus for £18.50.

I do believe if you live in a foreign country you should eat the local food if you want reasonable priced food.

All the local fish I have sampled has been reasonably priced and delicious. Obviously if it has to be imported it is going to be more expensive.

As a treat, maybe on a special occasion, then eat Lobster or such like. I had lobster in a restuarant in Uk, and I can assure you it wasn't cheap. The lobster in guidos was yummy, yes it was a treat, and delicious, we also had a choice of how it was served.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 19:07

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Message 20 of 87 in Discussion

I agree with nurseawful,

The net cost of the 'raw material' plus the cost of a skilled chef doing the prep, plus the cooking and side orders, means that you will NEVER get a CHEAP lobster meal that is worth eating.

As for the 'inattentive waiter' - I do hope that you reported him to the Management, because if what you say is correct, then he needs his ARSE kicking! - And if the owners read this, then believe me, it will be well and truly kicked!

To succeed in any form of business that is 'customer facing' (to use the jargon) you really do need everybody concerned to take it seriously, and if one person is letting the side down, you're really doing them a favour by letting them know.

Rant over!



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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 19:08

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Message 21 of 87 in Discussion

Thank you Neil well said, someone who knows a thing or two, and by the way you dont get the claws on the lobsters here either


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 21:42

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Message 22 of 87 in Discussion

Well enough said about lobsters I think, as you all rightly say, should have said some thing on the night but 'boss' was fawning over several rather 'tarty' ladies if that were the right word, and I think given all due respect the 'lady' of the house was not around, who I believe when comming in gave her all to the customers, as we were leaving. Perhaps again someone carrying the others. Still, thats their business and not mine. Perhaps all the restaurants with English staff should just give a little pep talk to encourage them that without the customers, no job.!


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 22:02

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Message 23 of 87 in Discussion

has anyone been to a good Restaurant in London and seen what they charge for lobster

come on whats 100ytl -- £40 it sounds good to me

If you cant afford it have shrimps )



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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 22:39

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Message 24 of 87 in Discussion

Lesson number one. Lobster, Cray, Craw, and Langoustine. If you want crab visit a night club!



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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 23:06

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Message 25 of 87 in Discussion

RE msg 7, dizzycows: (...) Perhaps we should start a star award for the restaurants (...)

=> What a brilliant idea! How are we going to do it? You won't even name the restaurant (msg 1) where you seem to feel "ripped-off"..! Can be any restaurant in "Lapta". Nice for all the restaurant owners in "Lapta". So what is the use of such incomplete "information"?


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Message Posted:
01/08/2009 23:26

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Message 26 of 87 in Discussion

Oh dc, nice try, but if you had star awards you would have a list of restaurants now wouldnt you,

so stop trying to luuuuuure me into something I am not willing to do, have said my bit, if it has upset anyone, I say sorry, but I was the one having a whinge.

I will praise any one that deserves it, but those that perhaps 'use' folks do not get stars in my eyes. lol x


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 01:28

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Message 27 of 87 in Discussion

Hiya Dizzy Im so very sorry yo had a bad experience and also I was not there.I had to go back to K as I had at major prob with my spn. It was a nightmare.As for the cost of lobster as you know the are unavaiable here so we have to import. They come in and alive complete with claws and weigh arond one kilo. We get oysters as well as mussellls and clams and have a following for these.We have addressed your problem regarding James tonight and i thank you for bringing this to my attention. Dizzy en joy Lidl I have tried them and theare good btu please before you knock us the cost of bringing them here the service with home made bread and oils etc we do this as a service to our loyal customers. I am surprised you needed a steak knife as we hang our meat for 3 weeks and beleive you me I can cut it with a spoon The customer is always right in our book. You came 3 weeks ago . We have had more than enough time to addresss this. We will never be able to get LidOl lobster nor would we want to.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 03:11

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Message 28 of 87 in Discussion

lobsters available in trnc are rock lobsters weight about 600 gr. u can find them at deniz hur supermarket and they cost 65-70 tl.they are frozen with no claws and once you clean them you are left with two mouth full of meat if you are lucky. we sell real lobster alive with claws weight 900 to a kilo for 100 tl, we cook them thermador or with pasta or anyway you like it and you tell me that we are a rip off? you must be joking!! anywhere in the world the lobster is luxory so you pay the price. if you dont like it dont buy them but dont go around saying that we are a rip off. I THINK YOU OWN ME AN APOLOGY and stop knock people down that work hard seven days a week to provide a service otherwise not available in trnc.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 03:12

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Message 29 of 87 in Discussion

i wrote that



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 08:09

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Message 30 of 87 in Discussion


You shouldn't try to justify yourself to these people, any one can have a problem

isn't the old saying 'when the cats away'

Your lobster is very reasonably priced and your business well run for the most part, it just makes me puke the way these boards are used and the saddos that feel they have to post or comment on everything, they just dont have much of a life 'sad really'

Apologies Richard if your feelings are hurt but do you REALLY have to post on just about everything :(


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 09:30

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Message 31 of 87 in Discussion

Guido and Lilli

How distressing for you to receive unfair criticism about your restaurant I am glad that Guido put the Pearson firmly in their place.

Dizzycow don't you realise that complaints like yours have an adverse effect on these restaurants who are just trying to make a living.

Guido's has a loyal following on this board particularly with the moderators i should warn you, you may face a ban for such words.

Guido and Lilli are finding it hard enough to make a living and keeping within the letter of the law it must be a nightmare arranging the paperwork and paying the import charges for the goods they import from the South.

Which reminds me Guido Hippo wishes to import a quantity of Locharbour Hill run venison for his own consumption i should add.

is it possible you could briefly outline the procedure one has to go through to obtain the import licences and pay the duty.

It would i am sure be usefull for a lot of people who would like to import exotic titbits.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 10:40

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Message 32 of 87 in Discussion

Oooooooh Guildo, Lilli, as you have 'jumped ' to a conclusion and have now bad mouthed a customer, with threats from the 'establishment', ie being bannnnnned as all good friends and dont dare speak your mind!!!

What every one has to realise is that all businesses have to make a living and if someone criticizes something, so be it, make it better, but never ever, ever, write or backlash the customers. Something to dwell on I think, so all the best

PS just to let you know guildos were never mentioned!


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 11:00

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Message 33 of 87 in Discussion

dizzi it was lapalisse that you are talking about me because nobody else sell lobsters (to my knowledge)in the lapta area so dont try to be clever. nobody stop you speak your mind, but before do that you have to engage your brain and think what you are saying. if my prices are to much for your pocket dont go around saying we are a rip off. the item you choose to find out the price it's the most expensive we stock!! my pasta range from 14 to 16 tl. i still think you own me an apology.



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 11:12

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Message 34 of 87 in Discussion

Well good on you then guildo, so please inform me what is the price of a lasane in and around Lapta Alsencak is? And to my knowledge you can get Lobster at 3 other eating houses, mind you, you do have to order I believe.

Please dont tell me to engage my brain before I write, perhaps you will now have more of your loyal folks rally around and 'stroke the ego' my dear boy, you must also perhaps learn in life you cannot please every one and those that you do not please maketh man eventually! and can help a business to tighten up.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 11:12

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Message 35 of 87 in Discussion

good hold hippo, if you dont wheeze and make your pathetics sounds every time my wife answer to someone you must feel sick so i will answer to your questions more than willingly. actualy why dont you pop in to my restaurant so i can explain face to face how to import-export and the gumruk regolations and so i can put a face to a name. looking forward to meeting you......and trust i realy am.



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 11:34

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Message 36 of 87 in Discussion


Lobsters are rare here.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 11:37

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Message 37 of 87 in Discussion

Guildo, who are you writing to, Hippo or me? not quite sure


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 12:01

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Message 38 of 87 in Discussion

If you have not tried Guido's lobster can't see how you complain about it. Guido's lobster is to die for. We went there for a special lunch and saw that Rock Lobster was available. Guido asked how we would like it cooked and we had it with a chilli pasta. Yum there was plenty enough for the two of us. This must be about a year back now and it cost 70tl. A superb lunch and thank you Guido.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 12:10

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Message 39 of 87 in Discussion

Juliamoons, hi, I did not try Guildos lobster, so cannot comment on how it tasted.

There you are Guildo, nothing like a bit of publicity and 'poor old me' to get folks to back you up, as I say all the best to you, still think that 100tl is taking the p--s who ever they may be,


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 12:21

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Message 40 of 87 in Discussion

Never been to Guildo's and don't fancy Lobster (So I am not a loyal folk, stroking the ego of Guildo), but I do know it is a very expensive dish and £40 would, I believe be quite reasonable. It's no good really quoting Lidils prices, as I don't think they have a shop in NC yet.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 13:17

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Message 41 of 87 in Discussion

Why is it that people just cannot help themselves being so unkind towards others , { i refer to some of the comments on this topic }. If anyone has a problem , take it up with the person themselves at the time privately , people don't have to hide behind a board to do it . it wasn't for the members benefit or you would have named it . And Hippo just before you say it " another friend / moderator " coming to Guido's defence . Let me just say Guido / lilli are well able to fight their own corner they don't need any help from anyone . It seems to me that history just repeats itself time and time again , these topics are posted for a reason , to " provoke ", not saying this one is , but the response its had are the same , to start up unrest at the mention of a certain restaurant . Dizzycow , c'mon do you honestly think that people deliberately allow themselves to get ripped off just for the sake of friendship , i find that very hard to believe . If true , its by personal choice


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 13:26

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Message 42 of 87 in Discussion seems to both my husband and i that you perhaps have not traveled the world and eaten in the finer places.perhaps its the money..and money if one has it is to bring a little happiness..Some 10 years ago in Malta we were paying £60 for fine lobster!! I think like most things in life the price has to go up.!! And before you start to call me a follower of Lillis I have had lunch there just the once therefore are unable like yourself,to comment on the dish of lobster.but must say that the price seems very fair..Perhaps you should try just eating a starter as your main dish,it might help you in some way..counting the pennies so to speak..On going out to eat my husband would be most upset with me if i were to even look at the price of things,his saying is Its my TREAT.dear enjoy and have what you like..we feel its much better to go out less,but have a bloody good night out,treat ourselves and enjoy fine good food....Try it sometimes,and try to order the best.!!



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 13:47

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Message 43 of 87 in Discussion

Dizzy If yo had taken your isses up with us at the time you could have avoided this.As for tarty women I have never seen a tarty woman in the place. That was a very nkind comment. You know the old saying.I hope the people that they were do not read comments like that about them. If yo have to ask the price ten yo cant afford it. You of course are entitled to your opinion. We wont ever compete with Lidl here.Thank you to all other replies who enjoyed thier lobster. It is a rare treat here


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 14:25

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Message 44 of 87 in Discussion

Not really "Claws" for concern...........

"Shell" we shut this down?

Serving no further "Porpoise".

And Yeh! I know we have had the sea food laughs before but c'mon.



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 14:29

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Message 45 of 87 in Discussion

Very good Chegs xxx


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 14:58

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Message 46 of 87 in Discussion

Very occasionally, when diving, you may come across the 'Cyprus Lobster' - more chance if night diving. In Cyprus waters, their size seems to range from 15 - 25cm - I've never spotted any larger. These are a small (brown colour with some purple markings) version of the 'Moreton Bay Bug' - found in large numbers off Fraser Island/Brisbane - they look like a giant woodlouse! Only the tail is edible, the legs being too spindly - however, if you're lucky enough to score one, they're delicious. Has anybody seen these on a Cyprus menu?


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 16:21

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Message 47 of 87 in Discussion

As I had said in a previous post, enough about lobsters. Spider, if you like to pay you go ahead and pay, just please try and not preach to me, if your hubby wants to pay what ever well let him, no problem with that. The origional post was about the cost of a lobster in the restaurants, not what one can afford/not afford. In my post I also said I would now wait until I got back to GB and buy them from lidles. Nothing about being penny watching etc. So all of you go have a glass of wine, and settle down

Lilli, please, why are both you and Guilco soooooooo defensive on what is a normal topic on this site? I do not expect you to compete in your business with the likes of lidles, but if you read another post someone had a lobster at a conciderable amount cheaper than the one that was quoted to us for 100 tl, and, I have not said which restaurant it was! They also said it was the best ever. So take that compliment forward.

Plus you just jump to conclusions, again, all the best


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 17:21

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Message 48 of 87 in Discussion


you really wanna get a life, if 100 tl is too much get a poke of chips from the corner shop and stop whinging and by the way it's LIDL and good luck to you if thats where you shop, tells a story !!!

Sorry couldnt help me self


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 17:27

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Message 49 of 87 in Discussion

Oh deary me, sorry to have upset you balmynights, seems no one can make a point without somebody getting all worked up. Yup, shop where I like, not because of the name etc,


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 17:28

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Message 50 of 87 in Discussion

Dizzy the lobster bought cheaper than the amount quoted to you was in fact a rock lobster. The one was 600 gms. On offer to you was a sea lobster weighing over a kilo. Hopethis clears this up. Lidl I beleive are rock lobsters and by tour own admission would not feed two.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 17:30

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Message 51 of 87 in Discussion

So you see Dizzy two could have shared one lobster at 50TL each. I think that is excellent value for something so hard to get here


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 17:47

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Message 52 of 87 in Discussion


I think they are the frozen pre-cooked fresh water ones imported from Canada. Bland and only fit for soups or pate.



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 17:49

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Message 53 of 87 in Discussion

Oky doky Lilli, what ever, not sure what you mean by one being offered a rock lobster and the one offered a sea lobster. Will still wait now to go to Lidle!!!!

Thanks for the offer that two of us could have eaten half each but hubby hates shell fish!


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 18:19

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Message 54 of 87 in Discussion

Message 28 states that the lobsters sold are alive, presume they are then killed just before preparation.

Out of interest and to clarify, how are the live lobsters transported to the TRNC by the supplier?



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 18:23

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Message 55 of 87 in Discussion

Lilli, "dizzycows" (and the name says it all) is doing what the British know best - Moaning!

Personally, (and this is nothing to do with the quality of your lobster) I would have ordered something other than lobster in your restaurant (a speciality of Guidos for example)

Everyone, take it from me, whilst I have never visited Guidos (we live in Ozankoy and use our local restaurants,) I have tasted Guido's food and experienced Lilli's hospitality (on an occasion that I worked at their house.) They didn't need to feed and water me but they did and that says a lot about the people.

The costs of running a business here are very high and add (%TL) to the selling price, but trying to explain that to a Lidl shopper and they won't understand (has anyone noticed that the Lidl shops always seem to be situated close to council estates - do they cash giros as well?)


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 18:26

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Message 56 of 87 in Discussion

I had the best Lobster that I have ever tasted in Leverick's restaurant in Clearwater (USA) but then, they do own their own fishing boats and have access to the local fisheries (that's why I ordered the Lobster?!?)

Dizzycows, I think that your posts say more about you than they do Guidos.

Hippo - I hate it when you don't give us a poem because it means that you haven't wasted that much time posting. I love the thought of you sitting there 'composing' for an hour or, more.

When we first arrived in NC, there was a certain quality in the expat community, but it seems that more recently, a few have sold their 'subsidy purchased' council flat for a couple of hundred k. They try to mingle in with the rest of us, but on occasions such as this, they stick out like a 'sore thumb.'

Over to you...



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 19:25

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Message 57 of 87 in Discussion

Oh deary deary me Washerwoman, you too make assumptions that are not becomming!

Well, just of to lidl to do my shop, any one for a lobster? xx


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 19:39

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Message 58 of 87 in Discussion

Washerman Msg 56

Not a bad post from you! Are you suggesting that the TRNC is filling up with nouveau riche, working class oiks? If so, I concur with your observations!



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 19:57

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Message 59 of 87 in Discussion

I'm not even going to bother 'googling' nouveau riche - it's not something I would say in conversation.

'working class oiks' - maybe that describes me? but then, I didn't cash in my council flat for a home in the sun so, maybe it doesn't.

I've no-one to (try) to impress, but I must declare an interest in supporting 'local businesses'

Maybe we should talk about 'fat-bottommed' (37.5 hr per week) civil servants and 'their' claim to fame or, 'Efes' guzzling, cigarette smoking, beer swillers.....Let's just upset everyone!


Over to you...


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:04

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Message 60 of 87 in Discussion

'Washerwoman' - dizzycows... you definitely chose the right name!

I hope that I don't know you

Washerman (male)

Over to you...


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:19

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Message 61 of 87 in Discussion

Washerwoman/man, Na shouldnt think so, dont mix with beer swilling effffffes guzzling, cigerette smoking,fat bottomed working class, and certainly not council house, cival servants or come to that any one that Iv left out!! x


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:22

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Message 62 of 87 in Discussion

Dizzy - Is English your first language? You can always cut 'n' paste 'ya-no'


Over to you...

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:23

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Message 63 of 87 in Discussion

So glad the comedians have decided to post on this thread and lighten the mood....Brins and washerman...funny buggers!! ROFL!!



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:40

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Message 64 of 87 in Discussion

Msg 56.

Whats wrong with Council Estates.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:45

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Message 65 of 87 in Discussion

Council people live in them!



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:48

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Message 66 of 87 in Discussion


You have got to much of what the cat licks it a..e with.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:50

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Message 67 of 87 in Discussion

Washerman why do you want to know such a thing, Oh my god have I offended you, I am mortally so sorry!!

Promise not to use such flippant language in my posts. x


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 20:55

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Message 68 of 87 in Discussion

Hey you lot, this was a discussion about lobsters , not council houses or cats bums


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 21:09

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Message 69 of 87 in Discussion

Dizzy...sometimes, it's better to think what you're writing not, to write what your thinking!

BTW - Do I seem offended? I am trying not to.


Over to you


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 21:14

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Message 70 of 87 in Discussion

Could mention 'thermidor' but that would end up with chat about winter heating and door drafts!



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 21:20

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Message 71 of 87 in Discussion

A Lobster Story (Googled)

Last night my husband, Charlie, and I were diving in Malibu, and we caught two enormous lobsters, a male and a female. We brought them home and sat them down on the kitchen table, and we were admiring them when suddenly, much to our surprise, they began speaking!

We cracked open a few Newscastles and starting talking about all sorts of things, such as what life was like as humans and lobsters. Finally, I brought up the subject of sex.

“How do you guys do it?” I asked.

“Pretty much the way you do,” replied the lobster-woman. Finally we decided to swap partners for the night to experience one another.

The lobster-man and I headed off to a bedroom. He had a teeny, weeny growth, about 2 cm long and 1 cm thick.

“Um…I don’t think this is going to work,” I said.

“Why?” he asked. “What’s the matter?”

“Well,” I said, “it’s just not long enough to reach me!”



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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 21:20

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Message 72 of 87 in Discussion

“No problem,” he said, and proceeded to slap his head with his claw, right between his eye stalks. With each slap of his head, his member grew until it was quite impressively long.

“Gee,” I said, “that’s quite impressive, but it’s still pretty narrow.”

“No problem,” he said and started pulling his antennae. With each pull his member grew wider and wider until the entire measurement was extremely exciting!

“Wow!” I exclaimed, and we fell into bed and made mad, passionate love.

The next morning we rejoined our normal partners, and Charlie and I released the lobsters back to the sea. As we strolled along the beach, Charlie asked me, “Well, was it any good?”

“I hate to say it,” I replied, “but it was pretty wonderful. How about you?”

“It was horrible,” he replied. “And I’ve got a terrific headache. All she kept doing the whole time was slapping my forehead and pulling my ears.”


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 21:21

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Message 73 of 87 in Discussion

washerman as they say in the cartoon 'whats up doc', over to you!


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 21:30

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Message 74 of 87 in Discussion

I know there was Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, but I can't remember a Dizzy Cow?




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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 21:52

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Message 75 of 87 in Discussion

This is a Dizzy Cow -


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 22:10

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Message 76 of 87 in Discussion

Like it cooper, does remind me of myself, especially the 'udder' bit!!! sure do dance like that after a few wines!!!


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Message Posted:
02/08/2009 22:40

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Message 77 of 87 in Discussion

Just a question really, are you offered coffee and brandy on the house,at this resteraunt.


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 00:09

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Message 78 of 87 in Discussion

cazzy you most certainly are. Maybe not brandy but a liquer of your choice


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 00:17

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Message 79 of 87 in Discussion

i bet crabs are cheaper and more manageable to get rid of


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 00:21

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Message 80 of 87 in Discussion

Great creams these days!



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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 00:32

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Message 81 of 87 in Discussion

CODGER MSG 54 We buy them alive and transported in dry ice. Usually we sell them all the same day as we get pre orders so we know how many we need on that day. Those that are not pre sold are frozen straight away. I have enjoyed lobsters all over the world and to my taste these are so lovely. They are acyuallly from france. The resaon we have friday for the shellfish day is because thats the day we bring them in. They all seem to go as the clientle know this and wait for them. Some weeks the day can change as the supplier calls early hours to say he has them thursday so we go with that xxx


Joined: 01/07/2008
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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 11:51

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Message 82 of 87 in Discussion

In Messages 27-28. You state the lobsters along with other shellfish are delivered fresh to your premises.

In message 81 you state the shellfish comes from France. The shellfish is packed in dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) min temperature – 78.5centigrade.

I assume the shellfish is shipped in from the South?

The fact is your delivered shellfish is not fresh but frozen as dry ice is the method use to transport frozen goods.

A number of issues arrive from your method of receiving these goods are.

Cruelty to the species involved. The transportation of shellfish is a very specialised business.

For enzymatic reasons shellfish will deteriorate quite quickly after it is dead.

The cooking of dead shellfish is a very risky business.

My response is based on the comments you have made in your messages. AP


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 12:23

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Message 83 of 87 in Discussion

As bloody normal,someone makes a comment and all hell breaks loose, its all getting rather personal.

Most of the comments posted have nothing to do with the original posting. If you get what you consider to be a bad service, then you should be able to post on here and say what you feel without being victimised.


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 12:51

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Message 84 of 87 in Discussion

philnles, I agree it all went pear shaped but lets face it, if anybody mentions what they think is a rip off it gets a dozen other comments about some other place that they think is a rip off.

It started off as a complaint that lobster was 100TL (which I think is very reasonable for good quality food but maybe that's just me) It then progressed within 2 more posts to the price of beer being 6TL, the average price for me is 10TL so I don't see that it's that big of a problem.

Does anyone actually believe that all there is to selling food from a restaurant is buying it , nudging up the profit and selling it on. We eat in restaurants because we don't have to prepare, cook, clean or entertain. It is all done for us and that is what we pay the extra price for and if all of that is done correctly we should be happy, if it is not I would be the first to complain but it would be to the management not to all and sundry on a forum.


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 12:57

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Message 85 of 87 in Discussion

If someone had recieved bad service as DC was then it should be dealt with and if you follow the threads it was however complaining about prices isn't achieving much but admitting that you are not used to buying quality restaurant food.

In fact by what I am reading the whole thing has worked out as quite a good advertisement for Lilli and Guidos Lobster Fridays or sometimes thursdays when you can pre-order at 100TL a head and they are big enough to be shared by a couple.

I will have to give it a try I think !!!!


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 14:54

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Message 86 of 87 in Discussion

Hi proger, yes you are right in so much that this thread will have boosted Lilli and Guildo, so its not all bad.

We should now all get on with where ever any of us chooses to eat out at, be it the Savoy in London or in N.C.

Any criticism should be taken on board and can only make things better in any business.


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 15:08

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Message 87 of 87 in Discussion

This thread is now closed. Reason: Thread was addressed and no need for further posts.

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