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Complaining/General moaning

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Joined: 21/07/2009
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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 02:09

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Just a quick message to all that come on here/tell as many people they know about bad food/service etc just a question/bit of advice.

The amount of effort and passion some people put into damaging people's business is amazing. I am sure 99% of business owners, if MADE AWARE of a problem will do their upmost to sort it out.

Is it so difficult to talk about any issues that may arise?

Some people are so stupid/moronic! One of my staff charged a customer £20.40 for 2 Fish and Chips. (Should of been £10.20). The silly old woman PAID, and for 3 days told about 20 people, anyone who would listen that F&C is £10 there now, wont be going there again!

Saw her in Sainsbury's today, asked if she was ok, DIDN'T SAY A WORD. So, if I wasn't actively involved in the community I wouldn't of known, and wouldn't of been able to put it right!



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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 02:09

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Does alot of harm in such a small close knit community you have in Cyprus!


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 02:46

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burty1987, Very good point,and good post.Trouble with a small community people seem to want to know all your business,and what they do not know like to make it up,We tend to keep well away from the ex-pat community,the bars,markets etc.some seem to be drinking their lives away too..This Forum has shown us just how nasty many can be towards each other,shame but true...Village life in England is so much least the little one my daughter lives in very supporting of each other..Just like years gone bye..When we first moved over we were told that the brits were back stabbing each other.and its such a shame,because how true that statement was.

Just me thinking aloud.



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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 02:48

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You knew an error had been made by one of your staff so why didn't you give the 'silly old woman' (sic) her £10.20 back when you saw her at Sainsbury's? Something not right about this post!



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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 05:25

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burty well said my friend and spider as always spot on. The mentality of the brits here leaves me spechless. Never say to your face but hide from a computor. They can damage you xxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 07:40

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Try to make amends ask around and try to find the woman and apologise and refund the difference, or a meal ticket for her next fish and chips



Joined: 30/07/2009
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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 08:15

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well said Burty,

Too much of expats stabbing others in the back, and spouting off on boards like this without being in full possession of the facts, and sitting in little clickues in bars berating others who are legally trying to make a living and what they dont know they seem to just make up

Brinsley/Richard the way I read it this person did make it good quote, if I hadnt been actively involved in the community I wouldnt of known and wouldn't of been able to put it right, unquote, this implies to this thicko that he did put it right


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 08:25

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I agree, that was my take on it as well...


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 08:35

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I agree, that was my take on it as well...

A few weeks ago, in a party of six, we experienced poor service and cold food at 'an extremely expensive Chinese Restaurant in Girne'.

We quietly made our feelings known to the acting manager before we left, and next day received a 'phone call offering profuse apologies, and the offer of a free meal for all concerned.

On our return visit, everything was perfect, as you would expect, and not only were we not charged for the food, they wouldn't accept anything for the drinks. Needless to say, we left a very large tip!

I wonder what the outcome would have been if we had complained on here instead, and engaged in a slanging match with the management...

There are ways to behave, and ways not to behave, in my opinion, and it doesn't matter what your background is, manners and good behaviour cost nothing.

Perhaps I ought to change my name to 'Old Codger number two'



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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 14:48

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I must admit if we have a duff meal we will say something and occassionally we have been pleasantly surprised and either not been charged for the bad meal or been asked back for another meal on the house as was the case with keithcaley in msg 9.

I do believe that if you don't complain there and then, and it can be done discreetly and quietly, then you have no right to moan on this forum.


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 15:42

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Message 11 of 25 in Discussion

I do wonder sometimes why some people on this board decided to move to TRNC. Was it because it was cheap so they burnt all their boats and now can't afford to return to the UK ? Did they think they were going to Spain ? Is that why they seem so bitter and unhappy, hunting in packs (cliques ) to critisise others and moan about their lot ? Most people are trying to get on with their lives and earn an honest crust.If you can't cope with that try at least to keep it to yourselves.


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 16:33

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On the other hand, this forum allows people to vent their (usually) justified feelings about life in general and their experiences in NC. Whats wrong with that? Some might call that healthy & a welcome sign of freedom & democracy.

There are many on the forum who are only too ready to act as a counter balance & put people in their place if they disagree with someones post.


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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 16:34

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Totally agree - someone I know started a small venture in Cyprus, a few weeks later, she came to England, became very unwell - so stayed a few weeks longer than intended, doing a round of Doctors, Clinics and eventually Hospital tests - so couldn't get back to Cyprus to fulfil some bookings BUT sent e.mails to ALL concerned saying she had been detained by a force majeure (without giving full details, why should she) and apologising - one (rather gormless, going by her other posts on here) female not only published my friend's FULL name alongside her e.mail details in a sniffy post (she didn't know why my friend was delayed; she had received an e.mailed apology, that should have sufficed - one is entitled to privacy) but at one and the same time, that information told anyone (of a nefarious nature) who reads this board, that my friend was abroad, ergo her property was empty! Something we all reiterate from time to time should NEVER be was mind numbing in its stupidity.


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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 10:58

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Message 14 of 25 in Discussion

Discussions are good. Differences of opinion are fine. It's when it gets personal that it's not so good.


Joined: 08/01/2009
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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 11:18

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Message 15 of 25 in Discussion

There have been some very pertinent points raised here. Suffice to say that the missus(who has always been in catering) always makes her opinion known if we are out-good or bad.....owners either appreciate the answer for the compliment or do something about something that is substandard. No offence either way!

girne 29

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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 13:20

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Presuming that its a good idea for this forum not to be used for complaining,we must take account of the fact that we then cant then use it for recommendations.

I am one of those that doesnt discuss a bad meal or service with management, except to maybe state that the meal wasnt good and then walk. My reasons are two fold , life is to short to argue over a meal,just tell them the service was rubbish and leave it at that,and the management are probably blind if they do not know the service is bad .

In the case of the fish and chips the lady should have complained to management and leave it to them to decide whether the mistake was intentional or genuine.Mangement are best placed to gauge the honesty or not,of staff.

A good establishment can suffer from bad publicity over something they didnt know had occurred so they should be given the benifit of the doubt.

Why is this incident being used to slag off "brits"again,

girne 29

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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 13:41

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I wont do as some advocate, return food ,unless for a reheat or somthing, complain and accept another meal.Or complain and come back. I never return. Its only a meal.This is based on things I saw ,although very rare, when a young man working in Pubs and hotel kitchens .

So far in Girne ,I would say my satisfaction rate for eateries is 80%, so plenty good to chose from without the need to argue and complain.

Is there a group of people in NC that are British but not Brits, Can we lay off the" if you dont like the way you have been treated then move to Spain nonsense". I though that had died out last couple of years when it was realised that the people who wre "whinging" the most about property issues were in fact correect,.While half the people who complained about the whingers were in fact trying to sell up themselves and get out.Bit of a connection there!


Joined: 06/01/2008
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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 13:48

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Message 18 of 25 in Discussion

I think people just like to moan and complain.............


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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 13:49

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Message 19 of 25 in Discussion

Not all people, but quite a lot of people...........


Joined: 14/02/2009
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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 16:15

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Message 20 of 25 in Discussion

msg 11, begonia, if you think people should keep there thoughts to themselves, then why join the forum.

msg 13 msgarnett, when I was running a retail business in UK, all job applicants were told the same thing. If you let the customer down, it doesn't matter to them if you're dead, injured, hungover or just plain lazy, they'll feel let down and go elsewhere, and spread the word. The guy who said there's no such thing as bad publicity got it wrong


Joined: 12/06/2009
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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 16:19

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Message 21 of 25 in Discussion

I have pointed out being ,in my opinion, overcharged and stand by that. It was pointed out to the management that the prices he was charging were much higher than other places and I will not go back there.

If we are going to have recomendations on good service then people are justified in pointing out those establishments who do not give good service, are rude, over charge etc etc.

A friend of mine came on holiday and went for a haircut and was charged 40 ytl. I went and had to threaten to call the police before they gave the money back. If we listened to some on here we would have just accepted it. How many times has that happened.

The ones who are harming the TRNC are not the ones who complain but the traders who do not give the service you pay for or overchargs. They are the ones who are putting the tourists off coming here again.

So if we are going to applaud good service then at the same time let us name and shame the others.

Will the good ones go bust ? NO ! Only the bad


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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 16:21

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Message 22 of 25 in Discussion

burty1987. Do you display your prices? before I pay I mentally work out what I am going to pay for anything and question if it doesn't add up.


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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 16:52

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Message 23 of 25 in Discussion

Some interesting posts.

Sorry if I didn't make it clear to some people but yes I sorted it out as soon as I was aware. If management/owners aren't told then what can they do about it?

#15 You have that spot on!

#17, Fine, if you are too shy to complain then so be it, as long as you don't hide behind your keyboard after!

#23 yes I do!


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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 19:29

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Message 24 of 25 in Discussion

Grumpy old man..........I didn't actually suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself only that some of you should try to be less vindictive !

girne 29

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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 19:30

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Message 25 of 25 in Discussion


I do not hide behind a keyboard.I use it as a form of communication, And quite a good tool, you after all have corrected a wrong impression of your prices.

I didnt say I was too shy to complain. I said, if you read my post properly, that I dont argue. I certainly do complain ,nicely, giving the reasons. I certainly do not "negotiate" for another meal or a reduction in the price.

There are too many other good places to eat in.

I worked in that industry ,I will not eat in a place that I have argued with the staff and normally I will not eat a meal that is a replacement for one I have complained about ,unless its a minor thing like temperature.Bearing that in mind, the only reason for me complaining would be to intimate that I know the difference between good and bad service.

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