North Cyprus Tourist Board - Paparas - New Restaurant in karaoglanoglu
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Paparas - New Restaurant in karaoglanoglu

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Joined: 14/04/2009
Posts: 877

Message Posted:
03/08/2009 08:22

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Went there for the 4th time last night with friends and had a great evening.

The food was fabulous, the service was great and the price was amazingly good value for money.

It is next to the Turk Bank in karaoglanoglu, the restaurant is spotlessly clean and the staff is amongst the best we have experienced anywhere. They always have a smile on their face and want to help.

Why not go along and give it a try and I'm sure you will enjoy.

If you have any feedback on your visit have a word with staff because they would like feedback on the menu and the drinks on offer to help them improve even further

Well done guys we are looking forward to another visit in a few days



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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 08:56

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sounds more like an advert then a comment to me


Joined: 07/11/2007
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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 09:05

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Ok, this is not an advert i have been half a dozen times and its been spot on every time... good service, great food and the prices are more than reasonable!


Joined: 14/04/2009
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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 09:23

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I am here on holiday and feel that if you have a good experience you should share it with others.

The comments are my feedback on what my family and friends have experienced

There is too much criticism and negative comments at times, mostly from people who get a thrill from needlessly slagging people off without experiencing what they are talking about, they manage to tarnish reputations and damage businesses



Joined: 14/04/2009
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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 09:24

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Message 5 of 11 in Discussion

well said Kibris, I agree


Joined: 13/06/2008
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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 09:29

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Message 6 of 11 in Discussion

I was happy to see the post from TheScarlets, as it confirmed my own impressions - I have only stopped for a drink on the way out to a pre-booked meal, but the food looked and smelt wonderful, and the drinks were very reasonably priced.

We also talked to the (lady) owner, and she struck me as having a very good idea of how not to upset customers

Really must get round to going again, properly this time, but I'll have to try and time it so that I miss DC's visits - the glare of the sun shining off the top of his head is blinding



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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 18:31

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Message 7 of 11 in Discussion

Yes it is but don't let that put you off

Everything has been done very nicely inside but more importantly the prices are great



Joined: 13/06/2008
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Message Posted:
03/08/2009 19:00

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So.... (re. msg 6)...

About 11 am, the phone rang...

"Hello!" says I...

- (and you'll just have to imagine the Dutch accent) - "I am just ringing to inform you that I haff arrived at Paparas, but there is no need for your concern, as there is a sunshade fitted"

- "Oh, I see, thank you Hans"

- "Haff a nice day, Mr Caley"

- "And you Hans" - 'click'

Bugger! - I forgot he was back


Joined: 14/04/2009
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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 09:29

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Message 9 of 11 in Discussion

very good Keith, hope there was an ashtray there for hans


Joined: 19/05/2008
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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 09:53

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Message 10 of 11 in Discussion

RE msg 10, The Scarlets: (...) ashtray there for hans (...)

=> Of course there was an ashtray! The owner, Rüstem (try to pronounce his name, Keith, my turn for a laugh), takes very good care of his customers.

So here's the solution I've chosen. On my way to Girne: a double espresso at Paparas. On my way to Lapta: a double espresso at Guido's. I have not been able yet to rate one of them as "best espresso". Both places offer top-quality espresso.

P.S. I suppose a foreigner trying to speak English is a source of eternal joy for all the well educated Brits here, who only speak English (and most of them should not even try to write their own native language - this board is my witness... ).


Joined: 14/04/2009
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Message Posted:
04/08/2009 18:18

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Message 11 of 11 in Discussion

Well done Hans your English is excellent

It's easier to call him "Russ"

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