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Joined: 02/09/2008 Posts: 188
Message Posted: 06/08/2009 18:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 21 in Discussion |
| u see them in the paper all the time trying to get more money for the place why do they close at 1 ???????????????????? i went there at 10 past one and the staff were less then help full and rude if you pick a stray dog or cat up that has anything to do with kar they want 50 ytl and if you do not pay it they want the dog or cat back ?????????????????????? They just make no sense to me at all dose any one else agree or am i wrong ??????????????????????????????????????? |

Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 06/08/2009 19:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 21 in Discussion |
| No comment its a little like the North/South..Who ones what/lost what Threads..very Tired of them..and they still keep on coming!!! Whats the price of Coal today.??? Spider,X |

Joined: 15/09/2008 Posts: 975
Message Posted: 06/08/2009 20:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 21 in Discussion |
| Martin I suppose you work all day do you? they close at one to the public but work still carries on after one. if you went to the bank at 1.10 and it closes at 1.00 do you expect to be served? i do not agree with you, why not go and do some volunteer work for them instead of moaning, get a life! |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 06/08/2009 20:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 21 in Discussion |
| Quarmby why have you been so rude to Martin..he was simply asking questions...KAR SUCK to use an american euphanism... You always defend KAR no matter what they do or how badly they handle a situation..you must have some kind of interest in the place!! |

Joined: 27/07/2008 Posts: 3452
Message Posted: 06/08/2009 20:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 21 in Discussion |
| To correct my spelling euphemism :( blushes lol |

Joined: 14/06/2008 Posts: 813
Message Posted: 06/08/2009 21:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 21 in Discussion |
| oh dear dear seems like another topic about KAR have we not heard enough on this subject. Well said Quarmby !!!!! deecyprus - why was quarmby rude - Martin asked ' dose any one else agree or am i wrong ' well obviously quarmby thought he was wrong - and is surely entitled to that opinion. why do people not start being more proactive as 'DD' has suggested with this 'fostering' system or simply go up to KAR and help and stop posting pointless posts slagging off KAR - whether you agree with the policies of KAR or not without them this island would be overrun with unneutered cats and dogs!!!!! a much bigger problem than there is now. |

Joined: 02/05/2008 Posts: 836
Message Posted: 06/08/2009 21:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 21 in Discussion |
| You are wrong in a big way. You obviously dont appreciate all the hard work that needs to be put in to look after so many unwanted animals, and though the centre apparently closes to the public at 1pm, work goes on still with the cleaning, feeding and all the strenuous chores involved, especially during the hotter months of the year. May I humbly suggest that instead of going off on one, you offer your services and try and help out for one day a week and see how you feel when at 1.10 someone pitches up and............ Michael. |

Joined: 24/07/2009 Posts: 13
Message Posted: 06/08/2009 21:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 21 in Discussion |
| KAR is a charity, depending on goodwill. NOT a bank. Compared to, lets say 10 year ago, we do have more stray dogs. Today and then KAR neglected to do something about the puppies, (neutering) leaving it to you and me to find homes fore them. With the result, that these dogs within a short time would have puppies and ..... |

Joined: 30/11/2008 Posts: 689
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 00:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 21 in Discussion |
| Martin. May I ask why you decided to visit? Regards PC |

Joined: 05/05/2008 Posts: 1427
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 08:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 21 in Discussion |
| Martin Were you actually aware before your trip to the centre of the opening times? As CJtill states in message 7....they close at one to visitors but the few workers that are there don't down tools and go home. The rest of their day is spent cleaning out kennels and feeding the many dogs and cats as well as giving attention to some of the animals that are in need of medical care. |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 1256
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 08:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 21 in Discussion |
| Martin, sorry but I think you are wrong too. I posted recently on here about a Golden Retriever, KAR did exactly what they said they would do, when they said they would. They are over-run and they might not do things the way every one on here thinks they should but they do what they can within their resources. Give them a break for goodness sake. |

Joined: 28/02/2008 Posts: 499
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 08:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 21 in Discussion |
| When we took a dog off their hands we were asked to pay 50TL for it. I was a little surprised but paid up anyway, the dog had been treated and neutered (which all costs money). Our last addition turned up in a field next to us, tagged and neutered. We contacted KAR to find out about the bitch's history. We told them we were keeping her and that was that. Once they put them back on the street, their involvement ends, I believe. |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 09:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 21 in Discussion |
| most rescue's in the uk will also charge a small fee when you take a dog home. kar's is at busting at the seams point, do you realise how long it takes to even feed and clean behind that amount of dogs? i can imagine as i am doing ten at the moment and it takes the best part of an hour just for food.( then add cleaning, walkies and any special needs the dogs may have) so do the math they can't be open 24/7 for visitors. |

Joined: 26/09/2008 Posts: 561
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 09:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 21 in Discussion |
| KAR close to the public at 1pm - staff stay on longer than that to clean and feed the many many animals they have in their care. Once again people choose to slag them off when they do not have the full facts. |

Joined: 15/06/2008 Posts: 254
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 10:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 21 in Discussion |
| I have tried very hard to think of a response to the first question without getting too emotional, you see I volunteer up at KAR three days a week, I am one of those who turn up to feed the dogs, clean them out either from where they have slept the night before or keep them as clean as possible during the day, cook the food for them (some are fed three times a day), make sure their bowls are clean and topped up, I could go on, we start at 8 and finish at 4 and yes we do close at 1pm so that we can have a break before the last feed gets prepared (this can take an hour) and then we feed them, tidy them up and bed them down for the night. I don't do it to look for praise it's because I care for the animals so for those people who continually moan and whinge I get a little frustrated and hurt by the comments, things are not right all of the time but we try to make a difference, instead of moaning get yourself up there, do some grooming,bath the puppies, anything helps, thankyou & rant over |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 11:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 21 in Discussion |
| mike, i know how hard you must all work , well done! |

Joined: 15/09/2008 Posts: 975
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 14:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 21 in Discussion |
| MSG 15 well let's hope the NON consructive critics, either put up or SHUT UP once and for all. |

Joined: 18/05/2008 Posts: 1720
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 16:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 21 in Discussion |
| Mike Well said mate. For those who are not aware, having spoken to the manager at the centre earlier this week, KAR have over 270 dogs in the centre at present (adults and puppies), so even the most sceptical of people must appreciate how long it takes to clean up and feed this many animals. Please give KAR a break !!! Regards Paul |

Joined: 03/04/2009 Posts: 153
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 16:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 21 in Discussion |
| Here we go again What happened to the KAR bashers alternative plan to deal with stray dogs? The KAR bashers clique are very brave at criticising but ask them for an alternative method and they go silent or result to insults. I would suggest that this post is a wind up from one of the clique to restart a slanging match of which they revel in. Codger |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 18:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 21 in Discussion |
| Mike and other supporters of KAR, unfortunately some engage mouth before engaging brain. It could be the sun or it could be the Efes or a mixture of the two. I think it is now time to put this thread to bed. AJ |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 07/08/2009 18:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 21 in Discussion |
| This thread is now closed.
Reason: Thread was addressed and no need for further posts. |
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