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Solving access problems to Cyprus 44

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Joined: 19/09/2008
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Message Posted:
14/08/2009 09:26

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Message 1 of 24 in Discussion

I think that this problem is being caused by DNS servers

Your DNS server addresses are being supplied automatically by your ISP

You can enter a static DNS server address manually

In XP:

Click the Windows 'Start' button

Click 'Control Panel'

Make sure that you are in 'Classic View' (Change from 'Category' to 'Classic' in the left hand margin)

Click 'Network Connections'

Right click your 'Local Area Network' icon

Click 'Properties'

Click 'Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

At the bottom, put the green dot in 'Use the following DNS server addresses'


Preferred -

Alternate -

Click 'OK' and then 'OK' again

Try this out and report back - the above addresses are free DNS server addresses - sometimes they have problems too.

If you have any problems in the future, remove these addresses and revert back to 'Obtain DNS server address automatically - If you get the same problem, search 'Free DNS addresses' in Google and enter those instead.



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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 02:13

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Extend users - Why don't you try above and let us know?

More instructions are here:


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 03:50

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There are much easier ways to check that your isp is resolving IP address correctly to be honest. Using a free dns server takes longer than the below and just introduces another element that may itself cause probs

just go start -> run

this will open a command window. In that type ping

it should return

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

If it returns any other number than then there is aproblem with your ISPs dns server.

People who have trouble should check this first.

If you check this and are getting the right IP address ( and yet are still having problems accessing this site and only this site then try the following

In the same command windows as before type


If you can post the results here. If you can not post here cause you are having trouble accessing the site then email the results to me with subject access problems at


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 03:56

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If the problem does turn out to be as simple as extend not returning the right IP address for, which I doubt to be honest, then there are simple ways to get round this that are again better than using a free dns server rather than your ISP supplied one. Using a free dns server will at best slow down your internet access in general and at worst just add a whole new element that can cause problems. I really would adivse against it myself.


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 04:17

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Message 5 of 24 in Discussion

This is the last 8 nodes from my not-Extend connection:

10 107 ms 107 ms 108 ms []

11 124 ms 125 ms 123 ms []

12 120 ms 121 ms 119 ms []

13 121 ms 121 ms 120 ms []

14 121 ms 120 ms 122 ms []

15 127 ms 127 ms 127 ms []

16 124 ms 124 ms 124 ms .uk []

17 125 ms 125 ms 124 ms

18 125 ms 124 ms 124 ms []


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 04:20

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When you ping from Extend, the IP resolves fine. (I tested this when the site was not opening too)

So, it is not a DNS issue.

The site is working at the moment with Extend.

I checked and the last 8 nodes I posted above, are the same.

I will run traceroute tomorrow when it is not working and will post the results here.

I think from Turk Telekom onwards, we won't get a reply.

Thank you erolz for your insight and help on this.



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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 05:07

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Erolz, if you care to try the free DNS server address that I posted and there is still a problem resolving, one possible cause is eliminated.

I have tried to access cyprus 44 using these DNS server addresses and I receive the same intermittent problem, if someone else could try, it would eliminate eXtend's DNS as the problem.

As you will appreciate, solving any problem is a process of elimination.

If you read the last three lines of my original post, I think that I covered the point that you tried to make.

My original post was made in attempt to be helpful, not critical, but it seems that you want to turn this into an argument. I will not participate, solve your own problems!



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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 05:29

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Message 8 of 24 in Discussion

Washerman do not get so defensive.

I am not looking to turn this into an argument at all, simply trying to help.

DNS resolution is a binary thing - it is either correct or it is not. The simplest way to test if it is this resolution that is causing the extend problems or not , is not to change your current ISP supplied DNS server to a public one. It is simply to ping using the current one and see if it gives the right answer or not. This is just the simplest most direct way that adds no new possibly problematic elements to eliminate dns resolution as a cause of the problem.

If my pointing this out has offended you then I am sorry for that but it does not change the truth of what I have written above. We are all trying to help here.


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 05:32

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BTW, my original post was made 4 days ago and was ignored, it has now been elevated and made a sticky, I am impressed! Was this by any chance, anything to do with my post in the other 'sticky' thread to do with eXtend (now closed)

I only tried to be helpful, but it's obvious to all (except you and Izzet perhaps) that you have took this personally so, having attracted your attention and it seems 'ruffled your feathers,' I doubt that anything good will come from me continuing to read and post here.

Washerman.........signing off for the last time.

People sometimes, only do certain things, because they didn't anticipate the worst thing that could happen.

Finally, Erolz in your instructions, you missed out two vital lines, which renders all useless.

You posted

'just go start -> run

this will open a command window. In that type ping' - this doesn't open a command window

>>type 'cmd' and 'click OK'<< - Here's what you missed out


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 05:45

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I am at a loss washerman I really am.

There is nothing personal in my posts at all. What I am posting about is a method for eliminating the element that you yourself had highlighted should be eliminated. Yes I believe my method is better than the one you suggested but not out of any ego need on my part but simply because it objectively is a better method. I guess there are two way you can respond to this. You can think oh yeah that is a better way , great I have learnt something new or you can take it as a personal attack on you as an indivdual. It sddens me that you seem to have chosen the second option, why I do not know.

You are also entirely correct about my mistake in my instructions and the missing part of typing cmd. Thank you greatly for pointing this out. I welcome people pointing out mistakes that I make as I welcome people pointing out better ways of doing the same thing. I like to learn. So thanks.


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 13:14

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Both are you are trying to help.

Pls stop arguing. Let's find where the exact problem is.


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 13:22

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Message 12 of 24 in Discussion

Here is the traceroute result from Extend, taken at the time was not opening up.

4 20 ms 5 ms 6 ms []

5 72 ms 6 ms 9 ms []

6 31 ms 28 ms 28 ms

7 47 ms 59 ms 46 ms []

8 35 ms 36 ms 46 ms []

9 208 ms * 28 ms []

10 119 ms * 96 ms []

11 * * * Request timed out.

12 88 ms 94 ms 82 ms []

13 119 ms 91 ms 84 ms []

14 89 ms 86 ms 136 ms []

15 107 ms 108 ms 105 ms []

16 90 ms 92 ms 89 ms []

17 106 ms 105 ms 108 ms []

18 130 ms 97 ms 96 ms .uk []

19 93 ms 105 ms 94 ms

20 128 ms 131 ms * []

21 144 ms 95 ms 95 ms []


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 13:24

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Message 13 of 24 in Discussion


What do you say? is not opening up, but the traceroute is working perfectly (or not?).

Where can be the problem?



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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 13:39

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Message 14 of 24 in Discussion

The trace route output looks ok to me. The only slightly wierd thing that is different from your earlier traceroute and my own is the last hop 20-21 which appears to go from the correct machine to the same correct machine []. I do not really understand why there is this last extra hop ? If the packets have reached [] then there is no need to have another hop. I do not know if this has any significance or not.


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 13:47

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I think another thing to try and check is if the problems relate just to requests made on port 80 or on any requests made from an extend connection to your hosts.

Do you have any services running on your host machine that do not use port 80 (like mail server for example or some other service). If you do do these services work from an extend connection when the web server is not working ?


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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 13:52

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Does the host server you are using have telnet? I assume it must have ftp access ? Both of these use ports other than port 80. Do these things work from an extend connection when the webserver is not working from it ?


Joined: 30/01/2007
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Message Posted:
18/08/2009 17:52

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Message 17 of 24 in Discussion

Izzet,go back to the sticky you closed and read messages 4,7,10,26,41,60,....I cant be bothered to look through the rest.

Extend,3G,Digital Supreme here,O2 and AOL in the UK have all had problems accessing the site.

Try the hosting company again.It is not just an Extend problem.


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Message Posted:
19/08/2009 19:33

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Message 18 of 24 in Discussion


i cannot telnet any port (tried 21 and a few other open ports) when the site is inaccessible from Extend connection.



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Message Posted:
19/08/2009 19:37

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Message 19 of 24 in Discussion



there is no problem with 3g. you can ask people to check if you want. 3g reception is sometimes bad and users cannot access the Internet properly. Because some users visit only cyprus44 during some hours, when they have problems with 3g reception, they think the site is down but actually their internet connection is down.


Is it possible you can check with the members from the UK using AOL or O2 connections, if they are having problems at all? The problem at that time was a planned downtime in one case. Those users should not have problems accessing the site now. So, their problems do not relate to the Extend problem. If you can check with them, I'd appreciate.


Re Digital Supreme, I think it is the same problem with Extend. Digital Supreme probably does not have direct contract with Internet providers in Turkey and they probably use Extend's connection for this, thus same problems. If any one can confirm this or otherwise, please post here.



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Message Posted:
19/08/2009 19:49

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Message 20 of 24 in Discussion

So what happens with a straight ping from an extend connection to the site say over 30 tries when it is in not working mode ? Are packets being dropped ?


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Message Posted:
20/08/2009 14:58

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Message 21 of 24 in Discussion

Not at all. 100% success rate.

Ping works perfectly with correct ip address.


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Message Posted:
20/08/2009 17:09

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Message 22 of 24 in Discussion

So to summarise.

The problem is intermittent. It comes and goes. There may be some correlation with load, at busy times its more likely to not work at quiet times more likely to work, but this is not certain.

DNS resolution is working when the site is accessable and when it is not. So is ping / tracet. This implies the issues is at the TCP protocal level.

Using a web proxy service when the connection is in a non working mode solves the problem. Is that correct ?

Would this be a fair summary ? Have I got anything wrong ? Missed anything out ?

One other question, is when the site is unacessable does cntrl + f5 refresh of the browser make any difference ?


Joined: 13/06/2008
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Message Posted:
20/08/2009 20:41

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Message 23 of 24 in Discussion


just caught it not working - neither F5 nor Ctrl-F5 to refresh the Browser enabled the connection - still got the message: -

Network Timeout

The operation timed out when attempting to contact

The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply.

* Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary failure? Try again later.

* Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection.

* Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.

* Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.

Currently using to connect.



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Message Posted:
20/08/2009 22:52

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Message 24 of 24 in Discussion

Just one last test if someone could

If they could try a tracert when it is working and then one when it is not. I just want to check if that strange last 'double' hop on Izzets tracert from a non working extend connection is still there when it is working.

Can't say I have much idea what is going on right now. It's strange problem. If I had to guess it would be extends web cache proxy server - if they use one that is. Izzet I don't know if you can get any response from extend but might be worth asking them if they are using web cache proxy server and if they could they perhpas try excluding from it for a period just to see if it makes any difference or not.

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