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daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 14:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 24 in Discussion |
| I have 2 dogs, Ted and Poppy...Ted is a pointer collie and Poppy is a pointer spaniel...Ted looks like a collie and in all respects is just a dog, nothing too out of the ordinary, except when he sees water...if i let him, i swear he would swim off to Turkey!! Poppy, on the other hand, has such an array of facial expressions...she can convey anything with her eyes...her mouth even turns up at the corners in a smile when she's very happy...and she is most of the time...sometimes its spooky...her tail never stops wagging and i often wonder if she hurts herself when it's wagging and thumping the floor or a wall. I do love to talk about Poppy, because i often wonder if i am just biased and only i can see these traits.... Do any of you have dogs that are spookily clever and are forever surprising you? DD |

Joined: 12/04/2007 Posts: 978
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 14:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 24 in Discussion |
| my dog is very clever she knows when I am cooking sausages and chicken and she knows the word biscuit and does everything I tell her until she gets one. I love doggies very much and if I lived out there I would have loads of them !! Millie wags her tail if I call her a 'good gilr' even if you think she is a deep sleep only problem is she has a stubby tail (we did want to find a boxer with a tail but to no avail at the time) all different now though, but at least she cant hurt herself. Silly thing trys to cath it too no hope !!! so I guess thast not so clever of her lol - glad to hear you are back enjoying your animals double 'D'!! Mrs Millzer |

Joined: 01/06/2009 Posts: 371
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 14:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 24 in Discussion |
| my boy is sometimes thick and sometimes clever!! When its night time and I call him in for the night - he's so thick he can't remember his own name................. He is very clever at hearing the word dinner, and can hear the fridge door opening a mile away............... But I love him anyway!!!! |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 14:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 24 in Discussion |
| Poppy is my shadow, she would follow me off a cliff, if i ever decided to do it lol!! She slleeps under the bed when i am asleep, and refuses to get up until i am up, so when i wake and do my morning yawn and stretch, thats her cue to dive onto the bed and also start yawning and doesn't matter how quietly i do this, she still hears me and the copies me...very sweet!! Ted is just a lazy bugger, and if he decides to wake up, i may get a quick 2 minuite cuddle before he goes back to sleep!! DD |

Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 14:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 24 in Discussion |
| Mines a Pointer and he points! A rescue dog he is afraid of water, brush's and the dark. But he hunts lizards with a frenzy, loves having a shower in the hot weather (yes still afraid of water), can climb like a mountain goat and knows words like food, dinner, jail (go to your kennel), chickens and lots of others. Will not eat or drink when we are not there - no matter how long we are out and that can be up to 8 hours, not a drop or a bite! Loves the car, comes back (mostly) when called and has a pet fluffy chicken that he must take to bed with him every night! Would not part with him for the world! |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 14:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 24 in Discussion |
| aww waddo, he sounds adorable!! Mine are afraid of nothing!! Absolutely nothing bothers them, but they love doing and having sooo much! Poppy sometimes jumps into the bath when im having a shower, which never fails to have me in fits of laughter...however, she then jumps on the bed or the sofa and rubs herself dry...this stops my laughing pretty damn smartish!! DD |

Joined: 31/07/2009 Posts: 189
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 15:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 24 in Discussion |
| I have a dog brought from England Dexter he's lovely but getting old being 10. We also brought our cat over Sonny who is 9 years old. They love each other Sonny (the cat) licks Dexter and they kiss every morning to say good morning. They both know when it gets to 4 o'clock as that's tea time. Dexter snores, groans and has some very interesting dreams by the way he reacts. Sonny (the cat) thinks he is a dog and does what Dexter does he sometimes follows us up the mountain when we take Dexer out for a walk. The cat scratches the window when he wants to be inside. They love just lazing around in the sun, where would us English folk be without our pets? |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 15:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 24 in Discussion |
| You're absoutely right Looplou, were would we be without our pets! I can not imagine ever losing my 2 dogs...(although i know i will one day) I would go through Hell and highwater to ensure my dogs are happy healthy and safe...i even muzzle them when they are out and about, which i think more people should do. They loathe the muzzle, but they don't let it stop them having fun! I have never wanted to have children, but i would happily have dozens of animals! Strange how we can become impatient with people but with animals we're much more relaxed and forgiving...If ony Ted would quit squeaking that bloody toy!! Grrrrrr DD |

Joined: 04/02/2009 Posts: 667
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 16:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 24 in Discussion |
| This is very sad but gave me some comfort. We lost one of our dogs to illness very suddenly about 6 weeks ago. As she was the youngest and fittest of our 2 dogs we took consolation that when our "old boy" went we would still have her. Sadly that was not the case, she died and our little old man went rapidly down hill. We got another beautiful girl and for a time our boy perked up. He had bad heart problems but always managed to be perky and knew the time to go and "speak" to his favourite neighbour. We noticed he wasn't coping very well and was struggling. Just under a week before we had to put him to sleep I noticed he wasn't in his usual place getting the breeze by the door. When I went to look he was just lying on his girls grave, his head on his paws, staring into space as if to say I'll be with you again soon. I think he was telling me his time was up. R.I.P. my little ones |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 16:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 24 in Discussion |
| Oh that is so poignant...are you going to have any more dogs? Or do you think you will wait a while first? DD |

Joined: 04/02/2009 Posts: 667
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 17:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 24 in Discussion |
| DD - We will get another one to keep our new arrival company. Even though we only had her a short time before we had to put my best friend to sleep she used to follow him everywhere and look after him. If he started coughing she would run after him to check he was OK, if he looked lost she went to nuzzle him. Bless her, for 2 days after he went she wouldn't come for cuddles and looked all over the house and garden for him. We are all used to being part of a family of 4 and the house just doesn't feel right with only 3 of us. |

Joined: 25/01/2009 Posts: 2263
Message Posted: 23/08/2009 17:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 24 in Discussion |
| We don't have our own dog now but my Son has a Border Collie, he is left on his own during the day so I take him for a walk every afternoon. We also have 2 field spaniels mother and daughter live next door they are left in the garden all day and when they hear us around they start to cry until we take them up to the field at the top of the road, when they come back I give them a doggie biscuit they don't get them off their owner he sees them as working dogs when he goes shooting and not as pets, when we open the gate the Mother always smiles at us in welcome, I also look after them when the owners go on holiday and I give them the love they miss take them out at least three times. |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 24/08/2009 14:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 24 in Discussion |
| Maybe i have a slight cruel streak, because i find it immensley amusing to see Poppy walking around wagging her tail furiously and so pleased with herself, while holding a buzzing cicada in her mouth...then when it eventually gives up, she gets so angry and starts stamping it with her paw (i assume to wake it back up!) DD Woodspeckie it is very kind of you to look after this persons dog...i wish i could find someone to help out with the walking of my 2... |

Joined: 24/12/2008 Posts: 42
Message Posted: 24/08/2009 15:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 24 in Discussion |
| How many of you think this island needs a proper animal hospital with all equipment in it. Ex: I have to go somewere else to get my dog's leg x-rayed becasue most of the vets on the island does not have a x-ray machine in their offices. I strongly beleive animal hospital with well educated vets would be useful for this island. |

Joined: 31/07/2009 Posts: 189
Message Posted: 24/08/2009 16:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 24 in Discussion |
| Trinsurance - Yes I agree as you never know when you may need an animal hospital. Daisy dukes - Maybe we should start up an doggie walking swop for when people are out for the day or going back to england for awhile???? What do you think, maybe start a list off for each area that we live in???? Thanks........... |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 24/08/2009 20:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 24 in Discussion |
| Loopylou...that sounds like a superb idea....put me down!! DD |

Joined: 12/12/2008 Posts: 303
Message Posted: 24/08/2009 23:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 24 in Discussion |
| A poem for Dog Lovers when the time comes. Master dear Master the old dog said My road has come to an end No more can i ramble by your side Your loved and trusted friend My eyes,once filled with joy of life Are dimmed with age and pain The walks we shared by field and stream Must wait for another day You cared for me with all your heart And i gave you my all But now beloved master Another Master calls I know you hate to let me go But my Love is yours to keep The time has come my dearest friend When i need to go to sleep Your kindness made my life a joy And you loved me this i no Show me your love just one more time And gently let me go Master my beloved friend As we say our last goodbye Know that i will be waiting For you on the other side |

Joined: 12/12/2008 Posts: 303
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 00:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 24 in Discussion |
| Rainbow bridge There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth It is called the Rainbow bridge because of its many colours Just this side of the bridge there is a land of meadows Hills and valleys filled with lush green grass When a beloved pet dies they go to this place There is always food and water and warm spring weather Those old and frail animals are young again Those who have been maimed are made whole again The play all day together Some of them by the bridge are different These pets were beaten,starved and unloved They watch wistfully as their friends leave one by one To cross the bridge with their special person For them there is no-one,no special one Their time on earth did not give them one But one day as they run and play they notice someone by the road to the bridge This person wistfully watches the reunions of friends For during life this person had no Pet This person was beaten,starved and unloved Cont |

Joined: 12/12/2008 Posts: 303
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 00:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 24 in Discussion |
| Standing there alone one of the unloved pets approach Curious as to why this person is alone And as the unloved pet and the unloved person get nearer to each other a miracle occurs For these are the ones who were meant to be together The special person and the beloved pet who never had the chance to meet on earth Finally,now at the edge of Rainbow Bridge their souls meet The pain and sorrow disappears and two friends are together They cross the Rainbow bridge,together,never again to be seperated |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 00:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 24 in Discussion |
| oh my god your replies have made me cry so much. I love my dogs and now my little cat. I cant imagine my life without them. They drive me made at times espically my staffi who is so clever. There is not a door he cant get out of locked or not. Hundini I think. He speaks and the words are quite clear. I brought him here from UK.. I got locked out and caled to him to turn the key he understood every word and did so to let me in. This guy the first day we got him from the rescue centre unlocked 7 doors to get to my bedroom, next day we put a babygate he chewed the clip. next day we put it top of the stairs he jmped it. We gave in. He knows when Im ill and upset. So tuned into me . The 3 I have taken on here are learning. Thet however are loyal and so faithfull . All different personalties but one goal my love. AsI said I only wish I could dedicate more time to them but it will soon be winter months when I will xxxxx Oh the Cat Oscar what a personality he has developed from not being able |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 00:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 24 in Discussion |
| to touch him fo a good few days. he knows the minute i get in and cries for me. His great pleasre is playing football with a ball of tin foil. I could watch his antics for hours. Now he goes to all my customers. He is a beauty xxxxxxxxx |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 01:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 24 in Discussion |
| sorry me again . I have always thoughtdogs to be colour blind but my Mo can tell red from yelloe green or blue>Is this by smell. When I throw the red fetch me red when I throw 3 or 4 ger me yellow etc e gets it right every time |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 13:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 24 in Discussion |
| my kadife is nearly a year old, she loves everyone which sometimes gets her into trouble. she has been bitten twice now by other dogs but still doesn't learn her lesson.( not even stitches detered her) when people come to the house and sit down ,she climbs onto the chair and licks their faces and her favourite person is someone who is bald. she is just attracted to licking bald heads. she steals washing from the line when she hangs on it ( broke the last rotary line), and ate a hole in the middle of my curtian. she only chews expensive shoes the cheap ones just don't taste as good. if she gets the chance she steals the other dogs dinners then eats so much she is sick. she is a real no fear sort of girl, her last trick was to jump from a window in our outside kitchen, when she did it my heart sank, thinking broken legs or something, she got up and off she ran! her nickname is sweet pig, refering to the little snorting noises she makes. totally wild but i love her to bits. |

Joined: 04/02/2009 Posts: 667
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 17:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 24 in Discussion |
| Lilli- I think dogs can see in colour. My first little JRT used to chase red buses and barked at people wearing red. Once they changed the colour of the buses to green he stopped chasing them! Barnaclebill - you don't know how poignant your first poem was to me. I only got through putting my best friend to sleep by our vet telling me my other little dog, who died only 6 weeks weeks ago, was watching and waiting for him to join her. Thank you Sibel for being so caring |
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