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Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 17:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 55 in Discussion |
| Been there today to get uniforms and although from the outside it looks like they have a mountain to climb to get the road finished, believe me... Inside is coming on AMAZINGLY!! I cant believe how well they have done to pull this ambitious project off!! I have no doubt that this school is going to be a jewel in the crown of North Cyprus for young families. It really seems like they have had the vision and ambition to create a first class school without cutting corners. If the teachers have the same passion and drive that the founders of this project have then we have a wonderful school for TRNC. Very very excited and feeling very positive about this lovely new school. |

Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 25/08/2009 17:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 55 in Discussion |
| All sounds good but ı know for a fact that they stıll do not have all theır lıcenses from the Mınıstry. I know thıs as I went to the Mınıstry and spoke one of the Inspectors who confırmed thıs was the case. |

Joined: 08/05/2009 Posts: 666
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 01:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 55 in Discussion |
| Im sure the licence will be given full attention soonest. English School in TRNC, the very best of luck for now and the future. |

Joined: 09/12/2008 Posts: 270
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 07:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 55 in Discussion |
| I have heard that the school is going to be very good, giving alot of options to the school children, i hope they include after school activities as this is something very short of for children to do. I know we are not in England but i remember when i was at school you used to have lunch time activities adn also after school activities its just a shame more schoold do not offer this. If they did im sure alot more children would stop walking the streets at lunch times and after school. Good luck to the ESK school and all the best. |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 09:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 55 in Discussion |
| I Have no idea about the licences and the hoops that TRNC will obviously make them jump through, but Im just saying that against 'All the odds' what they have achieved with this build is spectacular, showing such determination and vision. They said they would be in the new office there by last friday, and they were. They said the uniforn shop will be open from yesterday and it was. The areas that they said would be complete, are! the areas still to be completed are being worked on by a hundred people. Great job being done by all I'd say. |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 11:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 55 in Discussion |
| Havent been there yet, but planning to go there tomorrow (uniforms) and really curious about the new school. From what I've read about the owners and their passion about "creating" such a school, I think they are going to come over every difficulty that could be faced. As parents, Im glad that we also are going to be a part of this passion and vision. Well done and best of luck ESK!! |

Joined: 03/03/2009 Posts: 123
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 12:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 55 in Discussion |
| does anyone know if there are places available left?have 3 boys 12 ,8 and 4 |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 12:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 55 in Discussion |
| Kamaks, You can always get in touch with the school from: +90392 8150420 This line was available yesterday.. Hope it helps! |

Joined: 09/12/2008 Posts: 270
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 12:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 55 in Discussion |
| I did hear that people are putting deposits down for next year as Baykol said give them a call they would know better. My son goes to Sunny Lane a we live close by he is five and loves the school, he has lots of friends there and even the old children play with the younger kids, its lovley to see. |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 13:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 55 in Discussion |
| Tuttut I liked Sunny Lane too, but they educate very little Turkish and this is important to us, as we are Turkish. GAU makes us feel like the private colleges in Turkey. (which I was educated in as well) You pay, you probably get (buy) one of the best education in town, but you feel notting warm of friendly in it. This is only my humble idea of course!! What we expect from the education and the schools could be very different. For me, Id of course like my daughter to get the very best education, but her being happy at the school and waking up shining every morning to go to school is as much important as the quality of education at school as well to me. At first, she should love the school/teachers/system, so then comes the education with success. ESK seems to be the perfect choice for us. I like their ideas and I sure loved to see my daughter happily walking around the school garden chatting and giggling with the head directress when we were there.. |
fire starter

Joined: 19/06/2008 Posts: 3401
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 13:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 55 in Discussion |
| when does this school open please? |

Joined: 09/12/2008 Posts: 270
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 13:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 55 in Discussion |
| I fully agree a happy child is always a loving child. As long as a child has a stable and happy back ground and has the foundation of a good education and support of the school and family this could not be better for them. I have to admit i did not have the best of educations but i tried my best, but for me i have learnt alot more out of school than in school through the companies ive worked for and also common sence. |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 14:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 55 in Discussion |
| The school opens at 9th Sept. They have the calendar for 2009-2010 on their site newly updated under admissions. |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 15:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 55 in Discussion |
| I totally agree with the happiness of our children being the foundation for everything, and theres nothing more satisfying than if your child wakes up happy looking forward to the day. My 2 children are very different when it comes to learning so I was extremely encouraged by the fact that during the interview the head lady was spot on when she picked up on what my childs weaknesses were as well as her strengths. Kamaks,, I am sure you will be made very welcome even if you turn up at the new site unannounced and ask to have a look round the school, the staff are lovely. |

Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 15:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 55 in Discussion |
| I have noted people’s comments but from what I understand from various officials at the ministry the reality of the license is something that could cause the closure before it opens! I couldn’t send my child to an unregistered school, with no security, and no playground facility and more importantly a building site! I have visited the ‘site’ too and felt that the entrance may be grand but what hides beneath is just another Turkish school where money is more important than education, this is an unproven school who should not be educating children and accepting fees without a license! Not impressed! |

Joined: 08/04/2009 Posts: 99
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 16:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 55 in Discussion |
| I would be interested to learn which school has impressed you most chiesa. You clearly do not like the idea of ESK. Where do you send your kids ?? |

Joined: 08/04/2009 Posts: 99
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 16:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 55 in Discussion |
| And who do you know in the Ministry ? Perhaps we could speak to them also ? |

Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 16:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 55 in Discussion |
| I am sımply statıng that I would not send MY daughter to such a school. My daughter goes to sunny lane, as stated above, but ı dıd look at ESK out of ınterest and to see ıf theır educatıon was better than sunny lane or GAU whıch ıs what they openly claım. They are not any better and when I went to look around they put down other schools on the ısland whıch ıs wrong. I am a turkısh cyprıot who has researched all schools and I have been to the mınıstry to ask and I was not ımpressed to hear that ESK are not lıcensed. I am happy wıth sunny lane and my daughter wıll be stayıng there, especıally after theır recent exam results. A proven, lıcensed, regıstered and very carıng school. |

Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 16:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 55 in Discussion |
| Aksel and Alev at the Mınıstry. Go talk to them. |

Joined: 19/01/2009 Posts: 291
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 16:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 55 in Discussion |
| I am a Turkish teacher at the English School of Kyrenia, we have no problems with the Ministry of Education. They have already sent out our books, and we will be starting our lessons on the 9th of September. If you have any questions please be free to come and visit us at our new building in Bellapais, all teachers will be in school from the 1st of Sept. Regards, |

Joined: 12/03/2009 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 16:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 55 in Discussion |
| As a Proprietor of a Private School in the TRNC I clearly know and understand the laws and regulations surrounding the opening and educating of children in a Private School within the TRNC. I can confirm that it is in fact illegal to educate children and accept any form of fees without the correct paperwork in place. It would seem after a discussion with a Ministry Inspector that ESK have only obtained part of their official paperwork, therefore, they are not fully licensed to educate children at all levels at the moment. All Parents are free to choose whichever school they wish and a Parent is the best judge of which school is better suited to their child's needs, but when sending your child to a Private School you should always check that School's credentials and ensure they are registered and have passed all the Ministry checks before opening their doors to students. This is a legal and more importantly a moral requirement. Hayran Unwin |

Joined: 08/04/2009 Posts: 99
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 16:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 55 in Discussion |
| Thanks chiesa, I will. |

  Joined: 24/07/2007 Posts: 4400
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 17:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 55 in Discussion |
| Hayran wrote: "therefore, they are not fully licensed to educate children at all levels at the moment." Can you eleborate on that please? Obviously you know a great deal more but rather reluctant to say it openly. ismet |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 17:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 55 in Discussion |
| Hayran, I understand you are only trying to make a point, but I am sure if there were any 'illegal' activity here they would have had a visit from the ministry and or Police and been thrown in jail and deported. TRNC does not tolerate people operating illegally with business affairs. (only recently a hairdresser was thrown in jail for not having an NVQ level 3!!) so Im sure they would take it more seriously in this case. I understand your school Sunny Lane is a lovely school and I am sure with the support from your pupils and parents you will survive the opening of a new school. My friend sends her children to your school and is very happy. |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 17:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 55 in Discussion |
| Id like to add that I have never heard anyone at ESK put other schools down. |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 17:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 55 in Discussion |
| I agree with you, ozankoymum.. on the contrary, Ive been adviced to check schools like GAU and yakindogu by ESK as we are Turkish and Turkish lessons are also important to us... |

Joined: 12/03/2009 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 17:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 55 in Discussion |
| Ismet, I have been told that ESK currently only a license to teach from their old/existing building in Girne, not the new building and that their license only covers them up to Okul Oncesi (Nursery level - age 2-5). They still need to obtain their license for Ilk, Orta and Lise Okul levels (Primary & Secondary) and these levels, as well as the building, will not be reviewed by the Ministry before the 1st September and a review does not guarantee all licenses. I am not worried about a new school opening, however, I feel strongly about school's or any businesses operating in any country without the correct paperwork/licenses in place. I would also like to add that the School Calendar on the ESK website has not been agreed by the Ministry and it is unlikely it will be as we applied for the same and were told that only "British" passport holders are entitled to Christmas & Easter breaks. This creates double standards, therefore, we will be sticking to the Ministry Calendar. |

Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 17:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 55 in Discussion |
| hayran, ı heard that esk has 4 partners but they are stıll lookıng for further fınancıal ınvestment to fınısh and run the school. As you are experıenced ın runnıng a school why don't you offer to be the other ınvestor? |

Joined: 12/03/2009 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 17:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 55 in Discussion |
| NO THANK YOU!! Running one School takes up enough of my time and in my opinion too many partners can upset the balance sometimes. I will stick with Sunny Lane and continue running our School to the best of my ability. Why do you not invest Chiesa? |

Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 17:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 55 in Discussion |
| lol.....Not ınterested ın ınvestıng ın esk, too many chıefs and not enough ındıans! BUT ıf you are lookıng for an ınvestor/partner for Sunny Lane I would be happy to come on board?! |

Joined: 12/03/2009 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 18:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 55 in Discussion |
| Chiesa Thank you for your kind offer but Sunny Lane is not looking for investors or partners but we are always looking for keen volunteers to come in to listen to our young students read....interested? |

Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 18:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 55 in Discussion |
| ok you've twısted my arm, put my name down. See you ın September. |

Joined: 12/03/2009 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 18:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 55 in Discussion |
| We would love for you to visit our Physics Department to talk to our students. Shall I put your name down as a keen volunteer?! |

  Joined: 24/07/2007 Posts: 4400
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 18:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 55 in Discussion |
| Sure, anytime! You have my contact details. ismet |

Joined: 12/03/2009 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 18:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 55 in Discussion |
| I will definitely be in touch once the School re-opens! |

Joined: 09/09/2008 Posts: 712
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 20:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 55 in Discussion |
| Its such a shame that some people have a habit of putting down a good project before its event started. Esk have only expressed how they would like to teach children and how they would like to give children the best education they can get. Lets give them a chance they have invested a lot of money into a new school which the North CYprus can benefit from. I am sure they would not have invested millions into a school and forgotten to get the permits and anybody who makes these claims will soon see that these claims are unfounded. They have however stressed that all their teachers will be fully qualified. As for the other private schools in Girne I know for a fact that not all their teachers are fully qualified, so before they go badmouthing a wonderful project like Esk have a closer look at your own schools. With a bit of luck the ESK can help improve the other schools on the Island by giving them some competition. |

  Joined: 24/07/2007 Posts: 4400
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 21:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 55 in Discussion |
| Ataturk wrote: "I am sure they would not have invested millions into a school and forgotten to get the permits and anybody who makes these claims will soon see that these claims are unfounded." As far as I am concerned round words is no substitute for specific statements of fact. Hayran has made certain statements with no umbiguity. Are you in a position to contradict any? It is as simple as that. Let us hope that they do get their permissions in place in time and offer some competition in the sector which is to the benefit of the consumers i.e. the students and the parents. I am all for it. After all I have two grandsons who are prospective customers. ismet |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 22:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 55 in Discussion |
| Lets think about how things work here... Do you really think it would be possible to gain a full educational status without showing a building, a core of teachers covering every subject and a list of enrolled students.. its a chicken and egg senario. It has been stated that they will not be judged, or granted any license before 1st Sept and it has been stated that there will be teachers on site from 1st Sept.,... Ive seen the site and know how well its coming along, I know there are waiting lists for most classes... Sounds like a perfectly co-ordinated project to me. |

Joined: 18/03/2009 Posts: 489
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 22:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 55 in Discussion |
| I thought the licence was for 0-3 years creche or 3-13 years anaokul. The ESK advertised for students 3-13 from the ads in the papers. |

  Joined: 24/07/2007 Posts: 4400
Message Posted: 26/08/2009 23:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 55 in Discussion |
| msg. 40 Ozankoymum, What you wrote is fair enough, the chances are that they will get their licenses and if they come up with any snags they will have to sort them out fast, let us keep our fingers crossed. msg. 41 Pipie, 0-3 age group is the creche and 3-6 anaokul, afer 6 they go to the primary school (ilk okul). ismet |

Joined: 15/08/2009 Posts: 204
Message Posted: 27/08/2009 18:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 55 in Discussion |
| Hi,i am sending both my children to ESK and at no time has any member of staff said a bad word about any other school here in the TRNC,i cant believe there are so many people willing to bad mouth it before it even opens.I was there today and its not just a pretty front,the building is very impressive as are the staff that i met...yes it is obvious its not going to 100% finished but if the end result is as good as the beginning it will be a fine school...before giving it bad press talk to the teachers/managers as they have some very good ideas...give them a chance |

Joined: 20/11/2008 Posts: 241
Message Posted: 02/09/2009 15:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 55 in Discussion |
| let them get on with it. its up to the parents where they send they kids.its not up to other school owners and they kankas.they should focus on they scool. |

Joined: 01/07/2008 Posts: 189
Message Posted: 02/09/2009 17:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 55 in Discussion |
| I do not wish to sound negative. Some of the qualified teachers who were sacked from Sunny Lane are now at the ESK. AP |

Joined: 09/09/2008 Posts: 712
Message Posted: 02/09/2009 22:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 55 in Discussion |
| airpointer why would that be negative. There were some very good qualified teachers at Sunny Lane. As far as I am aware only 1 or 2 teachers have been employed by Sunny Lane and I dont think they were sacked from Sunny Lane. Do you have a problem with the schools in North Cyprus as I have read some of your posts and almost all of them are negative towards Sunny Lane and ESK. I for one hope that ESK succeeds and ups the level of teaching here in the North and hopefully the other schools will follow suit. Our children need the best education they can get but only from fully qualified teachers who are qualified in the subjects they are teaching. |

Joined: 01/07/2008 Posts: 189
Message Posted: 03/09/2009 11:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 55 in Discussion |
| I have no problem. I have never been negative about ESK. Like you. I also hope ESK succeeds. I am sure all the problems(if any) will be sorted out by the time the term starts. I understand ESK have some very well qualified teachers. AP |

Joined: 13/11/2007 Posts: 121
Message Posted: 03/09/2009 13:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 55 in Discussion |
| Just to let you know that I saw ESK announcement on yesterday's KIBRIS newwpaper that they have their licences registered or approved. Ebru |

Joined: 14/07/2009 Posts: 220
Message Posted: 03/09/2009 23:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 55 in Discussion |
| I think you should start your own thread Hayran. You are sounding more than desperate. |

Joined: 09/09/2009 Posts: 5
Message Posted: 09/09/2009 17:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 55 in Discussion |
| My daughter and son started school at ESK today. The School looked impressive and the staff were friendly, helpful and welcoming. Congratulations to the ESK team on their achievements so far. |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 09/09/2009 20:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 55 in Discussion |
| HERE HERE!! My 2 have had such a great day, I couldnt be happier. Its early days but this school really seems to have what North Cyprus has been waiting for. Teachers were lovely, everyone seems so proud to work there. My little girl (9) was paired up with a boy from the year above and seated with younger children to help them with their lunch, teaching manners, patience and responsibilty. Great to see they are being taught such important social skills even during break times. Im impressed!! |

Joined: 09/09/2009 Posts: 5
Message Posted: 11/09/2009 14:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 55 in Discussion |
| Very Impressive - As parents, we want to give our children the best education we can but we want them to be happy and to learn to be polite, caring young people. I'm so glad I chose ESK. I love the photos in the entrance hall with their core values!! Well done to the ESK Team!! |

Joined: 09/09/2008 Posts: 712
Message Posted: 11/09/2009 22:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 55 in Discussion |
| I think its time to change the ad at the top of this post. |

Joined: 12/09/2009 Posts: 1177
Message Posted: 12/09/2009 10:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 55 in Discussion |
| just to let you all know most of the teachers that were let go from sunny lane were not sacked but made redundant so please do not make judgements on the quality of the staff at sunny lane i know from first hand experience that the staff at sunny lane are all hard working dedicated to teaching to at a high standard. |

Joined: 27/08/2009 Posts: 102
Message Posted: 12/09/2009 16:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 55 in Discussion |
| Thank you for your positive remarks Sazna. Yes, you are correct. There are too many people jumping on the bandwagon ready to put down Sunny Lane and it's teaching staff. We are a dedicated and hard working team and have enjoyed an excellent first week of the new school year. Really looking forward to the exciting times ahead. |

Joined: 08/04/2009 Posts: 99
Message Posted: 16/09/2009 10:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 55 of 55 in Discussion |
| So far so good and my daughter is very happy. Small class of 19 but only 4 boys . So far only good things but I am sure, as with any start up situation, there are going to be minor glitches along the way. However I am equally certain that there are some people "waiting in the wings" to pounce on these and exaggerate them. We shall see. |
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