North Cyprus Tourist Board - Girne Amphitheatre - Thurs Sept 3rd
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Girne Amphitheatre - Thurs Sept 3rd

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Joined: 31/03/2007
Posts: 2381

Message Posted:
03/09/2009 06:40

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If you have not got tickets for tonight at Girne Amphitheatre and you like a bit of culture, then get some. Deniz Plaza or Iktisatbank.

The performance is of Carl Orff's, Carmina Burana. Look up the details on Wikpedia.

The Orchestra is from Izmir and Israel. Chorus is from Nuremburg with help from Girne Choral Society.

We went last night and the TV was there because a few speeches, one lady did go on a bit!!!!!

The performance was excellent and received a standing ovation which was followed by an encore.

The forum was about two thirds full and along with the setting provides a wonderful atmosphere.

If you like a bit of light classical please go. The more people that attend the more likely it is is that more of the same will eventually come here.


Joined: 31/03/2007
Posts: 2381

Message Posted:
03/09/2009 06:46

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Last plug, if you like things cultural. Go to amphitheatre later this month. Sorry not got date. To see Dance Cyprus.

There were so few people went to earlier performances that several more were cancelled.

We saw the performance last year and they are exceptional to watch. It is a shame that the group perform to audiences around the world to great praise but here very few go to see them.

Forget the karaoke, Anna, Katie, Johnnie etc and go and see some real art in action. You will not be disappointed. Also if people do not use these excellent facilities then performers from abroad will not come and you will be restricted to the "hotel" shows costing, well, outside my budget.


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
03/09/2009 07:00

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I am so happy that you put this on 44 as I have been plugging this for the last few days and was going to write something this morning but you beat me to it, well done!!

We also enjoyed it and we are not classical music enthusiasts at all, but as you say it was light classical, super performances by all and an absolutely outstanding venue.

For everyone else who did not go last night, the tickets are ONLY 25TL and well worth the money when you consider you are getting an orchestra from Izmir, a full choir from Germany and a local childrens chooir from TRNC and proceeds will go to charity!!

This first song, which is the one that makes the hairs stand up on my arms and neck, was played and it was beautiful. You will see it on this link.

The more support these performances have the more will come here, so please please find the time to support this wonderful event.


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
03/09/2009 08:01

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The music was great but the people chatting away as if they were watchig the telly was awful. I could warn only so many and in the end I gave up. The worst was this chap in his thrities who kept talking on his mobile. He was sitting on the last row at the back, so he could easily go away and talk without disturbing us but he remained seated. Towards the end, the children right at the back were also out of control, running and chasing each other and shouting with their mothers doing nothing.

Unfortuntately many locals attend such events as if they are attending a fair. Will they ever learn to respect others?



Joined: 03/08/2009
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Message Posted:
03/09/2009 08:46

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Funny you should say this Elko2 and sorry to say many Turkish Cyps do not appreciate any professional performances. My friend went to see Gloria Gaynor and a Cyp family were chat chat chatting behind her, despite her turning round and giving the evil eye, he still didnt shut up, so she said can you shut up we are here to listen to her not you, he got all up tight and said even my mother doesnt speak to me like that!

Joe Soap

Joined: 17/10/2008
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Message Posted:
05/09/2009 00:19

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Cyprusishome, couldn't agree with you more.

Went last night to see Carmina Burana. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the orchestra which was well led by the conductor. Let's have more of this!

Pity about the lack of respect by a certain local, whose phone call must have been extremely important for him to share it with us.


Joined: 04/04/2009
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Message Posted:
05/09/2009 01:07

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On a similar theme (yes, I went on Wednesday) the spring season classical concerts at Bellapaise were only 3/4 full at most from the start by ticket paying patrons but quickly filled up 15 minutes or so later into the performance by locals with no door security on hand and causing unnecessary noise on late arrival trying to seat themselves in the most advantage positions and chatting away whilst doing so! No doubt on a freebie!


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