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Indian Restaurants and music

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Joined: 02/05/2009
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Message Posted:
03/09/2009 20:26

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Message 1 of 31 in Discussion

Are we the only ones who would never go to an Indian Restaurant on the nights that they have live music. We lived in London for most of our lives and for about 10 years in the Midlands, we are avid curry eaters and never ever have we been in an Indian Restaurant in England that has live music, it just doesn't happen. Surely we can't be the only ones who feel like this, we don't go out for a curry to listen to pop music, we go for the good food and relaxing atmosphere. Stick with the flock wallpaper and piped background music we say - what comes next - Bingo with your Bhajis :-(


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Message Posted:
03/09/2009 21:05

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Message 2 of 31 in Discussion

i'm with you...

i'd never go to the injun when that fat bird sings.....

Couldn't hear yourself think....


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Message Posted:
03/09/2009 21:16

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Had a feeling you would agree with us, but are we the only ones - surely not..........


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Message Posted:
03/09/2009 21:20

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Message 4 of 31 in Discussion

I wouldn't either. Happened to be in the Courtyard one night when they had a singer. There was nothing wrong with him but I just felt really embarrassed because everyone just ignored him while he crooned and smoked a fag.


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Message Posted:
03/09/2009 21:28

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Message 5 of 31 in Discussion

boerbel - not, you are not the only ones. If I turned up at an Indian restaurant and found they had live music, I would go elsewhere, definitely.



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Message Posted:
04/09/2009 11:37

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Message 6 of 31 in Discussion

Many of us are in agreement on this, and several postings have been made prior. but a lot of people seem to enjoy it, may be holiday makers, who knows? We tried it for a short time in my Indian Restaurant in the UK in the mid 90s, and we had actually had written requests off customers to stop it. So the guitar player was asked to Foxtrot Oscsar.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
05/09/2009 11:27

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we would not go to a restaurant with live music all evening, avoid them on those days.

there is one place where i feel they have got it right and that is mezze in gonyeli.

traditional restaurant but you eat first then later in the evening they have live music.

everyone enjoys themselves and it gets packed at weekend , so i guess they are doing something right.


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Message Posted:
05/09/2009 12:20

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I agree Indian restaurants and live music are not a marriage made in heaven


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Message Posted:
05/09/2009 14:12

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its the "music" in the loo the next day you've got to worry about!


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Message Posted:
05/09/2009 16:39

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i agree with the above, i want to enjoy my meal and the company i am with - not be drowned out by loud live music, and most of my friends feel the same, so we vote with our feet.

Unfortunately other restaurants seem to want to do the same thing in the hope that it will attract customers, i have seen speaker systems set up outside to do just this, which doesn't endear them to thier neighbours. But from what i have seen it seems that that those restaurants which just have background music are the ones which are better patronised.

Hopefully those restaurant owners who read this BB will take note, as the season draws to a close....


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Message Posted:
05/09/2009 21:49

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Message 11 of 31 in Discussion

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Joined: 07/12/2008
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Message Posted:
05/09/2009 22:53

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Message 12 of 31 in Discussion

It is not only Indian restaurants that have loud music, most of them seem to have music which certainly not background, but loudly intrusive so that customers have to bellow to make themselves heard.

Last night on the spur of the moment we went to The Grove in Catalkoy, there we were confronted with a battery of speakers being set up. We left at once and went to Happy Valley where the background music is just that, background music. Who needs this cacophony thundering away, and why do certain singers insist on turning up the volume and the bass so that my chestbone is vibrating. Some people like this. I don't, and avoid it when I can.

I often wonder if people when eating at home, play music at very loud volume.

At our last visit to Sheraz, all the patrons were appeared to be British, yet they loudly played some awful (IMO)

oriental music.


Joined: 20/07/2009
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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 06:47

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Message 13 of 31 in Discussion

I started a thread on this topic a month or so ago. The majority of replies agreed that live music in restaurants is taboo.

A couple of peoplle said not to go to retaurants when the music is advertised and one told me to stay indoors !

They all sing into a computerised sound system which produces recorded backing music and enhances their voice quality. Without this they would sound worse than you or I !!

I know boycott all restaurants completely that employ these anti social so called third rate entertainers.


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 09:09

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Vincent, the sound systems that the few entertainers I know use are not computerised, and cannot enhance voices beyond putting reverb on them. I think you will find that if most of them sang without the system their voices would not sound much different. If someone is a poor singer, then no amount of intervention on a bog standard sound system would improve them. You should also bear in mind that there are at least 3 entertainers on this island (maybe you've not heard them) who have been professionally trained in the UK and are certainly not third-rate.

The problem I have observed here in Cyprus is that everyone's an expert on everything. Ok, maybe live music in restaurants is not to some people's taste, and that's fine, but to link that to your sweeping generalisation is IMHO neither fair nor accurate to the entertainers concerned.


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 09:31

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If you don't have a decent voice does professional training help?

I think not !


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 09:35

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In reply to Vincent

Get your facts correct. The professional entertainers in TRNC do not sing into compturised systems. The backing tracks may be held on computer but other than that, vocals will have a small amount of reverb and nothing else.

I understand the thread as to whether you like music in restaurants or not but making false accusations is not on. If you think the systems we use can make anyone sound fantastic, come to one of my gigs have have a go for yourself.


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 09:40

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Vincent, people who can't sing don't tend to get professional training. People who can't add up don't get into college/university to study maths or physics and it is no different for people who study music.

I agree there are some folks who entertain who maybe are not of the highest quality, but there are others who are and your posting therefore is - as I previously said - inaccurate and unfair.


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 09:56

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Message 18 of 31 in Discussion

The way I see it we all have a choice. Most restaurants indian or not that have music tend to have music one night a week. So if you do not like it go on a night when there is no music, you would have the choice of 6 other nights to go. If music in restaurants was so unpopular how come whenever you go to one of these nights they are busy. Take the Grove on wednesday, my night off, went to see Anna and place was full.

I think that most people just want to sit and moan about anything. You have all moved over here from UK where you spent all your time moaning about the weather, traffic jams and cost of living etc. You get here and now you have to find something else to moan about. In UK you had to spend all day indoors because it was usually raining and now you are here, you spend all day indoors on the computer. Are you never happy? Get a life and let people get on with theirs!!


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 09:57

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Message 19 of 31 in Discussion

If you don't like listening to live music in restaurants fair enough, there are plenty of restaurants that don't have it you can go to. But quite alot of people actually do like live music ( whilst they are tucking into a curry ) believe it or not! Vincent I don't know where you are getting your facts from, 'third rate entertainers' and 'computerised systems' ??????????????????????????


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 10:13

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Message 20 of 31 in Discussion

Andy and Kez....dead right guys!


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 10:41

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Message 21 of 31 in Discussion

Agree andy! I can't wait to get away for the winter,( unappreciated,opinionated, ignorant comments like vincents ) we all work hard entertaining here. If you don't like live music, simple - don't go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 10:41

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Message 22 of 31 in Discussion

Like I have said many times before. If you think you can do better, come and prove it. I will supply the venue, equipment etc. I am now getting fed up with hearing critisim about the entertainers in the TRNC from people that cannot do the job themselves (unless they prove otherwise!!).

So put up or shut up... Simple.


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 10:44

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Message 23 of 31 in Discussion

Absolutely right Kez and Andy.

Like I said, everyone here is an expert on everything...until you ask them to back up their comment with fact.


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 11:32

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Message 24 of 31 in Discussion

maybe we should do a competition ??????? ' so you think you can do better ' !!!! of course it would be held at at indian restaurant!


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 12:46

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Message 25 of 31 in Discussion

Vincent, I have made my point clear on this in message 6, I think like people say you have your choice, I think I am in a good position to comment on this fiirstly I own and run an extremley succesful Indian Restaurant, and 2nd, I sing. I have no copmputor for this , I use backing track discs. I am computor thick. I have sang the last few weeks where people are eating, I have kept the music low key whilst dining, and the right type of music, and later on wev,e had the party stuff etc. the comments you made are insulting and rude. Ok certain people here may not be pitch perfect, But they are out there trying to enetertain the people who want it . And beleive you me it can be hard work, May be you should try it sometime, A 8 hour day of hard work setting up etc, etc, in 45 C. May be I,m one of the lucky ones , Ive done big holiday venues with big crowds of happy people. Who don,t see me week in week out. I can,t comment on voice training never had it, just sing from my heart


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 13:02

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Message 26 of 31 in Discussion

Good on ya Johnny


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 17:33

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Message 27 of 31 in Discussion

This topic has been touched on before but not just with regard to indian restaurants but all restaurants. Personally I don't like to be eating in company of friends and not be able to talk to them due to the volume of the singers however I fully understand that there are some who choose to go to 'live music' restaurants.

I always work on the premise that if I want live music, I head for that direction and if I don't I avoid those nights!!


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 17:38

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Message 28 of 31 in Discussion

I think that the entertainers here do a very good job in the conditions and venues which they work in . Power cuts etc they stil entertain. I really think Johnny Hawkins and Kerry with her Abbas has taken entertainment up a notch. Andy P is great also. As they say if you do not like it go to restaurants where its jst background. We wil all be sad to see Johnny and Kerry go. Then I suppose more moans


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 19:26

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Message 29 of 31 in Discussion

Personally i like a game of bingo when im eating my meal. Is there anywhere that does this?



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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 19:28

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Message 30 of 31 in Discussion

not chess then toots xxx


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Message Posted:
06/09/2009 19:30

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Message 31 of 31 in Discussion

Chess give me indigestion Lilli xxx

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