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The BIG Music in restaurants debate could finally be over

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Joined: 18/12/2008
Posts: 377

Message Posted:
29/09/2009 13:22

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Message 1 of 11 in Discussion

If you can imagine standing in a dark room with lots of people and then someone shines a tourch in your face, although its still dark for everyone else, its bright for you. This is how this new invention works, but insted of light its sound, so you can hear loud music in the room but no one else can hear a thing. Its basically like a speaker that you point at where you want the sound to go like you would shining a torch. How good would this work in a restaurant, you could basically split an open air restaurant in two and sit where you wanted to hear music or not. Would everybody be happy then? Not sure how it would look thou, when you see a lot of people, dancing around beside you, and you cant hear any music, i guess it would look funny. What a great invention thou..


Joined: 01/06/2009
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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 13:29

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It would also be funny when they start singing along to the songs that they are dancing to .....they can hear the song, but the non listeners can only hear them....haha

Great idea though, can I have one for my son and then i aint got to listen to his R&B at full blast


Joined: 15/07/2009
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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 14:20

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Message 3 of 11 in Discussion

That surely can't be a real invention though?


Joined: 18/12/2008
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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 14:30

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Message 4 of 11 in Discussion

Well i saw it on tv this morning, one of the discovery channels, its all to do with high frequency sound waves etc, even had a couple dancing salsa around a library and nobody taking a blind bit of notice as the others continued to read their books..


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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 14:33

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Message 5 of 11 in Discussion

It is not possible to focus sound like light simply because the wavelenght of light is much less than 1 mm and that of sound can be measured in kilometers. So keep your earplugs handy when visiting a restaurant with music on or take a risk with your ears. I like music but not noise-if they could ever tell the difference!!



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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 14:44

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Message 6 of 11 in Discussion


London Police have been using a similar sysytem for a couple of years now, I think it's called 'SkyShout'.

It enables a Helicopter to focus a narrow beam of sound directly onto a suspect without annoying anyone else nearby. Wnen I saw a 'tecchy' programme about it, they were using it from a height where the suspect couldn't even hear the helicopter.

Wouldn't it be fun to have a hand held one if you see someone hundreds of yards away dropping litter!



Joined: 18/12/2008
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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 14:47

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Message 7 of 11 in Discussion

well elko, i saw it on tv with my own two eyes, it didnt seem to be a wind up as it was well put together, with interviews etc, and even certain tv manufactures getting involved where someone can watch a film while the other one sleeps in piece.. i think it was on the history channel, the history channel is not always about history by the way..Lots of the things that seemed impossible, are now possible by the way


Joined: 29/08/2009
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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 15:27

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Message 8 of 11 in Discussion

I must have had one of those in my left ear for years - can't hear a thing - perhaps I have money coming from the patent office !!!!!


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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 15:37

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Message 9 of 11 in Discussion


I bet within a couple of years you'll be importing Chinese copies at £50 a time!

Similar but different? A few months ago I saw a news item of a Club in London with a 'silent' dancefloor.

Everyone is given a wifi/Ipod thing, really weird to watch them and the DJ all doing their bit in total silence !


Joined: 18/09/2008
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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 16:03

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Message 10 of 11 in Discussion

Certainly could do with something similar here in Ozankoy in the evenings. The noise from the middle of the village is horrendous, and we have to sit inside with the doors and windows closed to hear the TV. How anyone can call it entertainment????


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
29/09/2009 16:16

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Message 11 of 11 in Discussion

"Seeing is believing" they say. That forced me to put on my thinking cap. So it can be done. I presume they are using a very high pitched sound (which the human ear cannot hear) and thus be able to focus it better and then "modulate it" with the normal sound i.e. you make the high pitched sound vibrate to produce the normal sound. Why not? It could be a good project for an M. Sc. or a Ph.D. Student.


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