North Cyprus Tourist Board - Hygiene Regulations for food outlets - are there any?
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Hygiene Regulations for food outlets - are there any?

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Joined: 13/04/2009
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 11:43

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A fantastic kebab shop next to ShBoom that opens late - at last a place for a yummy feast! Well read on.....

Went a couple of weeks ago late one night - went to use the toilets before ordering and they looked as though hadnt been cleaned for weeks...... walked out in disgust! Decided to try again last night and to my amazement the chef was cooking our chicken sis durum hovvering over it smoking a cigarette - how apalling is that.......


Joined: 17/07/2008
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 11:50

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Probably a lot of Restaurants are like that here, as we never go into the kitchens but I have a thing about checking out the toilets, if that's bad then I'm off.

I was amazed the other day popped into a little cafe Susam near the water fountain for a pied, and checked the loos (as you do) and they were brilliant, they had plastic covering over the seat and when you finished you pressed a button and the plastic covering moved round and hey presto it was changed to a new clean one for the next person to sit on. So if small place can adopt this why cant the big Restaurants do that.

will give a neg nick on this one for clean loos 10/10 food was good to



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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 15:53

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Message 3 of 13 in Discussion

10/10 for the loos in JK's, always clean


Joined: 25/06/2008
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 18:20

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Message 4 of 13 in Discussion

Don't be silly! Try UK - highest number of food poisining per 1000000 population of any civilised country.


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 22:36

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I always check the loo's and then get lost (accidentally on purpose) and end up in the kitchens, if it all looks bad we leave before we even order!

I have used this system where ever I have travelled and I am sure it has saved me on many an upset stomach.


Joined: 12/06/2009
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Message Posted:
16/10/2009 13:42

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Message 6 of 13 in Discussion

Reminds me of the place my wife and I were in about 4 years ago when the cook came out carrying a live rat by the tail. He carried it across the street and released it. When he came back he had a huge grin on his face said something to us in Turkish and continued through to the kitchen as if it was a big joke.

Even though we had ordered we got up and left quickly and quietly

As I said it was about 4 years ago and for that reason I will not name the place as it could be under new management BUT as we have never been back we dont know.


Joined: 26/08/2008
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Message Posted:
16/10/2009 18:26

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Message 7 of 13 in Discussion

Had lunch in Ezics in Girne recently. Took well over half an hour from ordering to eating. I then saw their van outside and it appears to me that the food is being prepared at the new Ezic and driven down in the van. How safe is that?


Joined: 21/08/2009
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Message Posted:
16/10/2009 19:15

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Message 8 of 13 in Discussion

Once went to a eatery in hong kong and went to the toilet only to find their meat hung in there, beat that! ( by the way it wasnt the only meat well hung in there!) hee hee.


Joined: 12/01/2009
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Message Posted:
19/10/2009 11:03

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Message 9 of 13 in Discussion

Haven't you ever seen UK t.v. programmes like 'A Life of Grime'? Restaurants in the UK are just as bad. The regulations in the UK might be stricter, but there are so many restuarants, the inspectors can't inspect them all of the time


Joined: 18/09/2008
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Message Posted:
19/10/2009 11:09

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Message 10 of 13 in Discussion

To address the title of the thread, yes they do have hygiene inspectors here in the TRNC.


Joined: 01/12/2008
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Message Posted:
19/10/2009 19:31

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Message 11 of 13 in Discussion

Hi yes they have inspectors i was in a restaurant when they arrived three of them 2 men one woman on a friday night @ around 8.30.

Perfect kitchen after half hour they were told to go forth and multiply.


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
19/10/2009 19:43

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Message 12 of 13 in Discussion

par for the course over 'ere...


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
19/10/2009 19:49

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Message 13 of 13 in Discussion

as my old Uncle Percy used to say "we each got to eat a peck of dirt before we die"......

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