North Cyprus Tourist Board - Beware of sunbathing on Karpaz beach
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Beware of sunbathing on Karpaz beach

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Joined: 16/05/2008
Posts: 1053

Message Posted:
15/10/2009 17:39

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Message 1 of 14 in Discussion

Just a warning about the dangers of sunbathing on a karpaz beach click on this link


Joined: 17/07/2008
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 17:51

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Message 2 of 14 in Discussion


Must tell my friends as they always go to the Karpaz and sunbathe,

That was great so funny


Joined: 06/12/2007
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 17:55

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Message 3 of 14 in Discussion

those two girls didnt do anything for me! lol


Joined: 09/01/2009
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 18:03

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Message 4 of 14 in Discussion

ha ha now I know what the saying hung like a donkey means ! bet all you men feel inadequate now


Joined: 07/06/2009
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 18:04

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Message 5 of 14 in Discussion

OOOOOOOOOOOH misses, as Frankie Howard would 'ave said.

It's the pool for me from now on!


Joined: 23/02/2007
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 18:35

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Message 6 of 14 in Discussion

sienna msg 4 , Don't care much for your inane comments,


Joined: 12/04/2007
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 18:50

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Message 7 of 14 in Discussion

Message 6, it's a forum, where people comment on what they read, hear and see, or did you miss the obvious!! Why do you think the link was posted in the first place? Get over it or stick to reading the Bible!


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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 18:52

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Message 8 of 14 in Discussion

.... Or maybe a more appropriate comment in your eyes would have been, "Ooh, I don't like that Orange towel the girl on the left is laying on"!!!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 19:02

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Message 9 of 14 in Discussion

I thought wyn, was looking very healthy...............


Joined: 07/09/2009
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 19:18

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Message 10 of 14 in Discussion

I took the liberty of sending the link to my Brothers

There comments were its easy to exite a donkey !!


Joined: 14/08/2008
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 19:19

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Message 11 of 14 in Discussion

One 'ass' looking at another.


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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 19:28

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Message 12 of 14 in Discussion

Yeah AJ, and he certainly looks 'eager'


Joined: 09/01/2009
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 19:49

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Message 13 of 14 in Discussion

ohhhhhhhhhhhh message 6 raw nerve touched !!!! whatever

Poor donkey it looks like love to me !!!


Joined: 29/03/2008
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Message Posted:
15/10/2009 21:57

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Message 14 of 14 in Discussion

The hen party were going to bellapais tonight, now the minibus is going to karpaz wonder why.........!!!!!!

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