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orams court case to keep their property

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Joined: 25/03/2009
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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 19:04

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Just want to wish the orams good luck in their court case to keep their property ,as it will

effect us all who have property in the uk.


Joined: 23/08/2009
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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 19:46

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Final decision is not before10:30 on Friday 13th November - it's been moved to Friday 13th!


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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 21:39

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Is that correct (Famagusta Gazette) that the GC Prime Minister visited Brown last night? I wonder why?

Although of course, the government should have nothing to do with any decision taken by the judiciary!


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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 21:48

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He certainly did visit Gordie yesterday,and gave a statement slagging of Turkey for stalling the talks,



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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 21:53

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There you go Tara,



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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 21:56

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Thanks Paul.x



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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 22:15

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Sorry guys, don't get too excited in thinking you will know something Friday evening. Linda wrote to me yesterday and reckons it will be a while before we get to know anything. All that darned deliberating before decisions.

Thousands of people will be affected by the decision, and the courts know that, the E.U knows that, and of course cunning Apostolides kn ows that, but don't hold your breath, - no one has lungs that good.

But we all hope it will come to an end. For 5 years the Orams have had their nerves stretched and it is time their stress came to an end.

You might like to know that Linda was trying to concentrate on other things, such as to whether her legs and back would take two days of wearing high heeled, knee high blue suede boots. She has a fab sense of humour - more than I think I would.


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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 22:22

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Its so good to know that she is in good spirits, and good for her.

Send her my best wishes. Will be thinking of them both tomorrow.

I am sure the majority of this BB wish her and David well.

The blue suede boots sound fab!

Let's just hope that there is some closure to this whole sorry saga, (however, the decision goes) for their own sanity. It must have taken it's toll.

Thank you for sharing this with us. x



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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 22:24

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Good luck to them, and its great to hear Linda is in high spirits


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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 22:36

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Thanks for the info.When do you think the outcome will become common knowledge to everyone,



Joined: 29/03/2009
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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 23:14

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Thanks lovelypeople. Will pass on your messages to Linda and David. They are SOOOOOOO appreciative of everyone's support, which has given them added strength, as they realise the fate of many hangs on what happens to them.

As to the outcom e being common knowledge, I can assure you that the info will go winging round the world by e mail from many sources, and will hit our papers (even though not the best) and I am sure that Daily Mail and other similar papers will carry the story. Also, as I said, other nations are interested.

Having said that I was speaking with someone quite important in connection with the Memorial Unveiling (one of the committee in London) and he was quite unaware of 'The Orams Case'. So, maybe I am talking out of order!


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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 23:23

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Is this case been held 'In camera'?



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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 23:47

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Richard (get your Bazooka in order LOL) as far as I am aware it is open Court. There is no reason for it to be "in camera".


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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 23:48

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Good luck to both of them from me and I am sure all in NC.


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Message Posted:
12/11/2009 23:57

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The only reason Court sit "in camera" is because a child is involved, or there are issues of national security and the like. This is not one of these cases.


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Message Posted:
13/11/2009 00:05

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well i hope to god they are in good spirits at least they are optomistic to say the least. A line has to be drawn under this stupid saga once and for all. Marie please let they know we are all thinking about them all of cyprus wish them well xxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
13/11/2009 00:08

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Lilli... all of cyprus?

I think you really mean 1/3 saved by the Turks!

But hey what is 2/3rds amongst friends. LOL.

Whatever, I raise my glass to them this evening, and I know many will join me.

Be strong.

Take whatever life throws at you and chuck it back.

Good luck David and Linda. x


Joined: 15/12/2008
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Message Posted:
13/11/2009 00:22

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The Turkish generals are not going to give up the North without an good war.


Joined: 19/03/2009
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Message Posted:
13/11/2009 08:01

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Message 19 of 20 in Discussion

Hi London Cypriot

excuse me but what has that got to do with the Orams case?


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Message Posted:
13/11/2009 08:46

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I have been told that the case will likely be adjourned for at least 18 months, to allow the current talks to run their course. This suits the UK court as it can slope shoulders should the talks succeed (some chance) and it suits the GCs as it continues the uncertainty.

It doesn't really help the Orams or anyone else for that matter.

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