North Cyprus Tourist Board - Esentepe Festival + golf & football tournament
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Esentepe Festival + golf & football tournament

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Joined: 21/05/2008
Posts: 49

Message Posted:
27/05/2008 07:57

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Hi I read on the esentepe bacheli board about the festival it sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun there is a big concert with Funky monkey and top turkish star Volkan Konak


Joined: 01/06/2008
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Message Posted:
04/06/2009 00:14

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Hi Alison,

Was up at Esentepe, Wedding Park on tuesday night,

the place was packed, managed to get a seat at the free show,

with various dance acts,

Had a program, but managed to lose it before I got home :-(

After being at Hati's Bar at the Festival

Can anyone post the events still to come over the next 4 days?

Runs until Sunday night, 7th June

Thanks' in advance



Joined: 20/10/2008
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Message Posted:
04/06/2009 00:35

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Message 3 of 5 in Discussion


Can you put a link to the board you refer to please?


Joined: 16/05/2009
Posts: 125

Message Posted:
04/06/2009 14:48

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June 4th Thursday - 20.30 hrs Performances of Foreign countries and Fashion Show

performers from Bulgaria, Georgia , Tataristan and Turkey along with TRNC

June 5th Friday Karadeniz night - Concert and dance performances 20.30hrs

June 6th Saturday Gala night - various entertainment 21.00 hrs

June 7th Sunday Concerts / Group 21,00 hrs

Lots of food, drink, various stalls and dodgems - fun for everyone until the early hours


Joined: 15/06/2008
Posts: 254

Message Posted:
04/06/2009 18:18

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Loved the dodgems last night, no health and safety people telling you which way to go, like going back in time, everyone was having a great time, young and old.

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