North Cyprus Tourist Board - Sunday Lunch Club can't beat it
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Sunday Lunch Club can't beat it

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Joined: 23/12/2009
Posts: 110

Message Posted:
31/01/2010 23:15

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The SLC cannot beat the standard set by Mambo's, we have tried many outlets for this left & right, sorry east and west and Mambo's has to be the best. Bookings only for this but well worth the taste, anyone agree?


Joined: 14/02/2009
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Have my Turkish lesson there Tuesday, may book for Pazar.



Joined: 29/03/2008
Posts: 404

Message Posted:
01/02/2010 04:40

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

Yes totally agree, good food, good price and a friendly atmosphere. One of my favorites to date.

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