North Cyprus Tourist Board - Poll : Retirement Village Prospect in TRNC
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Poll : Retirement Village Prospect in TRNC

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Hot Hornet

Joined: 03/06/2008
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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 12:42

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To All Concerned

I would like to put forward an appeal for opinions (please TRY and make them serious!) on the concept of a completely facilitated retirement village here in the TRNC.

We are looking at several locations, but the idea would be to offer a facility which encompasses on site medical and operating facilities, 24/7 on call assistance, a small apart hotel type for relatives visiting, activities such as bowling green, pools, transport services, shops, dentists, pharmacy, therapy rooms, entertainment theatre, social events and lots lots more. So much in fact that people would probably not need to leave the village at all!

There is nothing like it here, and we believe that it would be of a great benefit to have something of this nature on the island.

I would to like to hear from you with regard to what you feel about the concept, where the project should be located, for example near to a major town, or whether it would suit a more out of the way area, what facilities you would expect, or indeed if you live here, whether it might be something that your parents or grandparents would consider.

Don't forget, in the UK, we have one of largest elderly populations in Europe, and the healthcare system, as well as private run retirement homes, as they stand, are not known as the best.

Think about it, retiring in the UK, or retiring with all the help and assistance you could need in the Meditteranean?

It is a project that investoment groups should automatically go for, with the right marketing etc, but would love to gain some more opinions from us peeps on the street.

Thoughts much appreciated.

This is not an advert, more of a survey for thoughts from you all. If you have any on the matter!


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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 13:58

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Sounds a pretty good idea. I would suggest it is located some where flat to allow elderly people to be able to walk about without having to slog up hills - close by to a large village or town. Somewhere around Iskele / Bogaz / Gazimagusa would seem appropriate.


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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 14:14

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Hot Hornet

What a brilliant pro active approach to the future i am with you all of the way , will give it some thought and post again .


Joined: 15/05/2008
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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 14:21

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Have you considered forming your/our own investment group from board members?

Sounds like a very good idea and never a better time like the present to have a go. Land and building costs will only go up.


Hot Hornet

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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 14:44

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not sure an investment group from board members would be a go-er, as its sounds as though many poor peeps have lost all their money already!

Keep em coming guys and gals - good feedback so far.


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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 14:52

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it is a very good idea - we have it in almost every cities in france - but i must say it is expensive , help is given if the retired pension is not high enough of children will pay for it if necessary or affordable - i think it might be good for cypriots living abroad wanted to finish their life in cyprus with relatives around -

Hot Hornet

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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 14:56

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we did think this one through, and for Cypriots, they do tend to stay with their families in old age, so they do provide for themselves in that respect. however, more westernised, uk living cypriots may indeed prefer to be on the island but not burden their offspring. worth thinking about in more depth though, so thanks for the comments.


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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 15:05

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I think it's a great idea. We have been considering relocating & would suit my mother perfectly whilst retaining her independance.


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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 15:07

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Unfortunately the Cypriots scorn off the idea of putting their elderly into special homes. I for one would prefer to stay in such a home rather than be a burden to my children. Nowadays it is fashionable to get a young girl from Turkmenistan or Azerbaijan to look after the elderly full time and they get very low pay. Apparently in their own country the monthly pay is only 50 dollars, so anthing reasonable you pay them is good money for them


Hot Hornet

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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 16:17

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presuming you live here full time, and that you have children here also? how would you feel about the location of the place? Would it be of major priority to be located near to children who may say, live in Girne, Lefkosa or Magusa? Or would you not mind living in a location which may not be in the vicinity of a major town? Bearing in mind that there will be lots of like minded people in this village, would you be happy to make new friends and not worry too much?

your opinion and thoughts are much appreciated.


Joined: 08/06/2008
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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 21:09

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Hi Jo

I think this a great idea, in fact I have spoken to Mrs Talat who had already expressed an interest in something like this towards end of last year. One of the ideas she came up with was to contact building constructing companies who have got unfinished sites, or alternatively would be prepared to put money into a project. I am due to go and see her next week concerning Mustafa (the boy from the village who we helped with his eye problems). Mrs Talat also helped us with with the hospital fees. If you can email me your details I will let you know what the outcome of my meeting is with her.


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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 21:35

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I too think this is a good idea, I have in the past look at the preposal that is the Florida model, where it is a complete community with full a full range of aminities within a complex providing everything that is required to live an independant life whilst having all your needs catered for.


Joined: 25/02/2007
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Message Posted:
11/06/2008 21:42

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Lots of similar villages springing up all over England. Often have care facilities and all sorts of leisure facilities on site and also arrange lots of activities and trips to encourage the residents to stay fit and mobile. Would personally be my idea of hell. In laws just moved into one. Can not fault the facilities but I find it a bit depressing looking at some of the residents and thinking that might be me in a few years time! However they think its heaven up to now and certainly are participating in all sorts of activites. Would a similar place in the TRNC be appropriate? Health needs would need to be addressed and I would therefore think that if people were considering such a lifestyle they would look at countries in the EU, purely because of health care funding issues. Also I can just imagine elderly people having to cope with the pavements on the island. Even the newly laid brick pavements are hazardous. Getting your pension might also be problematic and remember that if you no longer have an address in the UK you loose the right to NHS. If elderly people can afford to pay for this sort of establishment I think many would chose to stay in the UK near to their families.


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Sorry, Hot Hornet. Wrong name!


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
12/06/2008 00:33

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Cyprus is a small place and therefore anywhere would do but if you ask me the best location would be the village Lefke. My second choice would be Famagusta/Bogaz and last choice Girne becaue of its damp evenings!!!



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Message Posted:
12/06/2008 09:38

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hot hornet,

it used to be the same years ago in france, elderly people were looked after their children because they were living very near, but now, because of employement they move all over the country and abroad so parents are left alone - they have workers coming to help but when there is health problem or dependance they must go to specialised places - lots a my customers tell me they would prefer to keep their old mother or father but situation of the flat, room place and also privacy is not easy to keep going with -

i think i am over the subject ! never mind - what ever someone is trying to do is always a very good thing !


Joined: 14/05/2007
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Message Posted:
12/06/2008 11:55

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I think that a lot of people considering Cyprus as a retirement posibility will have this problem in the back of their minds. At 58 I have bought initially as a holiday home but with retirement there a distinct possibility in the fairly near future. Unless you can afford to keep a home in the UK as well as TRNC , the thought of what happens if I become infirm or seriously ill remains with you.

If I burnt all my bridges inthe UK what would I do? Like Elko, I have no wish to be a burden on my kids, I saw what that did for my mother with my grandmother.

If I had made the permanent move to TRNC I would like to know that there was a possibility of such a facility that I could end my days in the sun as opposed to returning to the rain and cold in the UK.

An excellent idea Hot Hornet, one of the best on the forum.

Hot Hornet

Joined: 03/06/2008
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Message Posted:
12/06/2008 15:23

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Great stuff everyone - any more for any more?

The non EU status and pension rights was one I was hoping that someone might mention and you have have Bradus, so thats great.

Any more thoughts, positive or negative, much welcome.

Inci53 - will email you separately, as Mrs Talat loves a good idea eh! Cheers


Joined: 02/05/2008
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Message Posted:
13/06/2008 08:26

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Something like this is definitely needed. There was talk of a sheltered housing scheme in Lapta some years ago but I never heard anymore. Please also consider that people like to keep their pets. I am sure an elderly person would not want to give up much loved animals so small self contained apartments would be good. Also other hobbies such as gardening need to be considered. When you are old you still like to have a bit of independence to do your own thing.

Hot Hornet

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Message Posted:
13/06/2008 12:58

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very good points CJtill - thanks, indepdence is an absolute necessity indeed!


Joined: 24/01/2008
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Message Posted:
13/06/2008 13:25

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In my previous life in the Uk I used to be a Housing Manager for one of the larger Housing Associations and whilst schemes like these are a very good idea, please consider not restricting them to people over a certain age. We found that people with certain health concerns ie diabetas, heart problems who are on their own or who's partners needed some re assurance that help was on hand also benifitted from the type of accomodation you are suggesting.

We used to in force an age restriction of 55+ unless a client had a medical condition, then each case was judged on the individuals needs. Of course there has to be restrictions as to which medical conditions any such scheme can cope with, but an example is an insulin controlled diabetic who is perfectly capable of independant living but would like the reassurance of being able to summon help should the need arise.

Hot Hornet

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Message Posted:
13/06/2008 13:27

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brilliant to have someone who was in the profession make some comments - thanks a lot.

actually, my company will be seeking some consultancy at some point in the future, so if there is any chance that you may be interested, please do let me know, and we can keep in contact!


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Message Posted:
13/06/2008 13:32

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Happy to help

Hot Hornet

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Message Posted:
20/06/2008 14:40

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sorry to be a pest, but thought I would get this to the top one more time - any more people wishing to make a comment about this post, please do!



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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 16:23

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I have only just come across this discussion & I think this is a wonderful idea - how serious is it? Have you already looked at the planning etc?


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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 21:52

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Hot hornet , can you keep us all up to speed , sooooooo look forward to where yo go from here .


Joined: 20/04/2008
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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 01:35

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this is a good idea and posting no 21 is right . in our village we have a developement of that kind that accomodated diisabled as well as old age and another in the planning stage. it is not only the old that need help. but couples who can not for one reason or another cope alone. it is very sad that a lot of homes only take the person that needs the most help, and split couples up that have been together for maybe 40 or 50 years. that is very sad and should not be allowed to happen.


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 07:01

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hi hh , what measures would be in force for instance ,for a type 2 diabetic insulin controlled person , who does become more dependant on the services , i would assume the more dependant that person got the more expensive it would get as the input would be greater plus then that person would need professional care , then what happens when that persons money runs out . buying into the scheme would be quite reasonable i'm sure , but the monthly fees when increased care is needed i would assume would be expensive , i do have knowledge of this scenario as i worked as a district nurse in an area who had such a facility , and the person in question had to leave the facility , as it was a private facility the dns would not put any care in , and the facility could'nt provide the increased professional nursing input of care the pt required . all very sad ,

regards , simbas


Joined: 19/05/2008
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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 09:18

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Message 29 of 30 in Discussion

Some very good points about this very good idea made already. But, would this idea be for "Brits only", "Brits and Turkish Cypriots only" or "EU only" or "international"? Just a thought.


Joined: 16/07/2007
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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 09:26

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Message 30 of 30 in Discussion

hi dutchcrusader , as its a money making project , i would think it would have to be multi national , but you have a point there in itself , language difficulties , and cultural differences spring to mind . and also recruiting and retaining staff could prove difficult , the concept is very good though

regards , simbas

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