Little Boy Needs a New ArmNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 21:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 87 in Discussion |
| I was in tears when I read this, Please help me raise money for this little 5 year old lad, I have spoken to Cyprus today, and Children in need want to be invovled. Lets show some real true spirit and do this. I think we can get around the red tape if we get together with children in need. If we can put a show together half as good as Grand aid , I will be a very happy man. I have called on Glens expertise to help me and everyone else involved, This is not a dog or a cat, this is a child who is being teased at school because he only has one arm. He wants to ride abike, he wants to play ball and all the other normal things that a five year ols would normally do. I am out of TRNC for one week March 8th to 15th. This is my phone number 0533 843 6539. To all you people who know me I am begging for your help. I would like to put a show together maybe in 1 Month's time and raise funds for this beautiful little boy. WILL YOU SUPPORT ME AND HELP ME PLEASE. see next thread. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 87 in Discussion |
| I will do what ever it takes to raise this money, I am calling on all entertainers, to support me, Glen , Andy P. Anna, Snakes, Sapphire, Dawn, Bobby Sands, Wade, Gypsy Brothers, The Outlaws, Oliver the fantastic drummer, his dad the sound man, Tony u tunes, Kibris line dancers, Sara, Sorry can,t remember you all.If I have not mentioned you I am sorry but please please help. This is close to home. Could you imagine being aged five and in that situation, All of my good friends out there with restaurants and bars please help me to help this cause. You reap what you sow. CAN WE DO IT? YES WE CAN, |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 87 in Discussion |
| This is very important , its not about , can we get lurpack butter, or who sells bisto or the oh god Iv,e had no electric for 10 minutes, THIS IS SERIOUS. So please show me your true colours. |

 Joined: 16/07/2007 Posts: 5943
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 87 in Discussion |
| How can the members who don't live over there help ? i am over in May i could make a donation then if its not too late Simbas |

 Joined: 04/07/2008 Posts: 16617
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 87 in Discussion |
| Johnny. This is a great idea, well done. How much are you looking to raise? |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 87 in Discussion |
| Simbas I can make arrangments for a donation to be paid into a UK bank acc. Please get this a sticky. This about five year old child who lost his arm in an accident at his Fathers work place. I will shift heaven and high water to get this little boy a new arm |

 Joined: 16/07/2007 Posts: 5943
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 87 in Discussion |
| Let us know where and the account number , I will e-mail Izzet with your request to make this a sticky Simbas |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 87 in Discussion |
| Message 5 I do not kow yet, but Cyprus Today are on the case for me, and they are going to let me know. I think it may be ongoing because as he grows he would need the arm updating so to speak. I will admit that I cried when I read this story, How dreadful being teased bacause you only have one arm at aged five, and people here moan because they cant find their favourite butter. Dosn't make you bloody sick. |

Joined: 04/01/2009 Posts: 989
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 87 in Discussion |
| What makes me more sick, are the ignoramus parents of the children that tease this child, why are they not educating their children that in a nano-second THEIR lives could change - for ever......... Sadly we now live in a world where normal (which is just a setting on the washing machine - outside of that - what is normal)? and perfect - is the required state to be in. Everything is down to education, the parents of the bullying children, and the children themselves. All children accept diversity in others, until their minds are contaminated by toxic outside influences and they begin to question what they see, without being taught compassion tolerance and understanding. I do hope this little boy rises above the unkindness and fulfils his potential, whatever that may be. |

Joined: 17/07/2008 Posts: 5301
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 87 in Discussion |
| Lee let me know how I can help, I know I am in the UK and will be going to Thailand in a couple of weeks, but if I can help I will All the best and good luck with this worthwhile cause Sheila x |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 87 in Discussion |
| johnny you know you can count me in, i cried buckets when i read it. Like Ms Garnett says how ignorant some people are to tease this boy and to be honest with you i am surprised here. I am so pleased Children in Need will help under thier umberella, as you know its one I will collect for and support all i can. You just tell me what I can do. Take care my friend. Johnny you know what makes me even more sad that the story went out in a british read paper not a local one. Charity begins at home they say but I guess as we have made it home then so it be. It was the same with baby melish we all rallied around. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 87 in Discussion |
| Message 9 the little boy has lost his arm, and all I want to do is to help him, I am sorry but your comments are not consructive. It has happened and that cannot be changed. Please let us go forward and help this young lad, This is not the UK. and things are different. But at the end of the day we have a beautiful little boy with one arm, And he want's to ride a bike and play ball Please lets HELP. |

 Joined: 04/07/2008 Posts: 16617
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 22:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 87 in Discussion |
| Prosthetic Arms are not cheap. Let's hope you can raise lots of money Johnny. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 23:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 87 in Discussion |
| No 1 Doyen, we all live well. lots of us smoke drink and eat well. one day of everything we all take for granted would go an awful long way. What do do you reckon. Are any of us starving? I very much doubt it. Most of us are aload of spoilt B------s Imagine your life with only one arm at age 5. You know whats its like if you hurt your finger, you cant tie your shoe lace or fasten your shirt button , If people do not support this this. Well God only knows. |

Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 23:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 87 in Discussion |
| Good luck Johnylee..I am sure you will get this off the ground,and all the support will come in on this one..and like you say it will be an ongoing prosess so maybe it could become a yearly event..I also read the story with great sadness..Thank God someone has the know,and the contacts to get an event like this started.Good Luck.. Spider,XX |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 443
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 23:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 87 in Discussion |
| Very sad, life can be so cruel sometimes, the boy is so young. Sorry we can't be their to support this event Lee, but hope everyone rallys round, and you raise lots of money for this worthy cause. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 23:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 87 in Discussion |
| johnny if any one can do it you can. I know you will and i know you will have the support xxxxxxx |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 02/03/2010 23:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 87 in Discussion |
| Thank you liz and my beautiful friend Kerry in Barbados who we miss so much I will give it my best shot, but I need support. Thank you xx |

Joined: 20/08/2008 Posts: 61
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 00:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hey Lee Will give you a call Anna xxx |

Joined: 30/11/2009 Posts: 646
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 00:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 87 in Discussion |
| count me in, my wines for raffle and if you really want i'll play again good stuff JL i love your passion |

Joined: 30/11/2009 Posts: 646
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 00:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 87 in Discussion |
| how do we keep this at the top |

Joined: 04/01/2009 Posts: 989
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 00:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 87 in Discussion |
| JohnnyLee - You should have said you have the monopoly on making comment about your feelings surrounding the sad bullying of this little boy - as a parent myself I (and others)! merely echoed what you have already commented on, in no more a constructive way, than we. I give annually to Children in Need, and have extensive contacts in TRNC; I had already decided to do what I can for this young boy, and have already been in touch with family there - but you personally, have lost me....... |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 01:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 87 in Discussion |
| Message 19 and 20 thank you so much, Message 22 I do not want to get into heavy conversation about this subject, I simply want try to buy this little boy a new arm, Thank you Anna and Marcos for your positive replys Now the next step is HOW CAN WE HELP. Please just reply with positive comments how we can achieve this goal. Thank You XX |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 02:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 87 in Discussion |
| Dear JohnnyLee - I do really appreciate the stand you have taken (to raise lots of funds) for this little lad. I have to admit I find myself agreeing with message 22 (MsGarnet). Like her, we give monthly to a number of charities (we, obviously do not live in TRNC), but, when we come over, we do contribute to local charities, e.g. clothes, funds for KAR, etc. I know you don't want to get into heavy conversation, which I quite understand, but you must appreciate the fact that a lot of us (especially here in the UK) are, of late, a little "charitied out". I do hope you appreciate that this is in no way derogatory to what you are trying to do here. Why not try to raise funds to try to send the little bloke to Great Ormond Stree Hospital? This is the best children's hospital in the world and they are (in my experience) very generous in helping those they need treatment the most. Just a thought. Cont'd.... |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 02:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 87 in Discussion |
| Please remember,most of those of us who do not live there full-time are, probably giving our help to those at home. You may, perhaps, also take into account, that a lot of us not the 'dreaded' "Ex Pats" but holiday home owners? Having said that, I wish you all the very best in raising funds for this little lad and hope your story has a very happy ending With all good wishes and kind regards. Jean |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 02:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 87 in Discussion |
| PS small correction to Post No 25 - should have read, in sentence No. 1: "That a lot of us ARE, etc. etc. .................. I have quite a few ex-pat friends and I think they're great So there!!!!!!!!!!!! |

Joined: 18/11/2008 Posts: 595
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 07:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 87 in Discussion |
| I am willing to donate one day of my takings as a beauty therapist to this cause, also i am willing to donate beauty gift vouchers for treatments free if you will do raffles etc. If there is anything more i can do to help please contact me on 0533 870 5096 Please contact me with regards to any other fundraising ideas eg sponsership form as i have alot of clients that come from all over and do not neccesarily have access to internet but i am sure would be more than happy to donate to this little boys future. God bless you and your family for what you are doing. many thanks natascia |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 10:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 87 in Discussion |
| Sorry, I do not want to appear to be rude to anyone. I value all of your comments, thoughts and input. But like I said this has happened and cannot be undone. Yes I also understand that money is very tight for most of us. But most of us can still afford aglass of wine, a block of chocalate, packet of fags. etc. So I am sure we could give a little something. And of course I am aware that many of you do help so many good causes. Like I said . I just want us to try to make a little boys life better. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 10:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 87 in Discussion |
| Having just spoke to Johny, both Barry (Snakes) and I will help in every capacity that we can. Barry is very happy to give a performance to help this little boy. We look forward to meeting you soon Johny. Mrs Snakes (Helena) |

Joined: 15/02/2009 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 11:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Lee My name is Laurence Floyd, and I am a committee member of the Children in Need Foundation here in the TRNC. I organise the Supper Club events for the charity, and handle media relations I have emailed Mel Fairhurst at Cyprus Today for details regarding the Hospital and/or Doctor who attended the little boy to see if we can assist. We do not donate money as such, but rather fundraise towards a goal and deal with the professionals to provide the services The provision of a prosethic arm will require a number of visits to a specialist facility, probably in Turkey, for fitting, consultation etc, and then of course an ongoing situation as the lad grows We would welcome your assistence in this endeavour, and I am sure we could work together to mitigate against some of the issues Glen faced when organising the Grand Aid event Give me a call on 0533 879 6892 and we can discuss best way forward Laurence |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 11:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 87 in Discussion |
| Laurence, Thank you. that sounds good.positiive, If I do reply to anyone straight away please bear in mind we are reliant on generator power. I will get back to , Also this sounds the correct way forward with regards to revenue. |

Joined: 15/10/2009 Posts: 90
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 12:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 87 in Discussion |
| I know this is a long shot but I do know that the Beckhams have a charity of their own and they help children with special needs by providing things that they need not money. Usually it is Victoria's Mum who deals with the requests and then helps out the family but not in any public way. Contact them and if they know that it is a genuine case they may well help. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 03/03/2010 14:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 87 in Discussion |
| Message 22 , MsGarnet, Sorry I did not mean to be rude, and no I do not have the monopoly. On feelings, comments or anything else. My message 31 should have read. If I do not reply. Message 32 that sounds excellent. I am going to have alook on the internet to see what I can find out about this. I am very grateful for all the offers of help and I will keep you up to date as and when I know more. |

Joined: 08/05/2009 Posts: 666
Message Posted: 04/03/2010 03:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 87 in Discussion |
| JohhnyLee. Our love to the wee five year old and all our hugs and kisses. Being most direct, how can we help and please suggest a direction. Lump sum donation or pennies and shillings collection. UK or TRNC. Please suggest and keep us posted. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 04/03/2010 10:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 87 in Discussion |
| OK , latest update. Lots of talking yesterday. Very construtive input from many people. and people offering their services. THANKYOU. I had chat with a very helpful, well clued up gentleman Laurence, from Children in need, we can work together and hopfully this will eradicate the revenue problems. It is not somthing that we need to rush into, it is more long term. But the ballis rolling and we need to keep it that way. I am going to the UK next week and I am going to have meeting there to find out about the situation of openening a AC. for donations. an also to try and get some interest via friends in the UK. So yes we will be coming back to all you kind people and taking you up on these offers of donations etc. I have also spoken to Ilnur who was very much involved with the recent excellent Grand Aid concert. And she as kindly offered to be my right hand man , so to speak. I know she is very capable and also as the added advantage of speaking fluent Turkish. |

Joined: 05/05/2008 Posts: 1427
Message Posted: 04/03/2010 13:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 87 in Discussion |
| johhnyLee Good luck & well done for thinking of this young lad....very tragic story. Although I don't do heights I was thinking that I might HAVE to do a sponsored paraglide to help raise some funds for Ismail......just the thought of it makes me feel dizzy but when I can get it organised I WILL do it. This little boys courage will spur me on. Hopefully some Cyprus44 members will sponsor me?......nicely please! Watch this space....... |

Joined: 24/02/2008 Posts: 2953
Message Posted: 04/03/2010 17:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Johnnylee whilst you are in the UK perhaps you could try contacting the Turkish/TC community newspapers to run an article about this poor little boy. I know of Londra Gazette ( ) and there are probably others. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 04/03/2010 18:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 87 in Discussion |
| Again last 2 postings good positive stuff. There more coverage the better, who knows there may be some wealthy person out there, who may take pity, and help us out. Who knows! Wouldn,t that be fantastic, LIke we say the more we throw the more sticks. |

Joined: 05/05/2008 Posts: 1427
Message Posted: 04/03/2010 18:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 87 in Discussion |
| JohhnyLee I so wish I was the wealthy one...but I have my health instead. Funny, I was just thinking we need to contact someone with a bit of wealth and I came up with Mr Haci Ali....I have managed to get a contact number for him and will attempt to persuade him to part with a few lira!! |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 04/03/2010 18:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 87 in Discussion |
| If I could win the Lotto I would keep just enough to be comnfortable, and I would get so much pleasure from throwing a big party and giving a few people a nice big cheque. At the end of the day , I eat well have a drink (somtimes to much) have what I think is a fantastic life., and as you so rightly state Health is Wealth. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 05/03/2010 00:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 87 in Discussion |
| Lee just a though you know the turkish community in north london have thier own radio TV and newspapers get a release to them all, thier may be many a millionaire amongst them Im sure. They will rally around, by the way thank you for the champers I needeed a lift xxxxx |

Joined: 30/11/2009 Posts: 646
Message Posted: 05/03/2010 01:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 87 in Discussion |
| JL have a few ideas for you with lessons learned recently, email me and we can meet up 4 a drink or coffee and discuss some ideas |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 05/03/2010 12:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 87 in Discussion |
| Thank you Marcos, and Lillia and all of you . I have to be off the case for approx 8 days, due to commitments. So in the meantime if anyone can do anything at all to help or assist. Please feel free . At the end of the day however (or whoever) if we can meet this goal that is all that matters. If any of you can get us publicity on this I would welcome that also. As I have explained I am not good with IT, and also no Elec. makes things awkward. So just to let you know that I value everyones help. Thankyou, This will be one big team effort. In the meantime please feel free to contact Ilnur on 0533 869 6699. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 05/03/2010 19:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hans you are a star , (and a very bright one at that) thank you very much, I sometimes think rules are there to be broken. |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 05/03/2010 20:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 87 in Discussion |
| Plse call me on 0533 87614873. I will gladly make a donation. Thanks Art. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 05/03/2010 20:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 87 in Discussion |
| Thank you Art, I will definatley be calling you. Is the num .correct, looks like to many digits, |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 05/03/2010 21:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 87 in Discussion |
| Magicart, I have tried the above number but could not get you, and I also tried taking out the 1 or the 4. So if you could kindly let me have correct number thank you. if I do not contact you for afew days , I havnt forgot. |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 06/03/2010 07:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 87 in Discussion |
| So sorry-having an off day. Try 0533 8614873. Thanks. Art. |

Joined: 08/09/2008 Posts: 1588
Message Posted: 06/03/2010 10:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Johnny, count me in....... Dawn |

Joined: 06/02/2009 Posts: 5934
Message Posted: 06/03/2010 14:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Lee, I am just back on line after 11 days if anything I can do to help you have my number. Chris |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 06/03/2010 15:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 87 in Discussion |
| Thanks Dawn and Chris. I will be in touch as soon as things move forward. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 07/03/2010 00:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 87 in Discussion |
| Back to the top |

Joined: 08/09/2008 Posts: 1588
Message Posted: 07/03/2010 12:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 55 of 87 in Discussion |
| I can also bring Sertab Altay along.....if you would like some Turkish Music. He was good at the Pia Bella. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 07/03/2010 21:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 56 of 87 in Discussion |
| Thank you Dawn, i will keep you all informed. I really need this to stay at the top with a sticky, I do want to appear to be rude, But I believe this to be much more important than many of the other topics. Can some one please get this a sticky and keep it up there Thank you. |

Joined: 28/06/2009 Posts: 37
Message Posted: 08/03/2010 21:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 57 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Johhny, I'll do a slot for you Wade David |

Joined: 01/09/2008 Posts: 69
Message Posted: 09/03/2010 19:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 58 of 87 in Discussion |
| Johnny Izzet very easily set up a 'click and donate now' link when he requested funds for this forum. Is it not possible to do the same for this sort of thing? It is very easy these days to pay via PayPal. I would certainly donate this way as I can't support the events you are organising (I'm currently in UK). Might be worth contacting Izzet to see if there is anything that he can do. SPF |

Joined: 04/11/2008 Posts: 356
Message Posted: 14/03/2010 22:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 59 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Jonney. Don't forget to count us is The Kibris Line Dance Society. We will do whatever to help you know that. We have our own charity we help the Karakum School for under privieleged. We are always on hand to dance for any charity you want or in fact anyone wants us for. Keep in touch. |

Joined: 13/07/2009 Posts: 205
Message Posted: 15/03/2010 16:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 60 of 87 in Discussion |
| Would it be possible to have donation boxes at the Main Super Markets with voluteers standing by to answer question reference the poor boys predicament. Just been speaking to my better half and she would be a willing volunteer. Just a thought. Bob |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 16/03/2010 11:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 61 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hello to you all, I am just back from UK, I will update you all as soon as I can, may be this evening, dependant on generator, (it keeps having tantrums) I have some very good positive news from the UK with Regards fund raising. What I really need please is for this topic to be kept right up at the top with a big sticky, in the meantime could some one please organise this. Thank you. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 16/03/2010 20:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 62 of 87 in Discussion |
| OK I said I would update you tonight on the appeal for N.A.F.I. New arm for Ismail Our backs are against the wall a bit tonight, we have generator and computor problems, so I need to be quick. We had avery productive week in the UK, lots of response, many of our friends in the uk want to donate. There is now a UK bank account open as follows. any HSBC bank, it is ISMAILS APPEAL sort code 40 10 39 AC num. 40079324. HSBC where very helpful, you can donate on line or go into any HSBC branch fill in a paying in slip with those details . I know that several of the board members in the UK said they would like to donate. However large or small every penny will go directly to the necessary hospital or surgeons concerned, We only got back late last night, and like I say we are under pressure due to technical problems. If you wish tou can publish on the forum what you have donated, or you may prefer to remain anonymous. Please see next post. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 16/03/2010 20:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 63 of 87 in Discussion |
| Also my Restaurant in the UK want to hold a benefit evening for Ismail, I have to organise this from this end, but we have many good regular customers who I am sure will help. I am also now going to try to arrange a meeting for all those people intrested in helping from this end. we are alsoin the process of arrangigng a benefit concert in TRNC, Pia Bella have confirmed that they will allow us to stage it there. We are having flyers and posters printed in the UK my aim is to try to raise £20,000 . I do not know if this is enough, but I am sure it would go along way to help. To all the kind people in the TRNC who have offered to donate, could you please bear with me whilst we find out the correct and legal way to collect money in the TRNC, My phone Num is 0053 843 6539, If you can can help us in any way, awareness, any ideas at all, it would be most welcome Thank for taking the time to read this. |

Joined: 15/03/2010 Posts: 103
Message Posted: 16/03/2010 21:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 64 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi i would love to donate and may still if i have spare, as i donate allot of my money to help for heroes every month. Once you set up a fund that i can access i will try to donate some you are doing good work ted |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 16/03/2010 21:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 65 of 87 in Discussion |
| Thank you Ted |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 16/03/2010 22:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 66 of 87 in Discussion |
| ted he gives his time for any charity, i call on him regularly, one hell of a man. and a brill performer. this is close to his heart and we all will get behind him. You will know when you come here, we may slag each other off but usually in jest. When push comes to shove and we can help we do. help for heros is close to my heart but we are away from uk news so maybe not many know. fienship paul has just completed a walk for them. we are really a nice bunch and I know from experience how they get behind you. I am a humble soul now knowing how many friends I have here. You do not know me but we have a restaurant here but Im more well known for getting dogs dumped on me and some how magic really finding homes for these souls. This I could not do without my cyber friends. Ted I wish you all the love and luck, you have done your homework and I have a feeling ( another story as Im an irish witch) you will have a good life here xxxxxxxxxx |

Joined: 15/03/2010 Posts: 103
Message Posted: 16/03/2010 22:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 67 of 87 in Discussion |
| hi i have not long come out of the army and have lost many friends so new start for me and my family and some quality time together ,we have looked into it in all areas . we are behind any good charities and helping those who need it thank you ted and wife |

Joined: 20/07/2009 Posts: 651
Message Posted: 16/03/2010 23:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 68 of 87 in Discussion |
| JohnnyLee - could you e-mail us off line please? Many thanks. Paul and Jean |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 17/03/2010 10:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 69 of 87 in Discussion |
| Paul and Jean, I will asap, but we have genny, problems, and power is intermitent. So If i do not get back to you quickly, please bear with me. Also you could text me on 0090 533 843 6539. Regards Lee |

Joined: 03/04/2009 Posts: 4024
Message Posted: 17/03/2010 14:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 70 of 87 in Discussion |
| johhnylee. i thought id keep you posted. the prosthetics and plastic surgeon specalist i contacted that i talked to you about has just replied to me regarding the little boy,he wanted to know the degree of aputation so i have sent him the link to the newspaper story. Fingers crossed he may be the answer to this little boy. Also this specalist is turkish. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 17/03/2010 18:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 71 of 87 in Discussion |
| Nice one Zerochlor, you are also a star. Will speak soon, we have genny problems and I think that as done somtehing to our computor. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 18/03/2010 19:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 72 of 87 in Discussion |
| Lets keep this at the top. Regards Lee |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 18/03/2010 21:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 73 of 87 in Discussion |
| OK , to Marcos the chef. Wade Dave, Dawn, Kibris Line Dancers. and Mr and Mrs Snakes, please contact me on 0533 843 6539, and anyone else who wants to help, and Ilnur I need you, I want to set up a coffee meeting next Tues.the 23rd at Guidos. at 12 noon. Please let me know if this is Ok Thank you, and the donation facility in the UK is open Thank you. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 18/03/2010 21:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 74 of 87 in Discussion |
| Lee, nice to meet you today in Supreme!! Snakes and Mrs Snakes will be there on Tuesday, 12 noon. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 19/03/2010 09:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 75 of 87 in Discussion |
| Ditto, Mr and Mrs Snakes |

Joined: 13/11/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 19/03/2010 10:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 76 of 87 in Discussion |
| where is Guido's would like to be there |

Joined: 12/03/2009 Posts: 1123
Message Posted: 19/03/2010 18:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 77 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Lee Laurence has just spoken to Judy, and to ensure we all proceed an orderly fashion I will be there. The Treasurer of The Children in Need Foundatin John Holloway, has undertaken to contact the doctor who amputated Ismails arm to agree the way forward. We have provided Judy Hayward with letters of authorisation and logos to work under the charity umbrella as discussed. Let's all agree a structure that is workable, which ensures funds raised are ring fenced and administered in a legally accepable fashion. If you want to meet for a coffee as we discussed please call me on 0533 879 6892. Laurence Floyd Children in Need Foundation |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 19/03/2010 19:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 78 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Laurence, I have organised ameeting on Tues 23rd at Guido,s 12 noon onwards, to chat about various aspects, and the way forward. I agree 100% we must work together and go in one direction, I would welcome your help, as previously mentioned. Regards Lee Hickens. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 19/03/2010 23:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 79 of 87 in Discussion |
| Lee/Lauerence judy we will take this forward. Lee has spent so much time and effort within his limited gennie and electric problems. I saw him today and he is so commited to this and i know it will work. I look forward to seing you all and snakes not before time xxxxxxxxxxxxx |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 20/03/2010 10:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 80 of 87 in Discussion |
| Keep it up there. |

Joined: 25/05/2008 Posts: 521
Message Posted: 29/03/2010 22:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 81 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi i Can anyone post the link to the Newspaper articule. Can anyone also confirm whether the little boy is entitled to an EU Passport? Also what about an EU medical Card, would he be eligable? |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 29/03/2010 22:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 82 of 87 in Discussion |
| gillken the eu card would not be eligable here sadly, also the family are from syria. JohnnyLee is looking at all possibilities. Its so very sad x |

Joined: 25/05/2008 Posts: 521
Message Posted: 31/03/2010 10:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 83 of 87 in Discussion |
| Hi Try this charity, they want to know more info about the young man, have asked here for a link but still waiting, perhaps someone will carry it through. email from James Burton Thank you for your enquiry and request for help. Could you please send me more detail about the case and what has been done for him so far. Thanks James James Burton Miracles Project Director Mobile 07545174243 |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 31/03/2010 11:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 84 of 87 in Discussion |
| Thank you, or posting message 83, We will be in touch I promise you, could you please bear with us a few days, It as taken up a tremendous amount of our time and recources, and we have a slight backlog. Thank You . |

Joined: 25/05/2008 Posts: 521
Message Posted: 31/03/2010 12:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 85 of 87 in Discussion |
| MIRACLES MISSION IN THE UK is to provide a Rapid Response help source for the ever-increasing number of people who fall through the net of other aid agencies and can find nowhere else to turn … MIRACLES is a British-based charity with a worldwide reputation. Born of a graveside hug between a Muslim and a Christian at the height of the Bosnian war, many a miracle has been achieved over the years since MIRACLES came into being. The Prosthesis Centre is the sole beneficiary of our new Swiss Foundation: La Fondation Miracles in Geneva which came into being in September 2008 and whose first major fundraiser took place in November. Lee They are waiting for a response, I hope you can supply them with the info they have requested ASAP. |

Joined: 25/04/2009 Posts: 2495
Message Posted: 31/03/2010 18:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 86 of 87 in Discussion |
| Gilken Thank you very much, this sounds very good from the UK end. Please just give us a few days. We have no full time elec and things can be a bit slow due to this. You have my word we will respond Thank You. |

Joined: 05/10/2008 Posts: 985
Message Posted: 31/03/2010 21:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 87 of 87 in Discussion |
| Johhny Lee. Lots of positive stuff coming through. There's a very old saying that goes like this-" The harder I work the luckier I become" Best wishes. Art and Mary |
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