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ECHR decision, Greek letter to hand to GCs on a visit

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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 09:48

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All householders on exchange land could do with something in writing in English Turkish and Greek to hand to anyone paying you a visit that details where and how to make a claim to the TRNC IPC as directed by the ECHR.

Such a document could contain spaces for the Kocan details to be completed by the new occupant as well just to be thorough.

Maybe the BRS could investigate, and publish such a document so that everyone affected could print it off and have it ready....


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 09:51

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Message 2 of 39 in Discussion

i think your find there wont be anybody coming around any more


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 10:42

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Certainly not bearing gifts,



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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 11:18

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Message 4 of 39 in Discussion

Groucho... it's TURKEY's IPC...


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 11:34

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If the T in TRNC means Turkish then wouldn't it be the same ???


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 12:53

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Semantics vice anything meaningful... what difference does it make to claimants?

I quote "Greek Cypriots are expected to apply to the commission in Turkish Cyprus instead of waiting for a political solution

With an international court officially recognizing a Turkish Cypriot state institution on Friday, Turkey could save 23 billion euros in compensation for property rights violations and possibly leverage the decision into an accelerated resolution for the divided island."


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 13:12

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Suppose there is nothing stopping any one from getting something drawn up by a reputable solicitor.

What does Elko think, perhaps he is one that can direct property owners to have something drawn up...


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 13:20

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Message 8 of 39 in Discussion

Dizzy you shot yourself in the foot with the first sentence.... There are no solicitors in the TRNC let alone a reputable one... In any case how much do you think they'd want to charge? Plus you would want it in three languages none of which needs to be legalese...

I think it would be better if the BRS took this on. Published it and everyone who needs one can simply print it off, fill in the kocan details and have it ready.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 13:33

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Message 9 of 39 in Discussion


Even the ECHR are now calling it the 'TRNC' remedy.

I think what you mean is that the TRNC IPC is funded by Turkey.

Nice to see your pedantics are as strong as ever,.. even when misplaced!



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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 13:45

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Surely with the help of Google translation you could put together a letter yourself, **** off in three languages should not take long.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 15:12

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If there is no one in all of NC (reputable solicitor), what is stopping any one using a British solicitor....


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 16:53

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Message 12 of 39 in Discussion

hattikins !

You had me in tears (Laughter) with that answer.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 17:23

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Message 13 of 39 in Discussion

Message 10

I think just the english version would do it is understood world wide.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 17:49

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Message 14 of 39 in Discussion


Love it!


Not even English,... I think sign language would get the message across!



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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 18:20

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Message 15 of 39 in Discussion

Message 1

Are you talking about helping the GC's to make a claim? Surely not.



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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 21:21

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Message 16 of 39 in Discussion

As mmmmm points out.The IPC is indeed administrated by Turkey. The benefit however is clearly to the TRNC. Turkey and TRNC now has a window of opportunity to move property matters forward. Of course the GC side will not take this victory lightly. Expect counter measures..probably based around ownership and EU law.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2010 22:09

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What I'm talking about is having something to send the GC off to the right body rather than bothering or harassing people who feel vulnerable. I think from reading between the lines that quite a few ex-pats would quite like to be prepared and have something tangible to push into the GC's hands in these circumstances...

But since you mention it, why shouldn't the GC be entitled to get compensation and if this helps to bring that about and settles the new occupier's position what's wrong in that too?


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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 18:19

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The GCs must know when not to flog dead horses. Their government ain't going to fund any more Oram's cases now the ECHR has spoken.

Even if some maverick bubble banged on your door you dont give him anything at all. You dont accept anything, but you take - his car number and ring Plod who will lift him as he tries to get home.


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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 18:22

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Message 19 of 39 in Discussion

Just set the dogs on them


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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 20:06

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Message 20 of 39 in Discussion

Well Hippo there's enough of them around..........


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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 20:13

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Hipps we aint got any dogs in NC, but hubby can set the real bitch on them, he says he married

No, seriously think what has been suggested is ideal as some older folks would become quite flummexed with someone knocking on their door, if they had this to hand perhaps they would feel happier....

As far as I can see the GC will only target the vunerable, and the elderly are this......


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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 20:14

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Message 22 of 39 in Discussion

msg 8: Groucho, what do you base that assumption on, is it just something you've heard, so repeat without knowing whether it's fact or fiction, parrot like ?



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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 20:31

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Message 23 of 39 in Discussion

Dear RobnJo

re msg 9

>>Nice to see your pedantics are as strong as ever,.. even when misplaced! <<


Unfortunately, for you my 'pedant tendency'- in this case - only means you will 'get the Spanish inquisition'... !

1/ Turkey IS the country that the ECHR hold responsible for GCs seeking redress ? Answer YES / NO

2/ ECHR confirm that only recognised govt in Cyprus is RoC Answer Yes / no

3/ ECHR confirm that Turkey must provide local remedy YES / NO

4/ ECHR confirm that 'TRNC' is really TURKISH institution YES/ NO

5/ ECHR confirm IPC is a valid local remedy that has to be exhausted YES / NO

6/ ECHR confirm that RoC records ( land registry) are the basis for proving claims and that disenfranchised GCs are still owners of said land / property YES/ NO

To this 'pedant' all these things simply show Turkey has to put something 'right' and the location of it's commission has to be in the 'occupied' part of Cyprus IT calls 'TRNC' ) YES / NO



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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 20:32

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Message 24 of 39 in Discussion

Lest this sounds too 'one-sided' my 'fans' will confirm that I have long said that the 'rump' RoC govt was INSANE not to ENCOURAGE it's citizens to use this institution


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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 20:49

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Message 25 of 39 in Discussion

Question----wait another 35 years and hope for a solution to land issue OR go to the IPC with your title deeds and see what you can get for it ?

ANSWER..................................................... .


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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 21:06

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Message 26 of 39 in Discussion


I know you are well informed,...... but,.... you are clearly in a pedantic timewarp.

You may just as well be asking 'yes/no' questions about the Annan Plan.

Life has moved on.

The ECHR are now talking openly about the 'TRNC'.

The International as well as EU lobby are happy for talks to proceed between the ROC and,......?

HINT: The answer isn't Turkey.



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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 22:54

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"msg 8: Groucho, what do you base that assumption on, is it just something you've heard, so repeat without knowing whether it's fact or fiction, parrot like ? "

What assumption?

People have reported, on this forum and elsewhere, unwanted visits from GC's claiming the land is theirs and asking what the current occupiers doing on it... This upset the current occupier.

Seems simple enough to me.

Arm them with a document that explains, in all the relevant languages, how and where the GC should proceed to seek redress in accordance with the ECHR ruling... namely the IPC. Then nobody need be any doubt as to the next step.

I'm not sure what you are taking issue with or what you are calling an assumption...


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Message Posted:
09/03/2010 23:04

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Message 28 of 39 in Discussion

Or do you mean the bit about solicitors?

If so, yes it's a fact there are no solicitors in the TRNC (maybe some retired ex-pat ones) but legal bods here are lawyers and don't have the same standing or duties as solicitors do in say the UK.


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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 07:06

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Message 29 of 39 in Discussion


Come on spill the beans!


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 09:21

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Message 30 of 39 in Discussion

Dear RobnJo

re msg 26

I'm sure I had replied to this but hey !

The UK's Foreign and commonwealth website ( just one example) has been referring to 'TRNC' in inverted commas - just like the ECHR for a reason... because only TURKEY recognise it, and it is only TR military presence that makes it defacto as opposed to dejure..

Are you sure you don't need to check the mirror before throwing around the adjectives beginning with 'p' ? ;)

Take care, Mark !


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 19:39

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Message 31 of 39 in Discussion

Dear 6m

Why sit around a table and waste time talking to delegates of TRNC if it is not recognised?

TRNC exists and that is a fact.

The other parties can bury their small heads in the sand and wait another 36 years for a solution if they wish.


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 20:47

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It is well known that the International community in general does not regognise the TRNC. This fact is certainly promoted by the ROC to maximise their advantage and to stiffle anything TRNC.

The de-facto cituation however is that the TRNC does and has exhisted for more than 20 years. Additional further facts are that peace has prevailed on Cyprus since 1974, the TC's accepted UN proposals in 2004 to settle whilst ROC declined. Peace talks are currently ongoing. These facts are now certainly recognised by the international community and the constant negativities from the ROC are becomming somewhat tiresome. Consequently, i feel ,the tide is turning and the exclusion of the TRNC from political and economic freedoms is now well over due for reconsideration. Mr Talat's soon to be audience with Hilary Clinton as well as his recent one of the same with Mr Moon of the UN support this theory.

I see some significant change comming to support this new stance.


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 21:43

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Nice as it is to discuss all this background stuff, that's not what this thread is about. The thread, before it was sidetracked and then hijacked, is about the provision of a standard document in three languages, Turkish, English and Greek saying the same thing in all three languages - namely, go to the IPC which you will find at this address (name and address to be completed) and make a claim for compensation restitution of this plot (details to be completed).

The occupier could have this ready should any GCs or others turn up demanding access to land formerly in the possession of the GC in question.

This would allow some folk a modicum of relief given that they may fear and not know what to do in the event that a GC turns up at their front door.


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 22:29

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Message 34 of 39 in Discussion

I agree Groucho but what if they turn up at your back door. )


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 22:32

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Message 35 of 39 in Discussion


I see little point in having a letter ready to hand to any person calling and endeavouring to make any sort of property claim.

It is unlikely that any sensible GC is likely to come knocking without being pre-armed with some sort of research or guidance. Certainly the "no win no fee" brigade that are lining up after the Orams case will now be re-assessing the playing field in light of the ECHR judgment.

I think that a simple and informative verbal notice, in English to any enquiring GC about the IPC should put them on the right path to satisfaction.

If, however, a writ is to be served then the line of defence will need to far better prepared than a simple letter presented by hand to any server.


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 23:00

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Message 36 of 39 in Discussion

Well I still think its a good idea groucho, as I have said there is a lot of elderly folk that would perhaps feel a litte bit more secure if they had something like a letter that stated what to do.... The GC perhaps wouldnt be quite so 'cocky' if handed something in return of the visit......


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 12:15

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I'm not envisaging everyone wanting one... but those who do will maybe sleep a little more soundly knowing that they don't need to engage in anything more than a handover of a document that spells out in no uncertain terms that they have no intention of attending a kangaroo court in the south or of vacating their home unless ordered to do so by the IPC and that's where the 'visitor' ought to direct their attention in accordance with the ECHR decision.

Some people are like rabbits in the headlights when faced with harassment... and feel scared to say anything.


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 13:59

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Message 38 of 39 in Discussion

Biker msg 31,

6m's is like every other GC, neither he or they want to regognise that the KKTC exists, well I have a message for them all IT DOES EXIST, and like it or not other institutions are staring to realize it exists, a rather large bone that will stick in their sore ugly throats ;)


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 14:26

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Message 39 of 39 in Discussion


I certainly agree that some may feel more secure if they are provided with a quick and easy written defensive strategy.

However, I feel that this is the time that the TRNC administration capitalises upon this clear opportunity to make the property issue more clear so that GC are discouraged from wastefull and expensive litigation.

Certainly the ROC has wasted no time in preparing their attack strategy post Orams.

I am so pleased that the ECHR has found in favour of Turkey. The outcome is a clear step to resolution of at least property issues.

I feel some level of recognition of TRNC and lifting of some restrictive embargo is not too far away.

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