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Joined: 29/07/2007
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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 15:15

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Hi all,

Just read an article that states that 80% of Hotels in Northern Cyprus are on the verge of bankrupcy.Some people see the north as the jewel of the med,but if more people do not visit then surely this would have drastic consequences.There has got to be direct flights into the north to help the tourism problem.Lots of people in the north are emplyed by hoteliers etc if the hotels close employment will shoot up and less money would be spent.Its a worry,




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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 15:26

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hi paul , you are so very right . does'nt your heart sink when you hear something like this ?

you take care , pat


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 15:46

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Hi Paul,

Excellent posting. Very good point.

As I understand it, we are waiting on a court in the UK to determine the validity of The Chicago Convention in respect of The TRNC.

It strikes me that if Mr Talat and Mr Christophias do not arrive at a solution to The Cyprus Problem, or direct flights, an ammendment to The Specific Performance Law, or a water

pipeline from Turkey, there is going to be very little left to talk about.

in hotels, no construction industry, no tourist industry, mass unemployment

and everybody thirsty.

We are visiting 3 times this year. staying in hotels, eating in restaurants, so we are doing our bit, but I certainly don't intend to go thirsty.




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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 15:50

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Why do you think that the TRNC are building hotels as if they are going out of fashion, when

hotel occupancy is only 30% of current capacity?

Do you think someone knows something we don't?



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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 15:52

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It also doesn’t help when you can purchase a package deal (Flight & Hotel) to lets say Egypt for less than the price of a plane ticket to Ercan.

I know the TRNC government is slightly strapped for money but maybe they should look at subsidizing the cost of flights to attract the tourists as this would then have a knock effect by getting tourists in the hotels and spending their holiday money in TRNC instead of other destinations.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 15:57

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Hiya Paul,

My experience in booking my holiday in trnc is - tried all travel agents in Grantham (my home town) no one had any brochures - I went online found all flight times and hotel prices - then went to Coop travel agent who immediately booked using all the information I found through the internet. Still no brochures available at travel agents. I downloaded my brochure from internet.

Best regards



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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:00

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Why would one want to pay vast amounts of money for an all inclusive hotel package in the TRNC when you can spend less staying in a rental property for a fortnight, I would imagine that the majority of returning holiday makers have been stung once by a hotel and only return to stay in a cosy little 3 bedroom villa with pool.

This post is directed at the "big" hotels and not the well used and respected establishments such as the Ship Inn and Almond Holiday Village to name a few.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:03

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Sorry forgot to mention that the hotels are really beginning to reap what they have sown.

A family of four going to a beach for the day 120YTL + (drinks e.t.c)

A family of four at their rented poolside 40YTL + (drinks e.t.c)

Its not what one could call rocket science!!!


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:04

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I suppose the same thing is happening with the housing market in n.c. loads of houses stood empty.Maybe it seemed a good idea at the time.Its certainly a buyers market.Fingers and toes crossed me thinks,



p.s. thanks for the info on the ship i have mailed Tony.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:11

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The trouble with the subsidising the flights is they are barely full anyway and mainly rely on the Turkish leg of the journey. Plus the Turkish taxpayers can't be too keen to keep bailing out north Cyprus - a rival tourist draw in the region - because of its lack of marketing ability.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:14

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I have always found the hotels in the north extremely good value for money.Great service,food and very friendly.The flights are way over priced though.But i cannot see those coming down in the forseeable future.You mention that the post is directed at the big hotels then sureley that is even more of a worry as more people will be employed by them.


Although i havent personally had a problem picking up brochures for the north i still meet people who think that holiday destinations there do not exist.Maybe the Northern Cyprus tourist board need to get their act together.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:20

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Hi Dodger,

We all have different perceptions on what is value for money, I personally do not think this is offered here, yes the big hotels will have to employ less staff which will result in a poorer service.

The other problem that I note through the Kibris newspaper is that the advisors for the tourism industry have little experience in the industry at a global level and seem to have all graduated with doctorates from a vague university in the USA.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:23

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Hiya Paul,

Meant to say I have booked into Hotel Semparti for 11 days - if we do a return trip to trnc will certainly look into booking a villa but as there is only 2 of us will have to check into this.




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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:43

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Perhaps we do have different perceptions.I am basing my figures on staying in hotels in other countries and feel that t.r.n.c. compare favourably and in most cases better them.I take your point about the tourism chappies though.They sound about as much use as a chocolate fire-guard,

Enjoy your day



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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:51

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Pete Pike,

Theres an old saying"a sprat to catch a mackerel".Surely if flights to n.c. where susidised and well advertised by tourism personnel who knew their marketting,the word would get out,the planes would fill up and i wouldnt have had to start this post,




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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 16:59

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There was a big push to do this a couple of years back with flights to Ercan from Scotland, Belfast, Dublin etc but it collapsed due to lack of demand. People get put off with the long flight times as well as the price. That issue would need to be addressed but it won't happen until direct flights come, which won't happen. Bit of a conundrum. I'd go via LCA or PFO every time. It's cheaper and quicker plus you can hire a car there and drive over the whole island.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 17:05

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Are you convinced that direct flights wont happen.What do you base this on.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 18:21

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Just the fact that even the most tinpot of countries have always backed down after saying they would fly direct. Nobody really wants to break the convention agreement or upset the Cyprus government. Personally I'd like to see it happen if we could be sure Turkey would make a meaningful gesture in return, like handing back Maras. With those two out of the way, confidence-building would be way up and the finer details negotiable. It could help broke a settlement if someone could shut the Turkish generals and Othodox bishops for long enough. We could always bash the bishops. Turkish/Greek pride is idiotically inflexible and has been their own worse enemy. Just look at the huffing and puffing over their flippin' flags.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 18:47

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Thats it, I have finally cracked. a posting from DB that makes sense!!

I now know that I am drinking far too much.

BTW there have NEVER been many "tourists", just people buying houses. And now they have.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 18:52

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I will have to have a pint of what your on to understand that one mate,



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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 18:56

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Its in English Paul, I apologise.


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 22:54

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Your serve Hilltop,



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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 22:59

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Who's DB???


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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 23:07

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Not just me that didnt understand post 19 then.

"btw there have never been many tourists just people buying houses and now they have"


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Message Posted:
01/07/2008 06:17

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There has never been much real tourism in the TRNC. What you HAD was people buying houses or checking on their progress. Many of those houses are now built, so the people do not need Hotels. The Hoteliers are only just realising.

If you had been around these BBs for longer, DB would make sense (well once in a blue moon anyway).

Dixie Normus

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Message Posted:
01/07/2008 09:36

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To get the tourists in you have to make the place more attractive than resorts/ countries offering simmilar. Here enviromentally its a shock to the system, local hotels / restaurants have no conseption with regard to repeat buisiness, they just want to sting you while your here, it takes longer to get here and costs more than the average holiday destination, and the tourism sector is managed by the cluless. So there is no wonder the industries in decline the only way out for local hotels is to source more folk from the mainland so getting here is not costly, and try to compeat with mainland prices which they are well above at the momment.


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Message Posted:
01/07/2008 10:04

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Thanks for clearing that one up sorry matey,



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Message Posted:
01/07/2008 10:37

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No problem Paul, sorry for sounding crabby. Not feeling too good at the moment.


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Message Posted:
01/07/2008 11:12

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And DB is...?


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Message Posted:
01/07/2008 11:45

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I am not one who likes to winge,my son,his wife and our beautiful 16 month old grandaughter,visited us recently for the first time, it was not long before my son began to notice the rubbish, that litters this beautiful country,on visiting aligadi beach, the little one clutching her bucket and spade,her first trip to the sea side, to my horror ,there was plastic , and other debris floating in the sea,picnic area resembling a landfill tip, very embarrassing

with fly tipping,concreate trucks dumping every were,abandoned buildings.

Is direct flights really the answer to increasing tourism, I live in bahceli (garden )

so I have been told,my heart sinks when I walk down to the beach, which has been named crystal bay, it is proberly one of the worst polluted beaches on the east coast,

I am sure that one day, all this will be a thing of the past,and that things will only get better,

Does the tourist board reconise this problem? maybe if they took a day out of the office, and travel like a tourist, they will find the answers they are looking for.

Cpt John

girne 29

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Message Posted:
01/07/2008 13:21

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It has oft been repeated that flights from Scotland and N.Ireland were stopped due to lack of use,where does this info come from ie where are the statistics.

Certainly in years passed seats had to be booked well in advance and EVERY flight I was on was full .At the time, when I complained about the cancellations, I was told it was not due to lack of demand but to save money by consolidating in England on the presumption that people would go there anyway.Funny thing was, I used to fly beside a few people who had even travelled from england to fligh out from scotland as the departure/ arrival times were ideal.

Did anyone else out there from Scotland/ N.Ireland fligh on empty flights?

That is one of the causes of the fact that even tho I have property free for use, none of my friends/relatives have used it ,and I have halved my visits.Time for us now is approx 13 hrs and that is not house to house but check in to check out, a no-no ,especially if you have kids.

Add that to the high costs of flights.

Also as has been said before ,people, with children especially ,are wary and annoyed when confronted with the level of rubbish on beaches etc.and feel cheated when having booked a holiday in unspoilt N.Cyprus find it is anything but.

I do agree that up to a 2 years ago, flights mostly carried people looking for a property or checking up on what they had purchased and therefore bit of a captured market.Maybe made the tourist board/govt sit back and ignore the problems in attracting tourists who come for no other reason than to have a good value holiday.Bit late in the day to wake up to the fact that there is competition out there.

I think its already too late and think trnc should concentrate on medical holidays or golf packages and such specialised sectors,rather than the family type hols.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 06:54

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is the tourist minister qualified to do the job? i think not!


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 11:14

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RE girne 29 : (...) I think its already too late and think trnc should concentrate on medical holidays or golf packages and such specialised sectors,rather than the family type hols. (...)

Spot on. But there's more. I just checked and compared holidays in Turkey and TRNC from Holland. TRNC: the flight *only* Amsterdam-Ercan-Amsterdam costs around 500 Euro (!), including a five hours wait on Istanbul. Plus hotel, plus meals, plus transportation, plus entrance fees for beaches (do they still charge 15YTL per day on Escape Beach..?) etc. I have not found any package deals. So far for holidaying Dutchmen in TRNC... Cost you a fortune!

Now Turkey. For less than the flight price Asd-Erc-Asd (500 Euro) you stay in a good hotel for 13 days, including *everything* as mentioned above, for... 350 Euro.

Competition? Impossible. You must be very dedicated to Northern Cyprus (mountain walks, history, golf and... yes, what more?) to avoid Turkey. If you have a familiy with wife and two children (what's there for young children?) - who can afford TRNC?!


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 12:13

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I may also add that many Turkish Cypriots who live in London are even being put off with going to North Cyprus for their hols.

Many used to go back year after year, but as prices shoot up and they realise that they can go almost anywhere in the med for a fraction of the price, or better still fly of to Mexico or Cuba for the same as a holiday to North cyprus, who can blame them.

Add to that the problems most young men/fathers face with having to sort out the army papers before you can leave, its no wonder tourisim is on the decline.

I also agree will Hilltop, i dont think there ever was a tourism boom in North Cyprus, just house hunters out to get a cheap bargin.

So instead of concentrating on building a good quailty tourism sector to attract people, The TRNC Gov went into over drive to build as many cheap properties as possible. To bring in cash quick.

Estate agents are 2 a penny....but tour reps?

North cyprus is obssesed with the property market, everything revolves around estate agents, furniture shops and anything else to do with property.

And now the place is full off unfinished buildings and blocks and blocks of apartments. Hotels are sitting empty, night clubs closing down ( Maremonte anyone?) and when i was out in Girne Harbour, whilst i was there last month, it was empty.


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 17:02

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I know I am going to get slated but I will put the TOURIST point of view over.I have been coming to Northern Cyprus for 24 years as a tourist and then up untill about 6 years ago it was only the tourists and the local cypriots.HEAVEN.

Then the building started and everyone was buying and sent over the message that they were something special. 24yrs ago N/Cyprus was like a third world country and probabably still is to some,the roads were empty one could drive anywhere with ease,now they are choke a block with patronising ex pats in 4x4. You cannot go into a restaurant or bar for a nice quiet meal and evening without listening to someone bragging. 6yrs ago I said thats my lot I would not come back again and there is a lot like minded. Last year I came back and could not believe what I saw and heard.Read Joan&Frank who refers to themselves as the "Lapta Layabouts" I REST MY CASE


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 17:30

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I see Pagasus have introduced two extra flights a week, there must be demand for them to do this !


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 18:19

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Yes..........there must be an awful lot of people in the same boat ( so to speak ) as Wynyardman, who have to fly off at a minutes notice to sort out their builder and villa!!................



Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 18:46

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To be serious (just for a moment) I have found most of the postings on this thread very

negative and somewhat depressing.

We have holidayed in The TRNC quite a number of times over the past two years or so.

Admittedly we are having a villa built but we have enjoyed some lovely holidays. The warmth of the people being a major incentive. Not having direct flights is a major problem at present, but we are hopeful that will soon be resolved. It is a great place to holiday, if somewhat uncompetetive. I did reccommend a relative recently, and he did get an all inclusive at Paphos for little more that the flights to the TRNC. There have been builder issues.!

Notwithstanding I maintain it is still "the jewel of the Mediterranean" and that combined with the typical Turkish hospitality, for me, makes it a contender for anyones holiday spend!


girne 29

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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 23:50

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Having a property here can make you look on things with a different slant,we have a connection. If you had never heard of north cyprus would you pay £1600 mid sept for flights only 2 adults 2 children.Yes , for adults its still a nice polace to holiday, but so are a 100 other places and its these places that have to be competed with,and thats where the trnc falls down. It used to compete by catering for those that were attracted to the 'unspoilt'.That has long gone, and we cant live in the past, accept it is no longer unspoilt and then find new ways of attracting the tourist,as i have already said ,by promoting specialist holidays.By the way one can get Turkish hospitality cheaper in Turkey.

The following extract from The London Turkish Gazette is from someone of TC stock and maybe shows a tourists view.

I must also profess to be selfish insofar as I am hoping the bid to halt the decline in tourism ,will cause the halt to the environmental damage ,and partially return the country to what first attracted me in the first place.

Yazar : Suzan Nuri

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Okunma : 125

Tarih : 03 Temmuz 2008 12:44

ONE summer, when I was a kid, my parents took and brother and me to North Cyprus. It was our second ever trip to the island and we absolutely adored it.

Among the many happy memories of that holiday was one at which we laugh at now but at the time had my father a bit miffed.

He had hired a minibus to drive all of us around in, including aunties, uncles, cousins. One day, we arrived at the beach and Dad said let’s all have a cold drink before getting into the sea.

Dad was mentally counting up how many of us there were. As he turned to the waiter to say, the waiter blurted out, “There’s 17 of you”. You could almost see the pound signs rolling around in his eyes. He had obviously counted us all out as we got out the minibus. Dad still got us our drinks but there is a serious note to this holiday memory.

Our top story this week features the expense of holidaying to North Cyprus.

For years, Turkish Cypriots have lamented about the huge costs involved in actually visiting the place.

Let’s start with the airfare, which fluctuates wildly every summer. It has become a contest to find the cheapest fare and one, which I admit, I tend to lose when compared with my friends and family. No matter how cheaply I thought I have got my ticket, they always seem to trump me.

But the high cost of holidaying in North Cyprus does not stop there. With more and more of us deciding to stay in hotels, even for part of our stay, we are being systematically ripped off. Hotel prices are astronomical, even for a Londoner with a strong currency in his pocket. Service is also poor, so you have five star prices without the five star service.

I heard recently that to visit the beach costs so much nowadays too, with greedy hotels slapping on service charges.

Eating out is no longer a cheap enjoyable pleasure but an expensive one.

It also makes me wonder why the hotels are so detached from the local population. Surely they need their custom too but there are never any local people at these hotels, lounging in the bar, eating in the hotel restaurants or staying for mini-breaks.

The hoteliers’ attitude seems to be, hit the visitor for all they’ve got and never mind if they fail to return the following year.

A classic case of killing the golden goose.

Add all this with the restrictions on Turkish Cypriot males travelling to North Cyprus for fear of conscription, and is it any wonder that many Turkish Cypriots are now travelling elsewhere for their time in the sun.

And while the lure of Cyprus will also draw us back eventually, the Turkish Cypriot tourism industry is set to suffer an even harder econom


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 00:28

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Hi girne29,

I am sorry that your recent experiences left you feeling so sour.

I am travelling from Newcastle in the UK to Larnaca. Cost...all inc.......£158.

I am staying at The Ship (by choice again) £17,50 B&B.PER NIGHT

I expect to have a wonderful time, as indeed I did on the last 5 occaisions.

I shall no doubt have lamb chops (4 beautifully served) on the terrace.(£6.5)

I shall have a bottle of Cankaya (chilled at) £7

I shall go home wonderfully refreshed and having met lovely fellow guests.

I won't mention the fantastic bacon (£1 extra) on top of a wonderful buffet breakfast)

To be fair, there is room for improvement in the TRNC. Been to Whitby lately?

I am going to a wedding in Dudley (WM). A modest hotel( special offer)Twin room 2 nights £178.

KEEP TRYING TRNC but you are getting there. My opinion........thats all.



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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 00:34

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I have read the posts with great interest and thought I'd add my six penneth worth having just returned from a month in the TRNC. My wife and I would very much like to see a prosperous TRNC. This would enable much improvement to the infrastructure at least and improve the island.

Very few tourists about it appeared to me. Cyprus Today had a front page article blaming 'whinging brits' for the lack of tourists, so now you know. Apparently the Scandanavians are the new tourists although I failed to see hoards of vikings about. Those people of British origin I did see appeared to be resident or villa/apartment owning visitors like myself. Talking to a couple of Turkish Cypriots living in the TRNC was enlightening as they were both looking to leave as business was bad & government doing nothing to help.

Restaurants were empty. Litter was as bad as ever (what a great way to impress new visitors when travelling from the airport over the mountain, to see mounds of plastic bottles/bags, tatty advertising boards etc). Thats before they get to the beach.

Plenty of empty shops with many new ones being built.

Each time we visit we play spot the latest shop to close (although to be honest also now playing that game in the UK). With the rise in prices for food, fuel, power etc we are (like a good deal of others I suspect) thinking about what we spend and have cut down on the meals out. Eating in much cheaper.

Seems to be a 'get money in now' attitude amongst locals with no longer term planning or attempt to raise standards. The property boom is well & truly over (as in the rest of the world), yet the TRNC government does not do anything to attract those who add to the economy, in fact the opposite. Canada, Australia to name just two are countries that recognise that retired people, with pensions/savings, only add to the economy. In the TRNC I don't feel welcome. I'm refused permission to purchase my apartment although fine to live there when I visit. If I apply for residency, I have to start again if I leave for more than 90 days (so there goes my world cruise).

girne 29

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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 01:48

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Agreed thro Larnaca from London cheaper, tho have always gone into Ercan as have found that once extra cost of transfer is included ,CTA fares are not that more expensive to warrant the hassle. What I was getting at was that if you booked to go London to Ercan thro the trnc premier tour operator ,that is the price quoted.I think the trnc econmy would benifit if people were encouraged to fly into Ercan.

Anyway, whatever opposing view you and I take doesnt really matter,hotel occupancy for 2008 will be the true test on whether a new tourist strategy(if there ever was an old one)is needed.

By the way, going by your holiday description,did you manage to leave the restaurant at all.

Whitby! I'd rather eat my own liver.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 01:52

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Whitby! I'd rather eat my own liver.

Eh up come on whitby is beautifull hot summers day or windy winters day fresh fish and NOT FROZEN chips a walk down from the abbey.

Almost as good as a walk on fleetwood promanade followed by a game of pitch and put at anchorsholme.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 08:07

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did you manage to leave the restaurant at all???

yes! everyday after an early breakfast, and the not back until dinner at 7.30 to 8.00 pm.



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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 15:25

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Hilltop. There was always tourism in N/Cyprus until the building boom, planes were always full and only flying into Ercan.


I do not Know the prices now in North Cyprus have not been since Sep/Oct 2007, but having been to Turkey in May 2008 I can assure you Turkey is not cheap.The Turks seem to think they are in the Euro and quote every thing in Euros


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 16:20

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Girne29 does not even tell us which country he lives in, as to if he has ever visited Whitby or even knows where it seems unlikely.

It has always been one of our favourite places even having that great museum dedicated to the Count.

As for tourism here, the people to blame are the government who seem to have set an agenda to destroy the industry. First by not sorting out the airline, put it in partnership with Turkish and/or get rid of 50% of the staff.

Second they have not supported the exisitng hotels etc and improving the basic infrastructure.

Third, the have spent millions in subsidies to foreign companies to build 5* monstrosity hotel/casino complexes for which there is really no demand and all profits leave TRNC fot their parent companies.

One does not have to have too many brain cells to figure out why point 3 wins.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 17:48

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another,reason hotels our suffering is that people are renting out their villas,

and apartments to holiday makers as a cheaper alternative,too hotels.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 22:43

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Message 48 of 58 in Discussion

A quick comment or two on the flights further in Britain North than Manchester.

They were stopped not becuase their were not enough passengers but because the major tour operators were not happy at taking seats on those flights and as many of the people were not using the tour operators for their holidays the operators were paying for empty seats. There were enough flight only seat sales for an occasional flight but not enough week in week out for the airline to run a regular scheduled service.

The agents often did not know what flights were scheduled either (even though they had been informed by the airline and in the travel trade press). Even the specialist travel agents do not always do their job - two years after a regular Birmingham Ercan service started I know of travel agents in North Cyprus (who must have an interest in selling flights to and from their home country) telling my customers that there are no flights to Birmingham this summer!

What chance has an airline got with that type of backup from their agents. The same applies to tour operators being undercut by the hotels with reduced price deals direct - then the hotels complain that the operators are not advertising so they have fewer customers!



Joined: 31/03/2007
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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 08:38

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Message 49 of 58 in Discussion

I believe a lot of people just go to the "high street" agents where the staff these days are glorified shop assisitants. Most of us can do there work ourselves on internet. You therefore get stock responses for flights to North Cyprus ie flight to Larnaca or Paphos!

I think that for the general traveller there may still be a reluctance to use companies like Tom's because "there are too expensive".

Living here we use internet or Ankara Travel in Girne. However if in UK the I would recommend companies like IAH, who from experience provide a personal service at a cost usual no more that booking on internet etc.

Give it a try folks, will never be cheaper than a Larnaca flight but work out all the on costs.


Joined: 23/06/2008
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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 10:17

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Message 50 of 58 in Discussion

The problems here regarding tourism are down to the past and present ministers of tourism not having the faintist clue on drawing up a business plan, marketing strategy e.t.c.

In the paper the other week it was announced that they are going to predestrianize parts of Lefkosa to make the area more tourist and user friendly, this should have been done years ago, but I guess that before the borders opened the tourists coming to the TRNC didn't matter so much, but now that they see the GC's investing over here they think its time to take action.

If you alk from the Girne gate to the new crossing with a pram you will come accross the following obstacles.

Cars parked on the pavement (traffic wardens must work summer hours)!

Scooters parked or driven on the pavement

Bicycles driven on the pavement

Hoards of men coming towards you and not giving way to you and the pram (where do all the woman go)?

Pavement ramps at various difficult degrees

Then you hit paradise, pedestrian areas, families with children, clean and refreshing looking shops, bars and restaurants.

If this government even considers mentioning a lack of funding they are liars.

They simple have no brains or courage to make these vital decisions.

In what was the beautiful TurkishCypriot quarter of Lefkosa known as Caglayan the Ankara belediye have paid for a new park by the old city walls, what a fantastic idea, lets provide a park for our people squatting in the apartments and houses there because they do so much for the community? we should give something back.?

At a guess I would estimate that the park is used by 99.9% mainland Turks or Gagjo (Gypsies) as they are known and .1% locals.

How about using those funds to make the old city a better place for Turkish Cypriots and tourists, maybe in 10 years time when it will be to late.

The past and present governments do not give a flying duck about its own people, the expat community or the tourism industry.

Idiots as simple as that.


Joined: 04/04/2008
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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 14:25

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Message 51 of 58 in Discussion

Just back from a week in Bogaz, and have to say there were not many people around, also went to Girne twice and all the bars around the harbour were dead.Speaking to a waiter i know he said it has been the quite for some time, if there is no one there at this time of year heaven help the traders for the future.

A TC friend was saying that the tourist board is not in the real world regarding getting people to holiday in NC they do not seem to get the message across at trade fairs etc, when you try to book a holiday to NC it seem's there are the same 5/6 companies ie direct traveller, green island holidays.

I think the main problem getting people to NC is the fact the only place which people seem to know of is the Girne area.


Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 14:32

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Message 52 of 58 in Discussion

The Ship hotel

74 rooms......13 people poolside...........frightening £17.50 B and B excellent!

Absolute bargain. Why?


Joined: 29/09/2007
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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 14:44

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Message 53 of 58 in Discussion

As i have lived here for three years and must say i love it ,it does sicken me when i do need to travel back to the uk that the most of the flights are to London based airports yes there are three flights a week to and from Manchester witch are normally booked well in advance,they stopped the flights from glasgow again with were fully booked,but persist on so many flights from the south witch come over half full ???? who is running the show have they any sence surly a full flight is better than half full try some new airports people in the noth will not be tempted to come over, if they have along travel before flying and then the cost of parking or over night hotels,come on try some new airports Newcastle would suit me fine and no doupt a lot of others and lets keep the money in the TRNC instead of flying from the dark side and giving them funds. ( SOMEDAY ha ha )


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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 14:51

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Message 54 of 58 in Discussion

Having just returned from NC, I had the pleasure of a friend who lives in the South joining me for lunch at Peanuts restuarant in Girne (behind the hospital and right on the seafront - recommended - part of Ezic chain). It seems the South is having similar problems to the North (lack of tourists, greedy developers, lack of laws to protect consumers and of course price rises caused by the Euro and greed). His experience at the moment is that of Brits selling up (not using estate agents as they can charge up to 19%) and leaving the country. As soon as he gets his title deeds and can sell his villa he is off to Australia. Especially true of those renting. They are returning to the Uk and like asylum seekers saying they are homeless.


Joined: 19/07/2007
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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 14:59

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Message 55 of 58 in Discussion


Probably because in the past they did not treat the tour opertors well. The time that I went to see that hotel a few years ago as a tour operator I had an appoinment (which is not standard practice).

I arrived in reception was seen by staff (but not talked to) and after about 10 minutes went on my way. They never called to find out why I had not kept the appointment either.

At another point asked by their their "rep" in the UK to meet them and was left waiting for more than 25 minutes while he was on a call, no hospitality and then the price offered both in the UK and to our team in TRNC was more or the same as I could get by buying direct as a public client.

How much support would you give the hotels in a country if you have the legal liability in the UK but pay more than the people you are advertising to let alone the cost of trade fairs and advertising etc.? In another hotel (who also was touting for our IAH trade) they took no notice in 5 days when we said twice that something near the pool was very dangerous and it would have taken less than 5 minutes to resolve it and increase safety*. * The hotels carry little or no insurance but a tour operator has to.

Similar things apply to car hire etc.

There are few of us operators supporting the TRNC and they will get less at this rate.

Dixie Normus

Joined: 22/02/2008
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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 15:20

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Message 56 of 58 in Discussion

hi Wynyardman

Hope you are enjoying your stay at the ship with the luxury of the uncrowded bar and pool. I advertied my villas for rent there last year and all three are fully booked, thank them for the service.


PS hope the Effes is cold


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Message Posted:
10/07/2008 22:30

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Message 57 of 58 in Discussion

Why does it not surprise me to read how badly the tour operators are treated? (Message 55). Is the TRNC actually interested in tourism?


Joined: 03/02/2008
Posts: 346

Message Posted:
10/07/2008 23:54

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Message 58 of 58 in Discussion

Hi everyone, we are staying at Esentepe Villa Hotel when we are over on the 15th july. Never stayed at the ship inn before but we have stayed at Malpas which is first class.


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