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Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 19:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 62 in Discussion |
| What a shame to see the Cyprus Today report (page 3) that the newly elected BRS Treasurer, John Wenborn has resigned after just one committee meeting. From my recollection of the AGM, Mr Wenborn got more votes from the members than any other candidate and his fiscal report was a breath of fresh air. He came across as a man of principle who understands business and financial affairs who wanted to reform the BRS money handling practices. Now Mr Wenborn has resigned after promising to reduce the operating costs by 70% and after just one post-AGM committee meeting. Is it reassuring that the current BRS Chair and committee have pledged to achieve this cost saving when it was virtually the same group that ran up the huge jump in costs (£2,313 to £6,446) in the previous financial year? The voting members at the AGM wanted and deserve change and the promised 'accurate and transparent' accounts. What chance now? |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 20:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 62 in Discussion |
| RickF64 It is so sad to see what should and could be a great organisation that supposedly represents the Brit expats on the island ending up as nothing more than a private club. AJ |

Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 21:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 62 in Discussion |
| So I take it you're not a member AJ? |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 21:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 62 in Discussion |
| newscoop No I am not a member but since 2005 I have been trying to keep an eye on developments within the BRS with the hope of joining at some stage but I just do not get any warm feelings about this organisation. AJ |

Joined: 02/11/2009 Posts: 52
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 22:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 62 in Discussion |
| Being an Accountant myself it is a little worrying that John Wenborn has resigned so quickly but can understand that if he does not feel that the figures 'stack up' he doesn't want to be associated with the cosy club which is the BRS!! |

Joined: 15/09/2008 Posts: 975
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 22:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 62 in Discussion |
| RickF64 well it's nice to see that you are aware of how many votes the Treasurer got, not like the KAR shop committee election last year, where it was kept secret from the prospective shop committee members. Now that's democracy with a big question mark. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 22:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 62 in Discussion |
| Quarmby Democracy? I would like to know what your definition of 'democracy' is and if you want to take this BRS thread off subject then I suggest you start another thread. AJ |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 584
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 22:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 62 in Discussion |
| From what I've heard regarding the cause of John's resignation, it seems that Jack is exactly on the ball. A private club. |

Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 23:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 62 in Discussion |
| Speculation without information? |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 25/04/2010 23:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 62 in Discussion |
| newscoop ' Speculation without information?' Maybe we will never get the 'information' as the BRS is a bit of a 'closed shop' but please feel free to enlighten us as and when you know what is happening. AJ |

Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 00:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 62 in Discussion |
| AJ; You're the one who has been keeping an eye on developments so perhaps YOU should enlighten the rest of us about this "private club" that you seemingly cannot warm to. |

Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 00:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 62 in Discussion |
| Get out or don't join - if you don't like the BRS. And on the other hand: don't call or email when and if you get into trouble. Need blood for your operation? DON'T call! A hundred other problems? DON'T call! You didn't want to be member, remember? YES. REMEMBER..! |

Joined: 29/03/2009 Posts: 1924
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 00:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 62 in Discussion |
| I am not a member either, and that i s my choice, (and no need to explain why I am not..) but I do worry when something such as John's resignation happens, and the membership of the BRS seem to be sitting back and taking it. In many other society's the membership would be asking for an E.G.M. to deal with the matter. I believe of the 166 present at the AGM, 165 voted for John - the one abstaining vote being his own. Therefore the membership chose and they should be given a chance to hear both sides of the story. The newspaper report seemed a little confusing. So, I repeat that I have no right to do anything, but I am concerned that such a situation has arisen, and something should be done to put the record straight. The membership are owed that. |

Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 00:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 62 in Discussion |
| RE msg 13, MarieB: (...) I am not a member either (...) etc (...) etc (...) => Dear Marion. Do you mind the treasurer of Chelsea Football Cub? No? Then why do you mind a club you don't want to be a TRNC member, BRS, of (for your own reasons, which are none of our business)? P.S. Some here are members out of principle (I AM), others hate or dislike the BRS. Fine, no problem. But, if you're not a member - mind your own business. The MEMBERS will sort it out. |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 10:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 62 in Discussion |
| Thanks DC. I too believe that the members must sort this out asap. Until the BRS is seen to be honest and fair to all and with full accuracy and transparency in all of its records then the perception of the 'cosy club' and the 'old elite' will persist. Calling an EGM would seem to be the first logical step, but would it be allowed or permitted? If the majority of the members do nothing then they (we) will get what we deserve. More of the same. Democracy - the will of the people? We shall see. |

Joined: 28/04/2008 Posts: 636
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 10:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 62 in Discussion |
| Rick, I am a member, but must admit to being ambivalent about the treasurer situation. I would have no problem with an EGM if the rules of the society allow for it. If it is allowed then there should be a mechanism for calling one. Have you checked. |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 12:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 62 in Discussion |
| Message 16, Hilltop: That's the problem with being ambivalent, you are unsure which way to turn because you do not have all of the facts. This is why I feel we (the BRS membership) must in the first instance be given full disclosure as to why our duly elected treasurer has decided to resign after the first committee meeting to discuss his (and our?) fiscal plans for the future of the BRS. With over 1000 paid up members, at £10 a time annually, this is no small amount to be trifled with. This is our society and it has made good progrees in the last few years, but in my humble opinion there is some way to go yet to achieve the transparency and accuracy that we deserve. I am not advocating a witch- hunt, but honest, straightforward answers. I am not sure about the process for calling an EGM yet, but I am checking. However, surely an EGM will only be viable if the majority of the membership wishes it? |

Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 111
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 14:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 62 in Discussion |
| Message 17 I think sums up the present situation completely. There should be no witch hunt although I, like many others, were shocked at the spiralling expenditure of the BRS committee with no in depth explanation. Like many others I had complete confidence in the treasurer we appointed at the AGM and, whether or not within the rule book there is a procedure for calling an EGM, let us not forget that each of us contribute £10 per year to the organisation and have a right as members to call for an explanation regarding both the reasons behind John's resignation and the apparent lack of transparency of the present serving committee. Let us remember that the committee are merely custodians of the members' donated finances. My advice to the present committee is to not let this deteriorate into a mere damage limitation exercise - there is a need for open leadership. Mike |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 14:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 62 in Discussion |
| newscoop Messages 17 & 18 say it all for me. |

Joined: 31/03/2007 Posts: 2381
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 18:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 62 in Discussion |
| It would take too long to explain my own antipathy towards BRS but I will never join. So the title of this thread includes the word DEMOCRACY. So how can the Raj that is the BRS claim to represent the British population here when there membership is between 5 and 10% of the total foreign buyers in TRNC. Isn't it time that the BRS stood up and said who they actually represent - their own little club. Most people we know refuse to join the club because they are totally dictatorial in their operations. Let the club become totally open and honest then the other 90% of British people here may join and make it a force to be truly rekoned with. |

Joined: 26/02/2008 Posts: 280
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 18:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 62 in Discussion |
| I have refrained from posting up to now because I am fed up with the "sour grapes" brigade who believe that just because I was not elected to the committee I can neither have or voice a personal opinion. After reading message 20 I can only shout a resounding "hear hear". It is what I have always believed and hope that one day will happen. Let's hope I am not too old then to enjoy the moment! Alex Main |

Joined: 30/01/2007 Posts: 1591
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 19:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 62 in Discussion |
| Alex,I can't for the life of me understand why the membership dont vote you onto the committee,you and Libby have done more in the last 5 years to bring Cypriots and expats together than the old duffers on the committee have done since they started,maybe thats where you are going wrong,instead of been an all round good egg who will do anything for anybody why dont you turn into a miserable old fart,you might stand a chance then |

Joined: 28/01/2009 Posts: 570
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 20:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 62 in Discussion |
| I totally agree with the last 6 messages. Although I do not live in Cyprus at the moment, I still have my dream house that is being extremely well looked after me by wonderful Tenants.I joined the BRS when I moved to Cyprus in 2007 and originally thought it was a great society- but unfortunately that soon waned. My main reasons for this were that it was as described as above 'a club' and all I could see that they achieved was grandoise holidays, not once did I ever hear of any good being done for the EXPAT and Cypriot Community apart from the Blood Donor Sessions. If this is a bit unfair I apologise but that is my percievance. Rev Michael Houston has done more for the Communities , especially with the FETE, Alex Main and Libby are tireless workers for the communities and none of these are ever elected- WHY??? Libby also put herselfe forward for the Church Committee and was unfortunately not elected, but these people have the attitude of being part of the community |

Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 20:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 62 in Discussion |
| AJ; How about messages 12 and 14? Alex Main; Why didn't you get on when Messrs Day and Roberts on the same ticket as you did? |

Joined: 28/01/2009 Posts: 570
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 20:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 62 in Discussion |
| - how many of the BRS can honestly and openly admit they do things to help/assist in the community. When I was in Spain in 2000-2005 the focal point of EXPATS was the British Legion but again that had a certain dogma attached to it as would only hold functions/meetings/gatherings in one place and you were not allowed to talk during the dreaded bingo! In the TRNC we have an opportunity to REALLY DO something within the Community and with the technological age Forums like this are a tool which can be used better. Sorry to be on my soapbox but I aim to live in Cyprus in a couple of years and if the BRS is not supportive more and I do not just mean to the members but to everyone , is it not about time to start a rival organisation!! There are so many younger people coming over whom Im sure would join the BRS if they could see more of a representation and not just a retirees club.There are some good people on the commitee whom I know but I cant understand whats holding them back!! |

Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 21:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 62 in Discussion |
| Angus; Keep playing the pipes and only worry about Liverpool and things you can actually influence. (See messages 12 and 14) |

Joined: 28/01/2009 Posts: 570
Message Posted: 26/04/2010 23:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 62 in Discussion |
| Fair comment but how many times have people heard this before!!!!!! PS I wish I could play the pipes though!!! |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 27/04/2010 09:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 62 in Discussion |
| From what has been posted on here so far it would appear that at least some of the BRS membership and even potential members are unhappy with the situation as it stands re: the current BRS committee and it's handling of the society (and funds!) on our behalf. However, as has been pointed out earlier only a small minority of the membership or potential members appear unhappy on this board. Is there yet a wider consensus out there that advocates change? Apparently an EGM can be called if 10 members write to the BRS secretary stating the point(s) that they want raised at any subsequent meeting and within 42 days. I think that an open, honest and accurate explanation of what caused the unanimously elected treasurer to resign within 7 days of the AGM would be a good start as an agenda item. |

Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 27/04/2010 11:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 62 in Discussion |
| Angus; Apparently it's in the genes. |

Joined: 26/02/2008 Posts: 280
Message Posted: 27/04/2010 14:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 62 in Discussion |
| Thanks for the kind words regarding Libby and myself. We both believe in and love Cyprus and will continue to promote it. As to why I did not get elected? As the Deputy Chairman says, you get the committee you vote for. I did not get the votes and in a democratic organisation I respect the right of the members to choose. It is now for the membership to question their choices!! Alex PS I put my name to my posts because I have always been honest about my hopes for the BRS and my concerns. "Openness rules" |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 27/04/2010 19:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 62 in Discussion |
| For all those of us who want answers and positive action from our BRS, there are now 3 'petitions' at various locations in TRNC calling for an EGM. One of these 'petitions' will be on the 112 Stall at Lambousa Market on Saturday, another is in the Karpaz area and the third will be in the Girne area shortly. Now is the time to take action and make your views known. |

Joined: 24/09/2008 Posts: 384
Message Posted: 27/04/2010 19:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 62 in Discussion |
| Thanks Rick. Good news for the membership and I have enjoyed reading all 31 posts. Rocker. |

Joined: 28/08/2008 Posts: 2037
Message Posted: 27/04/2010 20:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 62 in Discussion |
| Re Msg 25... There are so many younger people coming over whom Im sure would join the BRS if they could see more of a representation and not just a retirees club.There are some good people on the commitee whom I know but I cant understand whats holding them back!!.... I totally agree, I live here full time & see the BRS as nothing more than a glorified neighbour-hood watch committee. I've called them for help / advice several times only to be met with an answer-phone service. Not good for PR or new membership.... In-a-phrase, "Absolutely typical British". |

Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 436
Message Posted: 27/04/2010 21:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 62 in Discussion |
| Oh dear whats happened? Have some of the members of BRS not been keeping reciepts for cucumber sandwiches and pimms or is it worse than that, no reciept for the new croquet set and using the excuse of "my corgi ate the reciept" doesn't wash with me. |

Joined: 26/08/2008 Posts: 2352
Message Posted: 27/04/2010 23:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 62 in Discussion |
| As an apartment owner and frequent visitor to North Cyprus, why can't I join the BRS? |

Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 07:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 62 in Discussion |
| I have received (via a friend) a copy of an email to the BRS members from BRS Chairman Morton Coles, which he sent two or three days ago. In this email Mr Coles explains to my full satisfaction the resignation of the newly elected BRS Treasurer, John Wenborn. I hope loyal BRS members share my opinion. I also hope that Mr Coles' email silences the self-destructing BRS members on this board. From my experience in the past six years I know that hostile non-members of the BRS on this board do not change their opinion whatever the/a BRS Committee writes or does. Sad and not in the interest of all expats in TRNC. They may reconsider their reasons one day. |

Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 07:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 62 in Discussion |
| RE msg 35, Hector: (...) As an apartment owner and frequent visitor to North Cyprus, why can't I join the BRS? (...) => If this is true, why do you ask it here? Why not ask for an explanation via email to the Committee? Or have a friend ask the question during a BRS meeting? |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 2434
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 07:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 62 in Discussion |
| I am a BRS member and I must admit to not supporting them to any great extent other than renewing my membership once a year. However, I understand what some people are saying about it being a 'closed group' and here lies the reason for my not really getting involved with them. There are one or two that I have met that are all talk about 'what I have done' and not 'what WE have done' or 'what the COMMITTEE has done' and this agrevates me with any voluntary organisation or charity ...... but that is my problem! I am aware that the BRS do many things behind the scenes which do not get noticed which is unfortunate, and in my mind, the main reason for them getting verbally knocked down by others. However, because they do try and help ease the way with our residency queries etc, I do not mind paying my £10 per year to them to help towards the costs of trying to change things for the better for us. |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 2434
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 07:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 62 in Discussion |
| Continued.... They are on hand if blood is required in an emergency, if there is an untimely death etc so £10 is neither here nor there especially compared with the running costs that seem ever increasing in the TRNC these days but on saying that, yes I would like to see why the costs within the BRS have shot up as much as has been quoted and the real reason for the treasurer to resign so quickly then it being made public both in the Cyprus Today and on Bayrak radio news. I feel that there is a hidden ‘agenda’ behind this resignation and therefore I feel I require an explanation. Having said all that, unlike DC, I haven't received an email with an explanation as to what has happened so until I do, as a fully paid up member, I cannot make a rational decision on what has happened and if the BRS what to go some way to quelling these thoughts, of not just mine but it seems many people, they HAVE to treat every member the same. And yes, they do have me email address and telephone nu |

Joined: 06/02/2009 Posts: 5934
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 07:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 62 in Discussion |
| Instead of focusing on the negative things you feel why not focus on the positive things the BRS do. Over the years they have bought lots of equipment for all the hospitals in the area as well as the blood bank. They also do regular blooddonor days which I believe involves a lot of work / organisation. The funeral committee they are there for anyone who needs them for their families. And that is only the type of thing that I get involved in I am sure someone else will enlighten us to their other roles in the community. I am not a member of the BRS and have my own reasons for that but still believe they do a good job at times. Chris |

Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 08:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 62 in Discussion |
| RE msg 39, scoobydoo: (...) Having said all that, unlike DC, I haven't received an email with an explanation (...) => Scoobydoo, I didn't receive the email from the BRS directly either. A friend sent it as I said above. But I think I know the reason. A couple of days ago I spoke to one of the Committee members and was told (and understood) that the communication with the BRS members via email was far from perfect yet. Although I, as an associated member, cannot hold an office I have offered to help with advise or even build a database - so in the future every member will receive messages from the BRS. |

Joined: 13/11/2008 Posts: 92
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 09:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 62 in Discussion |
| Hans I am Membership Secretary for BRS and yes I am still having difficulty contacting all members via e-mail will any members who are not receiving these e-mails contact me. As I said at the AGM I will keep the membership updated. |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 15:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 62 in Discussion |
| Whilst I agree whole heartedly that overall the BRS does do sterling work in many areas, blood bank, fund raising etc for which the Committee and we the members are rightly proud. But, there is still the matter of trust and truth to be established over the accounts and their handling. That's what the EGM will establsish. |

Joined: 18/04/2009 Posts: 475
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 18:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 62 in Discussion |
| Mr. Crusader. Once again I find myself agreeing with you. The BRS IS a democratic organisation since all committee members put themselves to the vote and all members have the opportunity at AGM's to comment and vote on policies and accounts. From the e-mail, it seems probable that Mr. Wenborn had misgivings regarding the achievement of targets and budget that he himself was involved in setting. This may be because his main experience was not in accounting. The BRS now has an accountant committee member who has the opportunity to take up the challenge. What is perhaps disturbing is that instead of sending his resignation to the Chairman as would be appropriate, he chose instead to do it publicly through the media. |

Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 18:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 62 in Discussion |
| RE msg 44, Geejay: (...) What is perhaps disturbing is that instead of sending his resignation to the Chairman as would be appropriate, he chose instead to do it publicly through the media. (...) => My personal opinion is that it is NOT PERHAPS DISTURBING etc. Gentlemen DON'T DO that. A very sad behaviour. And if you read Cyprus Today from April 24 ("BRS treasurer quits just days after election") you could think about the possibility of a mole in the BRS, informing the news paper in time for the Saturday edition. Hmm. |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 19:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 62 in Discussion |
| Msj 44 Geejay, So "The BRS now has an accountant committee member -" is this the same member who was previously a self declared IT specialist? Hardly someone else whose "main experience" was accounting? DC, you surely have to ask what would drive anyone of any social background, "gentlemen" included, to take such a course of action? Sometimes someone just has to stand by their principles when perhaps they feel that they have been so shabbily treated or misled that there is only one way to go. Let's all see what the true facts are shall we? Roll on an EGM. |

Joined: 26/02/2008 Posts: 280
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 22:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 62 in Discussion |
| Can I just clarify a couple of points Firstly, no one would disagree with the good works that have been achieved over the years, but the BRS have no connection with burials. That stirling and gruelling work is carried out with tremendous dedication and commitment by the Cemetary Committee headed by Harry Fellows a group who have my utmost admiration. Secondly can I say that yes, there are many stories circulating, but I do know that John Wenborne informed the Chairman by email over his resignation before he notified the press, the Chairman certainly DID NOT get his information from the press. Otherwise, as I stated previously, I agree that the BRS is a democratic organisation, but please remember that the committee are themselves just members, and when something as disturbing as this resignation occurs, surely it is obvious that the general membership will want to know the precise details behind the story so the committee may move forward with the confidence of the membership. |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 16:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 62 in Discussion |
| For members info': The Girne 'petition' which already has a number of signatures on it, is available for reading and signing at Molly's Place near Pia Bella Hotel. |

Joined: 18/04/2009 Posts: 475
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 17:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 62 in Discussion |
| Rickf64.... Mr Brown himself claims to be a qualified accountant. You don't throw away 6 years study just to become an IT specialist and that knowledge and experience is still there. I have no reason to doubt what he says. The BRS needs dependable members on the committee not those who resign within days of election. Apparently this was because he felt that the targets that he had set himself were unattainable. If you really want the "true facts" in this matter, they need to come direct from Mr. Wenborne. Otherwise an EGM will not by itself do anything to resolve this controversy. |

Joined: 18/04/2009 Posts: 475
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 18:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 62 in Discussion |
| cyprusishome.......You obviously don't understand "democracy". It's democratic because we can vote on committee members, attend AGM's, ask questions and make suggestions. This makes it more a more representative body than the present government in the UK. The committee acts for and on behalf of it's members who can and do endorse their activities. These activities also benefit all ex-pats. If you joined, read the reports and minutes, attended AGM's, voted and made positive suggestions then you just might understand how democratic and totally NOT dictatorial it actually is. If the above can't persuade you that it is "totally open and honest" then you still don't understand how this organisation is helping the Turkish Cypriot cause and the relationship between Britons and Turkish Cypriot Government. This is no "private", "cosy", "closed shop" "club". Any ex-pat can join and be part of the process. |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 18:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 62 in Discussion |
| Geejay, thank for clarifying the "facts", as you see them. Now, let's give true democracy a chance and see what the majority of the BRS members who have "read the reports and minutes, attended AGM's, voted and made positive suggestions" really want. |

Joined: 18/04/2009 Posts: 475
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 19:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 62 in Discussion |
| Rickf64...So your "facts" are different from mine are they ?. As Mr. Crusader might say...thats an oxymoron. True democracy was seen and witnessed at the AGM. Something which you seem to disregard and reject out of hand. Every member had the opportunity to be there. That's giving "true democracy a chance ". Why do you not contact Mr. Wenborn to get his side of this ? Only then can a balanced view of this controversy be taken. Without that, an EGM is unwarranted. |

Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 20:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 62 in Discussion |
| GeeJay; Please don't try to apply common sense on this subject. Total waste of time. There is a band of people with their own agenda seemingly based around Ozankoy, they got Messrs Day and Roberts on the committee but failed with their "main" choice. By the way; what has that committee ever done for us? Ignore them. |

Joined: 26/02/2008 Posts: 280
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 22:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 62 in Discussion |
| newscoop: Thanks for the back handed compliment regarding the "Ozankoy band". That was over a year ago and when we stood it was to try and force some changes because as you so rightly say "what has the committee ever done for us?" I stood without any such support this year to ensure the members would have the opportunity to exercise the democratic right that GeeJay rightly cherishes. The current movement however is not of my making and it is a reflection of the disquiet felt by many members in areas stretching from the Karpaz to Lapta, for once it is not Ozankoy based. The members have the right to know the answers and I agree that I also hope Mr Wenborne will give his side so we may all take a balanced view. |

Joined: 07/01/2009 Posts: 173
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 11:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 55 of 62 in Discussion |
| Msj 52: Geejay, I too was at the AGM and I thought I was witnessing democracy in action at that time and believed in the result. Hardly an out of hand rejection. However, I was not aware of the underlying, hidden agenda that was being played out by our committee. As subsequent events have revealed all was/is not well in that particular camp. I am sure that given the chance, Mr Wenborne would welcome the opportunity to set the record(s) straight, in public if needs be, and enlighten us all. Msj 53: newscoop, Msj 54: jimm127 says it all really when stating that the disquiet that I initially posted is reflected from Karpaz to Lapta. Hardly an isolated "band of people". No other agenda is needed. Just give the BRS membership the truth and transparency they deserve. |

Joined: 10/05/2008 Posts: 246
Message Posted: 03/05/2010 00:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 56 of 62 in Discussion |
| Following on from my column in the Cyprus Star on Friday which read: It was slightly disturbing to see the newly elected BRS Treasurer resigning less than a week, and certainly within 24 hours of the 2010 committee’s subsequent first meeting after being voted in at the recent AGM, collecting the most votes of any of the election candidates along the way, and I am aware of a groundswell of BRS members who are appalled at this resignation of a man who is clearly of principle and integrity and the clamour for an Extraordinary General Meeting is rising in order that the new found optimism of ‘openness and accountability’ as expressed at the AGM can be seen through. The bland statement issued by the ex Treasurer that “Financial targets that he had set were unattainable to meet” leaves more questions than it provides answers. It leaves an undercurrent of the perception that the committee having something to hide and, although I am certainly not accusing anyone of wrong doing, (cont'd) |

Joined: 10/05/2008 Posts: 246
Message Posted: 03/05/2010 00:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 57 of 62 in Discussion |
| (Cont') from a members point of view if a man of such fiscal competence and vast experience as a Company Director and Chartered Arbitrator of over 40 years standing, and one who is not given to rash decisions, is driven to commit to a knee jerk reaction in the space of 24 hours then clearly something is amiss. As a paid up member reassurance that fiscal prudence is being observed and has also been observed in the past rather than a wall of silence would be most welcome, over to you Mr Chairman… I have subsequently received a phone call from the BRS Chairman, Morton Coles, who gave the following message: "I was most upset to recieve John Wenborn's resignation. The whole Committee have expressed their endorsement of the policies which he presented to the AGM and there is no change in the continued implementation of that policy. We are thankful that David Brown, a qualified accountant, who was elected to the Committee at the AGM, has taken over the role of Treasurer forthwith." |

Joined: 14/02/2009 Posts: 1238
Message Posted: 03/05/2010 01:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 58 of 62 in Discussion |
| I have been a member since 2004. Thought Mike would be at the helm for everbut not so. Would not like to throw brickbats or point finger without knowing the full SP. I would never knock people for doing a job that I wouldn't even think of doing. Wait and see what the problem is before jumping on the whinge wagon. Tony |

Joined: 18/04/2009 Posts: 475
Message Posted: 05/05/2010 10:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 59 of 62 in Discussion |
| Brian, I too have had contact with Morton Coles who assured me that "The policies for the BRS for 2010 as put forward by John Wenborn at the AGM were approved and supported by the whole Committee. No pressure was put upon John and I was sorry that he took the action he did. Please be assured that there has been no change in policy." There has been no indication whatsoever that the committee have been anything but honest, transparent, and regretful in this matter. All we have is a conspiracy theory to which some have subscribed who think that there is an "underlying, hidden agenda that was being played out by our committee. As subsequent events have revealed all was/is not well in that particular camp." There is absolutely no evidence for this. Maybe the "hidden agenda" is actually RickF64's. I reiterate....If you really want the "true facts" in this matter, they need to come direct from Mr. Wenborne. Otherwise an EGM will not by itself do anything to resolve this controversy. |

Joined: 24/09/2008 Posts: 384
Message Posted: 05/05/2010 11:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 60 of 62 in Discussion |
| Thanks Gary |

Joined: 10/05/2008 Posts: 246
Message Posted: 05/05/2010 13:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 61 of 62 in Discussion |
| Geejay, I have indeed spoken to both Morton and John at length concerning this subject, but if they and other persons connected with the committee wish to remain "off the record" with their side of the conversations then I shall respect that view, and subsequently I stand by my views above which as a paid up member I am entitled to. I certainly do not think that there is a conspiricy theory at play and I am not accusing anyone of wrong doing. The EGM which has been granted, if everyone's views are heard, should prove interesting. Brian |

Joined: 14/02/2009 Posts: 1238
Message Posted: 05/05/2010 14:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 62 of 62 in Discussion |
| I certainly do not think that there is a conspiricy theory at play and I am not accusing anyone of wrong doing. The EGM which has been granted, if everyone's views are heard, should prove interesting. Brian If you are "not accusing anyone of wrongdoing" then why mention it. "if everyone's views are heard, should prove interesting" typical ambiguous doublespeak of a fourth rate journalist with delusions of grandeur. Why don't you get off he fence and have the guts to say that which you obviously allude to. "following on from my column in the Cyprus Star (circulation 42) Hardly John Pilger is it? To all members, this is the toady that is running OUR cricket match. Best of British luck. Tony ps will your mate, Hans, be there to watch us humiliated, at least one none Asian will enjoy the debacle then |
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