Any Info on rumoured dual carriageway from Alsancak to Guzelyurt ???North Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 09/11/2008 Posts: 200
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 20:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 26 in Discussion |
| Hi All It has been known for a long time that there is a proposed road widening scheme along the main road to go through Lapta and Karsyiaka ( maybe at other points too), however I am now hearing news of a dual carriage way instead The info I have heard so far is that where the golden lady is in Alsancak, a roundabout will be built and then dual carriage way all the way along to Guzelyurt, but not to include the Lapta strip. Does anyone know if this is true? Road widdening is very different from a dual carriageway and I am keen to know the facts if anyone can help. If a dual carriageway is confirmed, I for one am against this. Surely it would be preferable to reduce the speed of cars rather than increase and encourage. Would it not be a better idea ( and probably less costly to the authorities) to build proper raised pavements and cycle paths? I look forward to hearing any thoughts and views Kind regards Jo |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 21:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 26 in Discussion |
| I've heard rumours they are considering putting in bus (dolmus) lanes. Any truth in this? |

Joined: 09/11/2008 Posts: 200
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 22:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 26 in Discussion |
| Hi Jeannie I havent heard that one, but it would be good to know if that is the reason for the dual carriageway, bus lane, car lane - still would prefer pavements if that was an option! |

Joined: 05/11/2008 Posts: 421
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 23:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 26 in Discussion |
| I wrote about this about 10 days ago, think it absolute madness - SPEED KILLS - there is no need for dual carriage way from Alsancak through Karsiyaka I have never seen a traffic jam in 30 odd years on this stretch. They cannot do anything in Lapta where all the hotels are but after that, if they have enough money they are going to carry on through. Only 10 days ago 3 people were killed near the Hut on the main road. I did ask Fuat Namsoy about this and he was the one who said about money - he didn't seem in favour of it at all - comes down to the highways division. |

Joined: 09/11/2008 Posts: 200
Message Posted: 28/04/2010 23:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 26 in Discussion |
| Hi Rita I am sorry I missed your posting, but I too feel very strongly about this. So I guess this means it is true?? I am all in favour of starting a petition - would you be up for that? It just all seems like madness to me!! I know we are only guests in this wonderful country and I do respect that, however this makes no sense at all. Lets try to make it safe for everyone, rather than encouraging the 'speed drivers' to go even faster. How does everyone else feel -are you for or against encouraging fast driving? or would you rather another option if it can be negotiated?? Kind regards Jo |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 01:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 26 in Discussion |
| Hi Rita and Jo I apologise - my posting was a little "tongue in cheek". However, I did read Rita's post a little while ago and, must admit, thought it was absolute madness. Jo - I am with you completely on this; surely the last thing needed is a bloody dual carriageway - I must admit to having had a driving licence in UK for well over 40 years, I still do not drive in TRNC. Rita - look forward to seeing you soon and KentGirl - I am from Kent originally, so, all the very best. Jean xx |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 07:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 26 in Discussion |
| Jo, i would support your petititon. The dual carriage way between GAU and Ezic is so noisy! I hope they do put speed cameras in soon, and traffic lights that are in operation. It is difficult for us to get out of the road onto the carriage way and cross over down into Zetinlik in one piece!! Another accident waiting to happen. Helena |

Joined: 09/11/2008 Posts: 200
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 09:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 26 in Discussion |
| Thank you for your comments and support so far. I will go to the Belediye and see if I can find out exactly what the plans are and see if we can get a bit more concrete information and then we can go from there. Is there anyone else that is opposed to this suggested dual carriageway ?? |

Joined: 15/04/2008 Posts: 557
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 14:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 26 in Discussion |
| Given the disastrous standards of driving throughout this island, I am in favour of dual carriageways. At least on your side of the road there is some hope that all the vehicles are going in the same direction! Bring them on! |

Joined: 08/03/2010 Posts: 318
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 14:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 26 in Discussion |
| Is the by-pass now officially open? I know there was talk it was due to open this month but I havent seen anything definitive yet |

Joined: 18/04/2009 Posts: 475
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 16:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 26 in Discussion |
| I heard a long time ago regarding the proposal to make this road a dual carriageway. It may well happen in the future but budgetary considerations will delay full completion. Certain areas are however already being prepared, for example either side of the LA strip where pavements have also been built. Speed cameras are also being placed between the strip and Karsiyaka limiting speed in built up areas to 65 kph. Road improvements such as this and the new North Coast road to improve communications and trade links are an imperative if this country is to progress. The TRNC has been held back long enough by embargoes and external interference and needs a modern road system linking the main towns and providing necessary infrastructure for it's needs. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 530
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 16:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 26 in Discussion |
| A friend who bought land on the main road in Lapta in 2002 was told then that the road was to be extended to a dual carriageway, so not a new project. |

Joined: 05/05/2009 Posts: 162
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 18:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 26 in Discussion |
| Hi Joe, we would definitely support your petition. Life would be made very difficult trying to get access to and from the side road that we live on - makes me shudder to think about it. We would take our lives in our hands on every journey. |

Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 20:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 26 in Discussion |
| Kentgirl; Which Belediye are you going to with your petition? Alsancak, Lapta, Guzelyurt, Pathos? Don't hold your breath. |

Joined: 09/11/2008 Posts: 200
Message Posted: 29/04/2010 20:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 26 in Discussion |
| Hi Ray I havent even thought that far yet. I need to get all the facts before I start on a petition, so I think the Belediye is the best place to start, unless enyone else can make other suggestions? Any advice or assistance anyone can offer would be appreciated - I have never done anything like this before!! I am also unsure if, as a non Cypriot, anyone will assist in my inital enquiries, but I am going to give it a go. I look forward to hearing from anyone else with their thoughts and advice Regards Jo |

Joined: 11/06/2009 Posts: 45
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 09:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 26 in Discussion |
| I just heard it was road widening. I would support the petition if you could get if going. I was hoping they would build paths and cycle tracks. Make me cringe to see cyclists and how close cars can get. And of course the pedestrian dressed in black walking at the side of the road at night and you don't see him until its nearly too late!!! I think this would be a much safer option for the people who live and visit the TRNC. Just think you could walk to a shop or the pub (if in distance of course). Don't have many opinions to do with the board, however I feel this is important. |

Joined: 07/12/2008 Posts: 209
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 10:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 26 in Discussion |
| Well, if you don't want a dual carriageway, I suspect that the people of Karakum to Essentepe would be pleased to have one. I remember 6 years ago, driving into Girne and not seeing another car. Now, it is a job getting out without taking your life in your hands, and then it is a procession of vehicles all the way to town. Also, if the economy picks up and all those hundred of houses, out past Essentepe are sold, then the situation can only get worse as those residents join the melee. Many drivers travel at 100 kph on this single carriageway which is why there is such a high accident rate. Therefore a dual carriageway with plenty of roundabouts to enable people to join the main road and to slow the main road down, yes please. |

Joined: 03/06/2009 Posts: 157
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 11:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 26 in Discussion |
| I am against the dual carrigeway, I beleive it will only increase speed and casualties. I think the new bypass should be sufficient enough to reduce traffic in the congested areas, the rest of the coast road should remain 1 lane with path and cycle paths. If the dual carrigeway does go ahead unfortunately the new speed camera's which they have started to put in in Karsiyaka will have to be relocated again as they have not left enough room for the road widening. Looks like more wasted money and relevent departments not talking to each other. |

Joined: 05/11/2008 Posts: 421
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 18:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 26 in Discussion |
| I would certainly help with petition - if you wish to contact me my cep telephone number is 05338557743. I know that Fuat Namsoy would see us if you would like to make contact with me. Can you imagine trying to get out of one of the side roads, driving to where ever they will put the roundabouts to drive back again. Normally some sort of wiring is put across roads to see what volume of traffic passes each hour to give some idea of whether it would be worth spending that sort of money, I have not seen anything like that. |

Joined: 05/11/2008 Posts: 421
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 18:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 26 in Discussion |
| Also meant to say every morning I normally have a Turkish Coffee in the shop on the square and most of the TCs are against the road being widened. I try not to sit at the roadside end of the place because I am fearful cars will go out of control and speed they come along. |

Joined: 09/11/2008 Posts: 200
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 20:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 26 in Discussion |
| Hi Rita Thank you so much for your offer of help. I will definately give you a call. I do not know Fuat Namsoy so it would be great to meet with him and see if we can get a bit more information on exactly what is proposed. Does anyone else have any thoughts either for or against - this is something that affects a great number of residents so everyone should have their say. Also has anyone been approached and told by any 'officals' that they are loosing land due to the dual carriageway? I would be interested to know if that is the case and how you feel too? Kind regards Jo |

Joined: 27/08/2009 Posts: 38
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 20:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 26 in Discussion |
| A dual carriage way would surely make life very difficult for those that live along this stretch of the road as well as for all the various shops and businesses. The road through Karsiyaka is already too fast and even with the threat of speed camaras I have seen very reckless and irresponsible driving I can not believe a dual carriage way will improve matters. |

Joined: 21/05/2009 Posts: 755
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 22:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 26 in Discussion |
| For once there is actually some evidence of planning for the future along with progress, we must try & bare in mind that the TRNC is a very young and it needs to develop in many more ways than one, it is inevitable that roads will have to be developed & existing roads will need to be widened etc. Progress is essential for our young & growing republic, individuals that persist in trying to prevent development do not in my opinion have any vision whatsoever. |

Joined: 02/04/2009 Posts: 167
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 22:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 26 in Discussion |
| Viva la republique !!! |

Joined: 21/05/2009 Posts: 755
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 22:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 26 in Discussion |
| Glad to see some support for progress from lolosbos !! |

Joined: 09/11/2008 Posts: 200
Message Posted: 30/04/2010 22:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 26 in Discussion |
| Glad to see you are keeping the posting to the top, thank you |
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