North Cyprus Tourist Board - dog owners in Ozankoy beware!!!!
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dog owners in Ozankoy beware!!!!

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Joined: 04/07/2008
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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 17:10

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My wife and i are so sad and angry today,we have just lost a very young and loving dog due to the irresponsable behaviour of a certain few,on Tuesday of this week Sox fell ill in my neighbours garden,he was there maybe a minute before my neighbour alerted me,today i had to carry him from the vets in a sheet and bury the poor soul .We are devastated,PET LIFE in Ozankoy did their best but with POISON he and they had no chance,so pet owners be careful


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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 17:26

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I´m so sorry to read your post, just can´t imagine how you must be feeling, I have had to lose dogs but never to poison. My thoughts are with you and your family.



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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 19:06

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hi, where abouts in ozankoy was poison please?


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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 22:21

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Gamarez Caddesi


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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 22:38

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I think there is an alert about this on Karenia Animal Rescue site.



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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 22:58

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So sorry,to hear of your heartach,it really upsets me to see these posts of poisening of our loved ones.neverlthless I have lost mine for other reasons,and still greaving.It really upsets me reading/finding pets have endured dying this way,tears fill my eyes.hope the evil B-----ds will also die in agoney. government should act( I think they have something to do with it)



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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 23:00

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So sorry to hear about your dog live in alsancak but you never know where they might strike


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Message Posted:
04/07/2008 23:20

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I am so sorry for your loss. What on earth is the matter with these people. Do they not realise what close companionship a dog can give. Shame on them! They miss so much!



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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 00:40

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That is awful,people that do this sort of thing really are such low lifers my heart really does go out to you,



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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 00:52

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This is not the first time have heard of dog poisoning in N.Cyprus. Last time

I saw this was in Salamis but stray dog. Wasn't doing any harm & nice little dog.


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 00:54

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You actually saw the dog die that must have been awfull,



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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 01:46

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Thank you all for your kindness and support, what really hurts is that this dog was a stray, dumped by these people only to be poisoned by the same people. He was only a young dog, had a home with us and was loved, he did no wrong. I understand the different cultures of the world, and that's what makes the world such an interesting place but how can humans be so cruel. What can we do?

fire starter

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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 06:04

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our condolences from top dog hotel.

our friends two dogs were poisoned about 2 months ago. as cypriots they didn't go to the vets just fed both dogs lemon juice and milk, think it was to induce vomiting from what i made out. one lived and the other died. the one that lived is now half the dog he was before, totally changed him. we check our garden every morning just to be on the safe side, also we have cctv so if it does happen we will catch the culprit.


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 10:07

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No, didn't see it die, but when I asked where it was as I hadn't seen it around

was told it was dead by poisoning. A lovely Turkish artist lady was staying in

same building & she was caring for another dog with puppies. She was going

back though as her sons had finished at Uni. there. They also shot a lot of dogs on the Uni. campus which had been left by students who left their dogs

which they got as puppies. Others looked after them & they were not doing any

harm as far as I could see, but they all got shot one day.


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Message Posted:
05/07/2008 11:05

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So sorry for your loss maddog, It almost happened to us last year, I did post a warning and advise ALL DOG OWNERS PLEASE PLEASE KEEP Antropine IN YOUR FRIDGE if given within the first minuites it can save a dogs life, 1 vile injected inthe flesh on the back of the eck for small dogs 2 viles for larger dogs.

Antropine available at a chemist near you and just may sav your pet.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 11:30

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Maddog - we are so sorry for you. We too have a dog and know how precious they are to family.

girne 29

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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 13:17

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Who does the poisoning? Is it considered a legitimate answer to the problem of stray dogs, or is it just a minority of people with a dislike of dogs?

If it is a method of getting rid of strays then might it not be kinder to cull them once a year and bring out penalties for poisoning thereafter,rather than causing such an agonising death.

Also, different cultures have different atitudes to dogs,note the recent case where it was asked that snifferdogs not be used at airports as it offends certain religious sensibilities, having luggage touched by what is considered as being unclean,and I suppose that has to be taken into acount.

Is the poison bought over the counter as some sort of branded product like rat poison,and is it specifically for larger animals?.

Mans best friend! , pity we often dont repay that friendship.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 15:38

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Maddog.....My husband and I send our sincere condolences to you and your loose a pet through natural causes, old age etc is devastating enough but to know some wicked cruel person has made an innocent animal suffer in that manner is truly horrific.

We have an adorable 13 week old puppy that we adopted at 4 weeks old (mother gave birth in a locals garden and abandoned them) and I would be totally lost without him around.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 15:46

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Thank you for the advise re: Antropine.

Our 13 week old puppy completed all his injections at the vet yesterday and we plan to take him for a walk down to the sea front in Karsiyaka this evening (when it cools down).

He will always be kept on his lead at all times but first task of the week is to go to the chemist and get the Antropine....just in case.

Would not want to take the risk of losing a precious family pet.

Feel so much for all the people who have taken animals into their homes to have them taken away by such a needless and cruel breaks your heart.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 16:02

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Hi puppylover , just a thought really , it sounds awful , but because they are so inquisitive and trusting , smelling and tasting things when they are out walking ,would a muzzle be any good for the protection of your puppy ? i dont know , as i say it's just a thought , when these poisoning episodes are all too often , you can't be too careful

good luck


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Message Posted:
06/07/2008 23:19

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Hi Simbas...

Many thanks for your suggestion.

The thought had crossed my mind in regards to a muzzle....but I don't know if I would want to restrict "Biscuit" in that way.

He's such a friendly little chap and greets everyone once they have come through the garden gate ( brilliant guard dog...he gives a little growl to let us know when anyone is approaching).

Both my husband and I go walkies with him so we shall be on our guard at all times....too precious to let anything happen to him.

Thank you again for your thoughts.

Kind regards.


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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 08:09

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This reply is going to be controversail, but I have thougt long and hard about it, I love dogs too but I have expereince of it from the other side where english "dog lovers" takes 3/4 dogs into there house from strays, then they go out every second night, sometimes every night leaving the dogs from 8 at night sometimes till 2/3 in the morning and the dogs barks all the time driving people wild and when they complained they get a load of abuse from the owners and the polis dont seem to want to know, i know people has had to move away from places because of this side of it so mebbe there is somebody very very upset, not nice i know and probably not this dog owners dog was doing it


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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 08:26

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hi ishmail , i agree it's very irresponsible of dog owners to leave them that length of time , and just let them bark , and if the owners are abusive to neighbours when confronted , then they know they have done wrong . you know the saying ! attack is the best form of defence , i think we have it here , don't you ?

regards , simbas


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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 08:48

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To a point I understand what you are saying and at the end of the day it is down to irresponsible pet owners when their pets cause a nuisance to others...BUT it does not give ANYONE the right to take it upon themseves to poison an animal. It is downright cruel and it is about time time the authorities here take action to stop it.

We have a dog on our estate (owned by Brits) who is not enters our garden whenever it likes. We have had broken plants, broken solar lights and had to clean up its toilet.

We have to put up with it continually running around yapping when they use their pool without any attempts by the owners to control the noise...but would we take it upon ourselves to put poison down......NO! Do we blame the dog....NO!

It's the owners we blame who are too lazy to get off their backsides and take the dog for a walk or disipline it when it causes a nuisance to others and then wonder why the dog is destructive when it's left alone.

Some (not all) Brits are the first to moan about locals in regards to their animals but they should get their own house in order first.

There is no jusification to poison an animal though.


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Message Posted:
07/07/2008 09:04

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Well said Ishmail.

What makes so many people automatically believe it is always TC’s that lay poison?

The government has banned the sale of the poison, used to kill dogs, but like anywhere else it can be available.

To many ex-pats take on a dog and then let it roam free to mess in other peoples gardens or dig up their newly laid flower beds. If your dog howls at night or chases cars or people then do something about it. You want a dog then spend the money and secure your boundaries and in particular get them sterilised. To most people, who love animals, this comes quite naturally. It is the ones who do not that aid and abet this cruelty.

The government and the police are just as concerned about cruelty to animals and the police will willingly investigate and prosecute anyone perpetrating such a crime, as long as you have some evidence.


Happy to live in the safe area.

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